::the curse::

I'll Just Stop Breathing.


the curse;



noun. A solemn utterance to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something.

synonyms. imprecation - anathema

Daehyun paced back and forth outside of Jiyoung's assigned hospital room, awaiting on the results. Currently, he was the only one there for her as he just informed the group of friends a few minutes ago.

Loud steps at a fast pace ran down the hall, catching Daehyun's attention.

It was Zelo and Jongup.

"We're here," Zelo panted, face evident of tears.

"...is she okay?" Jongup hesitantely asked.

"They're not telling me anything, and I can't hear anything! I don't know if she's dead or alive and it's driving me to the core!" Daehyun whispered frustratedly.

"...bro, please calm down. I-It's okay... if it makes you feel any better, I personally feel like hurting whoever or whatever had driven her to this point..." Jongup comfortingly patted Daehyun's back as a few tears escaped from his eyes.

The two attempted to make each other feel better whereas the youngest one was stuck in his own little world.

Zelo and Jiyoung had known each other for at least two years and they created such a strong, happy bond since then. It was only until Himchan showed total interest in a girl that their friendship was more like a therapist and a patient. He knows a lot of things about her, however she does not know as much. They're not like best friends-best friends, but best friends-classmates. I know, the label is confusing. But instead of have seeing each other's most embarrassing moments, they laugh about the stupidest things at a book store. Yeah, there's not really a difference, but in Zelo's point of view there is. He wanted to be the type of friend where he is able to "flirt" with her without it seeming like he is. However, he is only able to make such fliratious marks to an extent where Jiyoung tries to bend his spine. But clearly, he was in love with his fearful to fragile girl. Zelo was so interested in her when they had their first class together two years ago, and he's lucky enough to stand where he is today.

But, what about tomorrow...? Will he still see her in class and carry her to Yongguk's car? Will he be able to be her partner next week for the collaboration-exam? Right now, was a drastic moment for Zelo. He didn't know how bad her condition was, but only knew that she had an overdose. Although, that information wasn't good enough. He wants to know what happened before the overdose, how she is doing right now, if she is alive then what is she feeling, how she looks like, and so on. These desires were practically eating him alive.

Zelo leaned on a wall and slid down slowly, paying no attention to further tears coming down.

Currently, Jongup and Daehyun silently prayed and hoped whereas Zelo sobbed into his knees.

"I'm never going to forgive you for this!!!!" a deep voice cried from across the hallway.

The silent criers turned their attention towards direction and saw an angry, angry Yongguk.

"What the hell?!?! You just left her alone in a room full of pills?! You know her ing situation, why do you feel like you have the damn audacity to leave her like that?!" he shouted, grabbing Daehyun by the collar.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down, man," Jongup reasoned, "H-he didn't know, it's not his fault, okay...?! D-Daehyun told me that before she took her life... Jiyoung witnessed Himchan with his girlfriend-"


"N-no... we don't know anything for sure..." Daehyun piped.

"Oh... uh, sorry then..." Yongguk awkwardly let go of Daehyun's collar and awkwardly scratched his neck.

"What's up with the young one?" Yongguk cocked his head towards the sobbing Zelo.

"Ah... H-he's just... yeah..." Daehyun stated.

In an instant, Youngjae arrived and the five of them paced back and forth, except for Zelo who stayed sitting and crying.

"Are we going to tell Himchan...?" Yongguk suddenly asked.

"...well, what if Jiyoung didn't die and suddenly sees him? Won't she be terrified or such?" Youngjae asked, always wanting the best for Jiyoung. They weren't very close, but he certainly did like her from afar.

"Yeah, I mean... I don't think she'd want that. Plus, she'd probably attempt suicide again... I-I don't want to risk it all..."Jongup ended up crying at his last few words, thinking of that possible outcome. He, too, liked Jiyoung and admired her from afar.

"You're right... but he has the right to know..." Daehyun whispered at the last part.

"Alright, I'm on it." Yongguk announced as he pulled out his phonel



Short chapter? Yeah, I felt like I had to write B.A.P's quick reactions to it and go into further explaination~ Tah-tah for now! <3

( h a r l e q u i n. )

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Chapter 3: Seems interesting so far!! ^^