
The Genius Park Yoochun

Afternoon TV was favorable; at least that was what Yoochun thought. He wouldn’t want to miss any slight of watching drama or afternoon anime and cartoons.

But he sacrificed those delightful watches for a less interesting, yet important one. At least that was what Yoochun thought.

Yunho gave him a very strange look. “What the hell are you doing, skulking around like a damn—”

“elite FBI, hyung?” Yoochun offered.

Indeed, he was crouching behind a small table just next to the leader’s bedroom which he shared with Changmin and Jaejoong (mostly with the last one), holding binoculars, and setting a flower vase just next to his face, perfecting his disguise.

The leader knitted his brows and sighed. “Yoochun, stop it. If you really planning on to spy me and my ways to get the best score over yours in Tekken, this is yet the stupidest way you have ever tried I almost feel sorry for you.”

“Hush. You are disturbing my observation to my specimens.”

“Speci what?”


Yoochun raised his binoculars and directing the tubes towards a couple who were sitting on a couch just in front of their dorm’s TV just a few feet from where he was. There was their youngest member, having a feast on a big pack of consommé flavored potato chips. The mentioned was sitting on one of the couch’s ends. His long legs were hooked on their ankles, eyes blankly focused on the TV.

On the couch’s other side, there was their second youngest member. He had his mouth stuffed by a bright yellow lemon Popsicle; the cold treat turned his lips red and numb. His eyes were blank also, fixed on the TV.

Yunho kept on looking at Yoochun weirdly, which was merely ignored. The latter bit his lip in concentration, binoculars fixed on his face. After a few moments, he lowered the spying device and sighed a little.

“Finding something, Bond?”

“They are watching Boys Over Flowers.”


“I know that I am.” Yoochun got up from his hiding spot, wincing at the numbness on his knees and calves. He took out a small notepad from his sweatpants’ pocket which had a pen hooked on it and scribbled his observation’s result on it.

The leader decided that the activity his band’s member was doing didn’t worth watching. Well he had thought of it since the first he spotted the other…

“I’m going out for groceries, you guys want something peculiar?”

“Strawberry milk, hyung.”

“Instant ramen with fishcakes.”

The leader hummed. Changmin and instant ramen, they were nearly inseparable, just like Junsu and his strawberry milk. Whenever they ran out of their culinary soulmates, they would go berserk.

Feeling like his experiment should be ended right now, Yoochun went into his room, thinking about next materials he needed on this case.

After a few moments, Changmin reached for Junsu’s hand lying on the couch’s cushion. Placing his hand on top of the other’s, he asked, “Still feeling someone is watching?”

“No.” Junsu scooted closer to the younger and placed his head on Changmin’s shoulder. Almost immediately, Changmin circled his arms around the smaller man’s shoulders.

“Yoochun hyung is getting weird lately,” Changmin said, putting a chip into his mouth. “Be careful.”




A/N: So what do you think? I hope the humor is in a good amount here .__.

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oconxs #1
lagi ah tariyan...bikin lagi yaa...yaaa yaaa???
Chapter 6: cute like always... love the scene where Changmin took the glass and drink, Junsu fought with Yunho only for his beloved lover right??

but, Tari... I don't understand the last line, kepala aku lgi keleyengan pas baca ini, jaket yang ada tulisan the maknae tuh di pake ma yoochun??
Chapter 6: looool ^^
what a cute couple! *squeal
so yunjae isn't that clueless afterall, huh? and yoochun, you are so dead xD
thx for the update, keep on writing please author-shii ^^
Chapter 5: It's so good,so good!Please update authornimmie~
Chapter 5: aduuuuh lutuna dua orang ini, bisa berantem kayak gitu cuma gara2 toast, terus romantisan lagi sambil makan mie.

utk yunho, changmin rela jadi pembunuh agar supaya ramennya ga diambil, tp demi baby su, dia maau sharing. padahal junsu tau bener min pasti mampu ngabisin mie itu.

co cuiiiiiit changmin-ah!!!!
Chapter 5: minsu cute n romantic
Chapter 4: wkwkwkw, he culprit is chun. semuanya demi kegiatan observasinya, wkwkwkw
good job chun.
Chapter 2: aahhhh.. ternyata junsu changmin pinter juga, wkwkw, kupikir merej]ka ga nyadar klo diamati sm chun.
chun, km ga bakat jadi detective kayaknya
Chapter 1: oh my.... dari judul aja ud menarik , the genius pyc >///<
wakakaak, perutku sakit... staring contest junsu changmin, wkwkkw, aq ngebayangin Changmin’s mismatched eyes vs junsu's glare . n the conclusion: "The staring contest was a bit awkward, since the two men couldn’t even glare properly" membuatku ketawa jungkir balik.