The Meeting

Last change to live


Young Bae's POV
I walked down the aisle with Ji Yong. We were searching for Zico. When the aisle ended up to wall we separeted. I went to the left and Ji went to the right. Soon I heard a gun shot from direction where Ji went. I ran there and saw Ji and Zico with a gun. Zico were practicing shooting to the mannequin.
''Oh, Zico you! You caused me a heart attact!'' I shouted while walking towards Zico ja Ji Yong. Ji started laughing. And so did Zico.
''Okey, s. Let's go!'' Ji Yong said after a while. Yong Guk have called to me about an hour ago.
''So, where are we going?'' Zico asked, when we walked out from safe house to the bar, where Zelo and Tae Il were drinking.
''Boys, boys, boys... Safe your heads for tonight!'' Ji said playfully to the drinkers.
''Yea, yea, yea... BOSS!'' Zelo and Tae Il said together while we left the bar to the cold and quite dark street.
''Follow me!'' I said to them and started to walk towards the downtown.
20 minutes later we stanted in front of a high building.
''This is it.'' I told.
''Where should we meet him?'' Zico asked.
''He didn't told.'' I replied.
''To the rooftop!'' Said Ji Yong.
''How the did he know?'' I whispered to Zico.
''He's not a useless boss.'' Zico whispered back while Ji Yong opened the door and searched for a lift. There wasn't any.
'', we must use the stairs.''
''20 floors?!?'' Zico shouted when we found the stairs.
''Shut up, Zico!'' I hissed.
''Let's go!'' Ji Yong said happily and started to climb the stairs.
After 15 floors even Ji was out of breath.
''We... We must continue... He doesn't wait... Wait for us forever...'' Ji said in snatches.
''This wasn't a good idea, dear Kwon Ji Yong!'' I said.
''This is the best idea of mine so far.'' Ji replied. I tried to laugh, but it ended up to something indeterminate.
''Only 3 floors so long.'' Zico tried to cheer us up.
When we were only for a door from rooftop, Ji commanded us to got our breath.
''And, please, let me talk. Okey?'' He said.
''Yeap.'' Me and Zico said. And then Ji Yong opened the door and I felt fresh air on my face.
Yong Guk's POV
I watched to the night sky. Beautiful night sky. Then I hearded a sound from my back and turned around. I saw Ji Yong, that and 2 men behind him.
''You couldn't even come alone.'' I said peaceful.
''If you have business with me, you have business with my team.''
''You are too owned by your team. That's why your woman ran away.''
''That was unnecessary. So, do you have something to say, or are you here only to try annoy me?''
''Yes, I have something to say. Have you heard about the Sky Eyes? 2 big diamonds?'' I asked from him.
''Yes, I have. What about them?'' I asked knowing that I they are safely in my safehouse.
''Black Dragon will have them in 2 days. And you know how important money is? Haha, your and yours team's game is played!'' I shouted laughing.
''That's too bad. Because I have them already. Your game is over. Go where you came from. Because Red Tiger will lead forever!'' Ji Yong said. I shocked. It can't be true.
''I don't believe you!'' I shouted.
''Do you need proofs?'' He asked with the smirk and turned around and left the rooftop with the men. Before he left, he said:
''Oh, remember the combat next week!''
Ji Yong's POV
We ran away from the building, because I know Yong Guk would harm himself knowing something shocking like that. And when we were down the street we saw people gathered. I tried to watch whats middle of them laying in the street and saw a familiar face. I went closer trought the crowd and bend close to the body of Yong Guk.
''It shouldn't end up like this.'' I speaked to the dead body and then left. And walked without saying a word to Young Bae or Zico. I didn't go tot he safehouse. I was going to the low bloc of flats and went to the 3rd floor. I found the door saying Lee and opened the door with my key.
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seraphim_leah17 #1
Chapter 6: Update soon authornim!
-xyZico- #2
Chapter 2: It's so interesting love it:)
i_am_yoshi #3
Chapter 5: Lol the leader of red tiger and black dragon is living under the same roof? update soon!
tamo_bang #4
Chapter 4: Hi I'm new & I love your fic its awesome hope to see more soon :)
mimi_qitchi #5
Chapter 3: Jiaaaaaaaaaa
Ji meet chae, and chae kiss a guy, i thinks thats séunghyun..
Please update soon....
that_asiandork #6
Love it already!!! Please update soon!!! <3
chaedony #7
OMG!! My top 3 fav boy groups & my bias in my fav girl group all in one story?!?! Wow so exciting :) And I'm happy you mixed the groups around... yiheeee!
Chapter 1: interesting! I wonder what happened with chae and where is she?

cant wait for the next update. hehe