::miserable at best::

I'll Just Stop Breathing.


miserable at best;


/ˈmiz(ə)rəbəl/ Adjective, (of a person) wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable

synonyms.wretched - abject.

The car ride was completely awkward and silent, the whole entire ride. Not a word was ever exchanged between the three friends, except for worried glances at Jiyoung.

After about twenty minutes of utter silence, Yongguk pulled up in front of Zelo's residence.

"We're here," he announced with his husky, deep voice before clearing his throat.

Zelo hurrily unbuckled his seat belt, and jumped out of the passenger seat and lunged himself towards the back seat, opened the door, and smiled at Jiyoung.

"I'll talk to you in a bit, okay?" he reassured.

Jiyoung nodded abruptly with innocent eyes, and he hugged her.

Awkwardly, Yongguk cleared his throat during the long embrace, signaling that time was ticking.

"Oh, right! Sorry, hyung..." the younger male awkwardly apologized before running with a quick wave.

And so, the car left towards Jiyoung's place.

"Was today okay?" he asked out of the blue.

"Relatively." was her quiet reply.

A silent chuckle was heard from the driver's seat as Yongguk shook his head a bit. Jiyoung always had the strangest replies in word form, no matter the mood or atmosphere.

"We're all hoping Himchan will notice soon. I know, I know, it's against your will for us to tell him. Of course, matters for him will be worst. But hopefully, he'll realize why we're all so weird recently. So keep your head up high, alright?" Yongguk's words were supporting as ever, as he was always her shoulder to cry on.

"I understand." she nodded.

Besides Zelo, Yongguk too was in love with her. It did bother them that Jiyoung was in love with none other than Kim Himchan, but they secretly had faith that she would get over him. No matter how long it would take.

It was about two years ago, when Jiyoung was only fourteen. Yongguk remembers it all quite well, as it is a great memory.

He remembers going to go pick up Zelo and Jongup from school, like a good friend. Of course, Jongup had the need to go home as quick as possible, but Zelo was taking forever. Ten minutes after Jongup's arrival, Zelo seemed to appear. With a girl. 

Although she wasn't to drool and/or die for, she was real cute in Yongguk's eyes. But, it felt so wrongHe was much older, there was a total . However, he enced up liking her. A lot.

"Hey hyung, can my friend get a ride home? She's kinda afraid of being harrassed on the way home... Her name is Jiyoung by the way!" the shy kid worded.The first noise Yongguk heard from Jiyoung was a slight giggle. A giggle that made his stomach churn a bit.

"I can introduce myself," she fearlessly stated. "Hello, I am Hwang Jiyoung, Zelo's classmate and new friend." Those words were with a smile. A bright smile.

Damn, that smile. Oh how Yongguk - everyone missed it. It's been so long since anyone has ever seen her smile, whether it be a sunny or rainy day, both, or neither. Apparently, there wasn't a reason to smile.

"Jiyoung..." Yongguk awkwardly said, "You... should smile more."

"What is there to smile about? I know I sound overdramatic, using cliche phrases. But, it's not just only that... but it's the fact that it adds onto everything." she bitterly laugh, shaking her head.

The bitter laugh. Yongguk had the desire to stop the car right there, run to the back seat, and... comfort? talk? hug? ...kiss her? Whenever Jiyoung bitterly laughed, he was just angry at himself. Although it was never his fault, he just wanted to apologize and make everything better.

Yongguk stopped the car slowly, a bit disappointed. It was Jiyoung's destination.

"You've arrived." he smiled.

"Oh, thank you. Very much," she softly spoke, a tad monotonous before grabbing her schoolbag and getting out.

"Hey! Call me if you need anything, okay?!" Yongguk called out as her back was turned, her fragile self attempting to carry on to her front door.

Naturally, she lightly nodded her head before arriving.

Yongguk stayed in his area, until he knew she safely entered the house. He feared that one day, she'd be too overwhelmed by heartbreak or so, and possibly pass out.

Why was she heartbroken though? What was this travesty where she cried after shakily saying 'Congratulations'? 

A two year love was broken, because he gained a girlfriend. Well, what a waste of confidence, hope, and joy!

She was a bit certain that he'd possibly like her back, after all his actions and the answers to her bombored questions.

"Does age matter...?" "Nah." "...wow, that looks so cool..!" "Here, I'll buy it for you." "Crud! ...oh! My knee hurts..." "Are you okay? I'll carry you." and so on. Two years, she was falsely lead on. What was she guided into? But why? Did God hate her so much?

The answer to her desperate questions were a price too big for her to pay. Always. But, when she attempts to grasp the answers she has longed for, they lead her down incorrect path. That incorrect path being tears.

Yeah, he got a girlfriend about three months ago? And ever since, she's been more miserable than usual.

And it hurt. It hurt so much. Unfortunately, she remembers that exact memory perfectly.

"Oh! Jiyoungie~! I have good news!" Himchan rang sweetly. 

Jiyoung smiled, a bit excited for what he had to say.

"What?! What is it?! Tell me...!!" she whined.

"Okay, okay, calm down." he laughed.


"Okay... well..." Himchan started, "Remember that girl I have been texting recently?"

Awkwardly, she shifted her feet, her mood completely dropping. There was no way in hell this was good news. Well, for her at least.

"Yeah..." she awkwardly sang. 

"Well, we're dating now!! Isn't that just great?!" he smiled widely. Completely fileld with joy and indeed excited. He was like on the edge of his seat.

"Oh..." her shaky voice managed to squeak. Her eyes hurt. Her stomach hurt. Her knees wobbled as she felt a tear stream down her cheek, quickly facing down as she realized this.

"I-I... have to go now," she heavily breathed, surprised how she mangaed to spit out the words.

"Congratulations," she cried, running home.

"No! No! Jiyoung, don't ever think of that!!" she screamed at herself, scared. About to breakdown, she quickly dialed Daehyun.



ERHMAHGERSH how the do i write angst

tell me how I can improve...? ILYYY<33.

( h a r l e q u i n. )

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Chapter 3: Seems interesting so far!! ^^