Chapter Six

HA, Sisterly Love?!

These are the moments when I love Kibum. He knows all my favorite foods, movies, books and games. Then, there are the moments when I hate him! Like when he makes fun of me! Or plays pranks on me! Then, then, he’s just… Gahhh! I can’t explain! He’s just Kibum!

As I walked around the mall with Jinki and Kibum, a lot of girls were looking at them. It’s just weird to think of them as more than friends, because… well, I knew them for a long time, and they treat me as one of the guys. But then, Kibum… he’s been nice to me. Like, more than usual. Then he acts weird when it’s just us. I hope he doesn’t like me! …..Nah! He wouldn’t like me! He likes girls who are like Mi Young... but nice.

“Hey Kibum…” I poked him with my spoon.

“Should I dress more girly to get JongHyun to notice me?”
“Duh!! How else would he notice you!? No guy would want a girl that dresses like a guy!”
“…..Thanks, man.” I stuffed the rest of the crepe in my mouth.
“Well, it’s true!! No one would want a girl that looks like a guy! Not only that, you’re a weirdo who’s lazy and always eating! Then, you can be a little smarty-pants and sarcastic and you’re gullible!"
Jinki rolled his eyes and walked into the apple store.
“Well... You know why you've only had one girlfriend, Kibum?!” I pointed at him. “It’s because you’re a diva!! A picky person and blunt and mean! You’ll make your girlfriend cry with your bluntness! And, and, and you’ll scare her away with how girly you can be!!!”
He glared at me, then grabbed me and put me into a tight headlock.
“Yah! Take it back!!”
“Take it back!”
Kibum pulled me into a tighter headlock and gave me a noogie.
“Oww! Kibum!!” I whined, but Kibum just ignored me and continued to give me a noogie. Jinki walked out of the Apple Store and smacked Kibum across the head.
“Oww!! Jinki!” he whined.
“Geeze. Stop it! You guys are embarrassing me. And just leave Chae-Kyung alone!”

Kibum glared at me as I gave him a big ol’ cheesy smile.
“Hehe! Jinki likes me more than you~!!” I poked my tongue out at Kibum. He glared at me, then raised his hand. I ran behind Jinki and used him as a shield.
“Can you guys stop it, please?” he sighed as he hid his face.
Both Kibum and I looked at each other, then at Jinki and mumbled, “Sorry.”
“It’s fine. Now let’s get some sushi!”
“You need to go on a diet, Chae-Kyung.” Kibum looked at me.
“What?! No, I don’t!!”
“Yes, you do! You’re squishy!!” He poked me in my stomach. “Never going to get a boyfriend, squishy!”
“Don’t touch me!” I slapped his hand away. "I’m not fat or squishy!”
“Yes, you are!!! You ate crepes, then some bubble tea, then some of those cupcakes and watch, at the sushi restaurant, you’re going to eat a llllot!!”

I glared at Kibum and punched him in the stomach. “You’re such a jerk!” I mumbled as I turned away and walked into the sushi restaurant.
“Chae-Kyung? Don’t worry about Kibum. You know how he can be.” Jinki patted my shoulder.
“Yeah, I know.” I looked at Jinki. Maybe I should stop eating a lot… I do eat a lot when I’m bored… and I’m bored all the time…

I saw Kibum come over, I looked away and started to talk to Jinji.
“Yah! Chae-Kyung!! Why did you just walk away from me!?”
“So, Jinki, let’s get these sushis!” I pointed to a page. “Just the first 3~”
“Okay. Kibum, what do you want?” he asked.
“Waitress... waitress lady!!!” I cut Kibum off. "We’re ready!”
“No! I need to order!!” Kibum pulled my arm down.
“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes.
“She’s mad at you!!” Jinki shook his head. "Because you called her fat, and said that she’ll never get a boyfriend.”
“But she does eat a lot! It doesn’t help that she’s not doing any sports!”
“I’m hungry. Can you hurry up and pick what sushi you want!?” I glared at him.
After we finally placed our order, I looked at my phone and noticed that I’ve gotten a text from Evil.
“Eh? Mi Young texted me…” I mumbled.
“What did she say?” Jinki and Kibum blinked.
“It says, 'Look out the window'?” I looked out the window of the restaurant.
There, I saw Mi Young and JongHyun standing there. Mi Young looked at me then smirked. She tugged on Jonghyun’s shirt and pointed at us.

“What is she planning…?” I glared at her as she walked in.
“Chae-Kyung!! Look at what JongHyun and I got!” She gave me an evil smile.
“What did you get?” I rolled my eyes as she looked though her shopping bags.
“Couple charms!”
What?!! My eyes widened. I looked at what she was holding and it was indeed, couple charms. They were cats, dressed up in traditional clothing.
“So, you guys are official now?” Jinki asked. Both of them nodded.
“Mhm! It was after you guys left!”

“That’s great…” I managed to say. “Well, our food is on its way. So, yeah.” I saw Mi Young smirk but then turned into her famous fake smile. “Oh, okay. I just wanted to tell my twinnie the good news~!”
“Bye!” I snapped at her.
“Bye~” They both left.
“….Do you want some mochi ice cream? To make you feel better?” Kibum poked me.
“I don’t know.” I mumbled.
“It will be my treat. A lllooott of mango and strawberry mochi!"
“Didn’t you just say that I’m getting fat!?”
“Well, this is an exception!”
“I guess…” I mumbled.
“So, what else do you want?” Kibum handed me the menu. I just pointed to the ones I wanted and picked some of Jinki and Kibum’s favorites.
“Don’t worry, Chae-Kyung!! There are plenty of fish in the sea!!” Jinki nodded.
“Plus, JongHyun isn’t good enough for you.” Kibum mumbled. “He flirts with a lot of girls.”
“You flirt with a lot of girls, Kibum.” I pointed out. He just stared at me, then looked down at his food.

Well, he does. He was just flirting with the waitress! And before that, the girl in the music store! He can be such a flirt!!
“He’s still not good enough for you.”
“Whatever you say.” I rolled my eyes.
“Don’t you agree, Jinki?” Both Kibum and I looked at him. He looked up and shrugged. “Eh. I think Chae-Kyung knows who would be good for her or not.”
“Aww, thank you Jinki!!”
“You’re –OW! Kibum, stop kicking me!” he whined childishly as he glared at him.
“Uh. Okay.” I blinked.
“Stop kicking me!!!”
“I don’t think JongHyun would ever be a good boyfriend for you. He’s not your type!” Kibum sighed.
“Then, what is my type?” I looked at him, waiting for an answer.
“Someone who’s smart, funny, romantic, uh… someone that can handle you when you act like a baby when your asthma and allergies act up, and then someone who can cook… uh, what else? Someone that doesn’t mind that you eat a lot and knows every single thing about you.”
“Oh… okay. I guess.” I mumbled. It kinda sounds like he’s talking about himself.
As we started to leave, I looked into the clothing stores for any possible girly things I could wear. Hmmm… maybe I can wear skirts? But I don’t like my legs. I let out a long sigh and shook my head.
“Something wrong?” Jinki looked at me.
“Nope. Just sleepy.”
“Hm... okay.”
“Wait, no! I need your help! To show the evil side of Mi Young to JongHyun!!!” I exclaimed.
“Hmm… Mi Young doesn’t like Yuki right?” Jinki pointed out. I nodded.
“Well, JongHyun is a dog lover. If he sees how mean she is to Yuki, maybe that would show him how she really is.”
“Ohh! You’re so smart, Jinki!!” I patted him on the back.

Once I got home, I saw JongHyun and Mi Young’s shoes there.
Great, Mi Young is going to show off even more… I shook my head as I walked into the living room.
“Bad dog! You chewed on all my flats!” Mi Young screeched.
“Come on, Mi Young. You’re dog is still a puppy!” JongHyun laughed sheepishly.
“Still BAD DOG!!! BAD DOG!!!” She kept scolding Yuki.
“Aww come here, Yuki! I got you a new chew toy.” I pulled out a rubber bone. Yuki ran towards me and started to jump for the bone in my hands.
“No! SIT!” I waved the bone in the air. Yuki automatically sat down and I gave him the bone. He ran with the bone in his mouth and sat on the couch. I noticed that Mi Young was holding a chewed up flat. “Aww… What happened?” I asked in a fake voice.
“The stupid dog chewed up all my flats and heels!” She stomped.
“Aww, I’m sorry… AND DON’T CALL YUKI STUPID!” I took my seat next Yuki. “He’s still teething!! Don’t get mad at him!”
“Whatever.” She rolled her eyes. “I’ll be back, JongHyun.” As soon as she left, I grabbed the bone and looked at JongHyun.
“Hey, dinosaur!”
“Yesh, rabbit?”
“Heads up!!” I threw the bone at him, hoping that he won’t catch it. But he did catch it! That lucky mofo! I wish I was good at sports. It doesn’t help that I have asthma…
The dinosaur laughed as Yuki tried to get the bone from him.
Wahh! His laugh is so cute! I smiled as I watched the dinosaur and Yuki play.

“Yah! Dinosaur!! Don’t eat Yuki!!” I poked my tongue out at him.
“Like I’ll eat him. He’s a cutie.” He petted him as Yuki sat in his lap.
“Aww, he likes you! “ I moved next to him to pet Yuki.
“Mhmm! Well, he had to start liking me sooner or later. Since I’ll be here more.” Oh, right… I forgot, they’re officially going out. So, I have to see them everyday. Great…
“Eww, I don’t wanna see you and your ugly dinosaur self in my house!” I turned to him. And I found him staring at me… Why is he staring at me?! I-I don’t like this… I noticed his hand was reaching for my head. I shut my eyes, waiting for a smack or something, but nothing came.
“You had a feather in your hair.”
“Uhh, thanks.”



Sorry for not updating in soo long! ><

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nice story. i just love story that have evil twins. tee hee. plz update
I like your story ^^ Update! ..soon? :)
YoBuddy #3
I liked the update ^^ please update soon!~
YoBuddy #4
update soon^^ i love your story=]
i like your storyy^^♥
@Superfishy: Thank you for reading it. I hope you like the rest of these updates coming up =3
Superfishy #7
Aw! It seems so cute, seems like key likes her;-) update!