
I'll Just Stop Breathing.


... untitled;

information unavaible 

Of course, Daehyun was speed dial three. Jiyoung impatiently waited for him to pick up, irritated at the third ring. 

"C-c'mon..." she squeaked out, about to scream.

"Hello?" his melodiac voice said.

Her eyes widened at the response and sighed in relief, glad that he wouldn't ignore her call.

"Oh, thank gosh... Anyways, p-please come over..." she quietely spoke.

"Eh?" Daehyun responded,

"H-help... me..." Jiyoung's bottom lip quickered as the words shook, bits stuck in .

"Oh! I'm leaving my apartment right now!!! Be there in ten!!" his voice rushed through the sentences, obviously multitasking.

Yeah, as ridiculous as it sounds... Daehyun is the third boy in love with her. He remembers when he went over to Zelo's place and unexpectedly saw Jiyoung. Although she may have been in her worst clothes and appearance, he still thought she was beautiful. Jiyoung may not be a top model or 'hot', but she certainly is pure. And that what caused him to pull her in. Not only that, but he wanted to be her close to her once they started talking. And eventually, feelings were developed.

Slowly, Jiyoung started crying. Eventually, she turned into a mess. Not only because of having too much time to think about the inevitable past, but because Himchan had suddenly texted her during the travesty.

'Hey! Wanna go get a bite with me and my girlfriend...? ^___^'  it read.


If Jiyoung was stable enough, at this very moment, she'd bitterly laugh. Sadly, that wasn't the case. She was already a mess from Himchan bragging about his girl last night and didn't need an invitation to being a clear third wheel. Even if she did go, all she'd do would be hiding in the bathroom in tears. And then asking Yongguk to pick her up or something along those lines.

She ran a hand through her hair pacing back and forth in her kitchen with a plate in her hand. Will she smash it? Will she carefully place it back?

"I HATE EVERYTHING!!" she shouted, voice tremendously echoing and bouncing off her thick walls before releasing the plate from her grasp, and dropping it on the floor with impact.

It was a bit funny how the plate breaking into tiny little pieces was kind of like her imaginary heart and emotions falling down when Himchan announces something about his 'perfect girlfriend'.

"Someone get the holy water, I think my friend is the devil," a familiar voice laughed.

With big eyes, Jiyoung took her eyes off the mess she created, and placed them on Daehyun.

"I"m here..." he weakly chuckled as he scratched his nape, "Tah... dah...?"



short chapter, sorry! ):< and silent readers, PLEASE DON'T STAY SILENT! ily and all... but I would really like some feedback...! thanks~<3

( h a r l e q u i n. )

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Chapter 3: Seems interesting so far!! ^^