Chapter Two

HA, Sisterly Love?!

I took at seat at the nearest bench in the school and moaned in pain. I slipped of my shoes and rotated my foot around. “Ow…” I moaned. I hate myself for being clumsy….
“Chae-Kyung?” I heard his smooth voice call out for me. I quickly placed my shoe back on and blinked innocently when he came in.

“Hi there!” I grinned stupidly at him. He just raised an eyebrow at me, then looked at my foot.
“Is your foot okay?”
“Yup!!” I lied. I tried to walk, but I ended up having a pain shoot up my foot. I winced as I smiled at JongHyun. “See! I-I'm—“
“Let me see your foot.” He said as he sat down on the bench. I just stared at him and shook my head.
“Ewwww! You’re one of those guys with those f-f-foot es!!” I stuttered stupidly as I pointed at him. Damnit, I just had to stutter! Making me look even more stupid in front of him.
“What?! No, I’m not!!!” he exclaimed as he pulled me down to sit next to him. “ Just let me see your foot!”
“….Fine…” I sighed and slipped off my shoe. Eww… my foot did look swollen, more swollen than when I fell on it last week… oops. He reached out to touch it but I quickly slapped his hand away. “Don’t touch it!” I hissed.
“See, you’re not fine…. I bet it still hurts from when you fell down the bleachers last week!” Damnit, he remembered that too!? I pouted as I tried to move my foot around.
“We should get the nurse to look at it.” He suggested.
“No, it’s fine.” I nodded as I placed my shoe on. But right when I did, he picked me up bridal style. “Yahh!” I blushed. “Put me down!!”
“Nope! Not until you say you’ll go to the nurse’s office!” he smirked as he looked at me. “Plus, it’s kinda fun carrying you around." I quickly turned my head to hide my red face. Blah! Stupid JongHyun! Making me blush and such!

“Chae-Kyung?! Are you okay?” I heard Kibum’s voice. Both JongHyun and I looked over to the door and saw Kibum and Jinki with worried expressions.
“Ah! Don’t worry!! I’m fine!” I tried to jump down from JongHyun’s arms.
“She sprained her foot. So, it’s swollen.” JongHyun said, not letting me down.
“I’m fineee!!!” I tried to get out of his arms but then Kibum held out his arms and Jonghyun easily passed me to Kibum as if I were books or a bag… or something. I looked over to Kibum and glared at him. “You better not drop me!!” he smirked, then loosened his grip on me. I panicked and quickly tightened my hold on him but really I was trying to choke him.
“Thanks for helping her JongHyun!” Jinki smiled as he tried to cover up the fight that was going to happen between me and Kibum.
“Man, you’re heavy! You need to lose some weight!” Kibum complained as we walked towards the nurse’s office.
“Yah! I’m not that fat!! Plus! You’re the one that's always giving me food and stuff!”
“You can refuse if you want to but nooo, you eat it anyways!”
“What do you mean I can refuse!? You get mad at me when I do!!”
Jinki shook his head as we argued. Jinki is my bestest friend, while Kibum is just best… hehehe. That's because I knew Jinki since we were babies. Our parents would always set us up on play dates. They went play date crazy once they found out that they were going to live next door to us. They always made us have sleep overs and do little cute couple costumes for Halloween. I remember dressing up as a prince and princess and Mickey and Minnie. And no, I don’t see Jinki as more than a friend. He’s more like a brother that I wish I got rather than Mi Young. He makes sure I do my homework and eat the “right” amount of chicken. Then he’s always there to help me when I get into really bad fights with Mi Young. He lets me stay over his house. Like there was one time, when Mi Young knew I had a crush on Oh WonBin, but he said he likes girls with really really long hair. I used to have long hair and she freaking chopped my hair all uneven like and short when I was asleep. And let’s just say that morning wasn’t pretty. So now, I have a boyish hair cut. It’s much easier to maintain than long hair. Jinki can be very annoying too, always playing pranks on me. I’m his favorite victim because I’m gullible.

Kibum? I have no idea how we became best friends. I just remember getting in trouble for hitting him because he kept pulling my hair in the 2nd grade. So, yeah…. I don’t really know how we became friends. He kept picking on me! He would play pranks on me with Jinki! Hm... maybe that’s how? Even thought we’re 18, Kibum still likes to pick on me! Like calling me fat, four eyes, shorty and nerdy and and blahh! Why am I friends with this kid?! He can be such a diva it annoys the heck outta me!

“Did you hurt your foot again, Chae-Kyung? It looks even more swollen.” The nurse sighed as she eyed my foot. “You need to be more careful! When you get home, you need to wrap your foot up.”
“Okay…..” I mumbled as I tried to move my foot around. Once the nurse left, Kibum smacked me on my head. “See!! That’s what you get for being careless!!”
I just glared at him and looked over to Jinki. He was having fun making glove balloons. I just laughed at him and shook my head.
“So, Here’s a note to your gym teacher saying that you can’t do any physical activity for today.” The nurse handed me the note.
“Thank you.” I smiled.
“You two make sure she doesn’t get hurt anymore!” She snatched the balloon gloves from Jinki.
“We will.” They said in unison as they walked me out.
“Yayy! No gym for me~” I grinned happily as I took my seat. I really hate gym! I at all sports and not only that. I have asthma so I have an even harder time when I try to play sports or run! Mi Young makes fun of me because of that! Then she likes to show off how she’s better than me at sports. Okay, is cheerleading really a sport?!
“So, what did the nurse say?” JongHyun asked, poking me in the back. I turned around and blinked. “She said that it's swollen. I need to soak my foot in ice and I need to walk on it and I shouldn’t do physical activities like running or sports.” I said in one breath.
“See, I told you.” He poked my forehead. I childishly pouted and blew my bangs out of my eyes.

“Hey, why don’t I give you a ride home? Since I’m taking Mi Young?” he suggested. I looked at him and scratched my head. I don’t know… I don’t wanna be with the same car as Mi Young. I might end up killing her then…JongHyun. Gah! No… I don’t want to be with Mi Young with her being all sweet and caring... ha!
“No, it’s fine. I’ll just go home with Kibum and Jinki.” I nodded.
“Hm… okay.” He looked at me as I turned back towards the board.
“So, why did you reject the ride?” Jinki whispered to me. “Is it because you might end up killing Mi Young?”
“You know me too well~” I laughed. “Plus, if he’s there… he'll be a witness to the murder and that’s not a good thing…”

At gym, I stared blankly at everyone playing basketball. I noticed that Mi Young was having a hard time. Hhehe fail~! I hope she gets hit in the head with the ball! And MY WISHES CAME TRUEE! Right in the face!! I laughed evilly as I watched her hold her head in pain, but then I stopped when JongHyun walked over to help her. Man! Why JongHyun! WHYY! SHE’S EVILLLLL!!! I started to flail my arms around. I quickly stopped when JongHyun looked over at me. He just raised an eyebrow and escorted the evil to the nurse’s office. I bet she planned this to get JongHyun after she heard that he helped me to go to the nurse’s office. She always has to one-up me! Like when I broke my arm and everyone signed it, then next thing I know she got everyone signing her arm! SHE DIDN’T EVEN HAVE A CAST!!

“It’s not fair, all the guys always end up falling for her!” I pouted as I walked around the pharmacy store with Jinki as Kibum bought me ace bandages.
“Maybe you can get JongHyun to like you?” he suggested.
“Eh, everytime they compare me and Mi Young. They ask why I’m not as pretty as her. Or why do I look more geeky. I doubt Kim JongHyun would ever fall for me now.” I sighed.
“Don’t worry Chae-Kyung. There will be a guy that knows your twin sister is evil and they’ll fall for you instead of her.” He beamed at me. I just smiled back at him but then I felt Kibum pull my hair.
“OW! What?” I growled at him.
“You should be sitting down. Your foot is swollen.” He scolded me as he handed me the ace bandages. I looked at them and looked at Kibum. I always hated putting these on. I would either put it on too tight or loose. I’ll just ask Kibum.
“I’ll wrap it for you.” He cut me off as he poked me forehead. I quickly hit him in the arm and tried to run away from him but then I ran into someone. I looked up at the person and noticed it was that guy! With the deer-like eyes and prettier skin than Mi Young!
“Oh hi, tall person!!” I grinned at him.
“Hi, Chae-Kyung. I really wish you stop calling me tall person!” he laughed as he ruffled my hair.
“But you are tall, MinHo! You’re almost the same height as YunHo and ChangMin oppa!!” I nodded childishly. MinHo just laughed at me. “Where’s Jinki? We need to do some extra practicing for our game tonight.” I pointed to him. He was reading the comics but when he noticed MinHo, Jinki quickly ran away from him. “Oops.” I blinked as I watch MinHo chase after him.

Choi Minho, also known as the super tall person! He’s very nice and sweet. I’m not surprised than he has fangirls too. Minho is the captain of the basketball team, soccer team….and other sports… He is just VERY competitive!! He’s the reason why we have so many trophies and such. Which is a good thing, but his teammates ,like Jinki, suffer a lot!! He always makes them work super hard at practices. I remember when Jinki’s body was super sore. I had to fill his bathtub with ice. Minho finally caught Jinki and dragged him out of the store.

“We’re going to save him, right? He needs to eat something before the game.” I heard Jinki crying. Kibum just nodded and then pushed me out the door. “After we soak your foot.” I rolled my eyes and nodded. “Fineee.”
When we reached my house, I saw JongHyun get in his car. Oh yeahh!! He’s part of the basketball team too… I'll wish him luck.
“Going to practice?” I asked.
“Yup. Wish me luck!” he laughed.
“Good luck!!! Watch Jinki for meeee! Kibum and I will be there later… after I soak my foot.” I smiled at him. He just smiled and nodded. “Haha, alright.”
“Don’t make yourself too tired before the game! We can’t lose!” I punched my fist in the air. He just laughed at me again.
“Okay. Make sure you don’t hurt your foot anymore… even though you do look adorable with the helpless expression.” He smirked as he drove off.
“A-a-dorable?” I blushed.
“You do know he’s just teasing with you?” Kibum just rolled his eyes. “You’re just a nerd. Not adorable or cute.” He grabbed my arm and dragged me into my house.
Thanks, Kibum…. Making my self-esteem even lower!


I put in a request for a poster, hopefully someone makes me a poster soon >w<

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nice story. i just love story that have evil twins. tee hee. plz update
I like your story ^^ Update! ..soon? :)
YoBuddy #3
I liked the update ^^ please update soon!~
YoBuddy #4
update soon^^ i love your story=]
i like your storyy^^♥
@Superfishy: Thank you for reading it. I hope you like the rest of these updates coming up =3
Superfishy #7
Aw! It seems so cute, seems like key likes her;-) update!