::in which she is devoid::

I'll Just Stop Breathing.


in which she is devoid;


/diˈvoid/ Adjective, Entirely lacking or free 

from:. "a voice devoid of emotion". 

Synonyms.void - destitute.

Jiyoung stumbled into her classroom at a slow pace, almost falling. The continous foot steps caused a slight ruckus, a few students turning around. And one of those few students happened to be Choi Junhong. Or Zelo, his preferred nickkname.

His eyes widened a bit as he realized of the situation last night. Dark circles, puffy eyes, and an attempt to cover her face with a medical mask. Zelo's lip quivered as a reaction, unsure of what to mouth to the girl.

"Hwang Jiyoung!" the teacher, Mr. Kang, shouted. "You're late... again! Must there be a reason why?!"

Jiyoung flinched at the sudden voice, stiffening and looking down at the ground. "...n-not really..." her quiet voice attempted to speak, shaking. 

"And are you sick again?" he asked, giving her 'the look'.

Slowly, she innocently nodded and waited for his strict response. Today was probably the twenty third time she comes to school 'sick' and so, she expected Mr. Kang to shout at her "Be a healthy student!! Having a low immune systems means you aren't trying!" or something along those lines.

"Very well, just take your seat and we will discuss today's lesson." he sympathetically instructed, causing the fragile girl to scurry to her seat.

As the teacher wrote on the board, Jiyoung shuffled in her seat as she got organized for the day. While she placed her notebook on her desk, a crumpled note flew onto her desk. Of course, it was from none other than Zelo.

She looked at him cautiously, to only receive a warm, reassuring smile. 'Open it,' his expression read. And finally feeling safe, Jiyoung slowly unwrapped the 'sophisticated' folding.

'Hey, what happened this time? Does Yongguk know?' it read. Jiyoung 's eyes examined the class to make sure nobody had their eyes on her. Once the coast was clear, she scribbled back.

'Aha, handsomeface once again decided to be oblivious and kinda hurt me all over again. Funny, right? And yes, Yongguk knows. I kinda called him...' she wrote, crumpling up the frustrated-looking piece and tossing it right over.

What was only a few hours ended up feeling like a week. Well, for Jiyoung that is. Once the dismissal bell rung, she dragged herself on to pack up. And as she did so, she seemed pretty light. She seemed like a feather flowing in the middle of a room, but only because her body was so weak. 

Jiyoung fell over onto her desk, but could not take notice and did not bother to get up. It was pointless to carry on. 

However, Zelo noticed.

His eyes kind of widened, before he rushed to toss her on his back and pack up her stuff. 

The two left school together, receiving weird looks from their peers. It seems that they weren't used to it yet.

Used to what? Used to seeing a lifeless Jiyoung being carried by Zelo home. But what made people question the two is that Zelo seemed to be in a rush. However, it's a bit pecuiliar how everyone found this still surprising and strange. It wasn't everyday, but quite often when Zelo had to pick Jiyoung back up when she has fallen.

Zelo turned to look at the tired Jiyoung loosely hanging onto him, and kind of died on the inside. She was looking straight ahead, but it seemed that nothing ahead was to her interest. He looked deeply into her eyes and noticed how dead she looked. She could be mistaken for a lifeless corpse if it weren't for her breathing he could feel, as well as her heart beat.

Before he could think of any comforting words to say, they exited the school's front gate. But for some reason today, Zelo had an adrenaline rush. He picked up the pace for no reason and ran with his heart pounding against his chest. One or two tears shamefully streamed down his face during this process, because he wanted her to have a gleam in her eye. He wanted her to be positive and pester him to do some afterschool activity with him. He hoped and wished for her to find someone else and be happy with him... even if it wasn't himself.

The duo arrived in front of an anxious Yongguk who tried to hide his emotions by loosely leaning on his car.

"Get in," were the only two words he said. And Zelo obeyed.

Carefully, he placed Jiyoug in the back seat and did her seat belt for her. While doing so... he noticed something. A tear. A tear streamed down her cheek. Was she perhaps thinking about him again? Who is he kidding? She's always thinking about him! No matter how many times she tried, the tasks she did. She could never seem to forget Him...chan. 

Jiyoung was shamefully and unfortunately in love with Himchan, despite the age difference. She had been happily in love for two years and wished the butterflies and heartpounds wouldn't end. But to her dismay, it all ended. It all ended with a simple 'Congratulations' and her world crashing and breaking at her feet.




( h a r l e q u i n. )

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Chapter 3: Seems interesting so far!! ^^