Chapter Five

HA, Sisterly Love?!

"Jinki?! When did you get here?! And why is the fire out?!” I stared at him.
“Isn’t it obvious? He put out the fire with the fire extinguisher. That you’re supposed to have!!” JongHyun rolled his eyes.
“Shut up!!” I glared at him.
“Well, you’re supposed to have one!!!”
“Well, we never had a fire before!!! So, we never thought that we would need one!”
“Ow! I think I burnt myself!!” Mi Young whined. We all looked over to her. She was holding her hand in pain. JongHyun walked over to her and looked at her hand. “Oh, it isn’t that bad.”

“Yeah… I’ll just make everyone’s breakfast.” I took the eggs and bacon out of the fridge.
“Oh! Oh!! Chae-Kyung!! Can you make chocolate chip pancakes?!” Jinki grinned at me. I nodded at him.
“Oh~! Awesome!! Imma call Kibum!!!” he pulled out his phone and started texting him.
I sighed as I started to mix the pancake mix. I looked over to Mi Young and JongHyun, then rolled my eyes. “Always has to be the center of attention.” I mumbled as I put the bacon on the frying pan.

After a few minutes, I felt someone smack me on the back of my head. “YAH! Why isn’t your foot wrapped up?” I heard a nagging voice.

“ I had to take a shower! Can’t exactly do that with my foot wrapped up!”
“Then let me cook!”
“NO!! I wanna cook!!” I pushed him to the living room and went back to cooking.
Once I flipped the last pancake, Jinki was already at the table, waiting for the food.
“What….? I’m hungry!” He patted his belly. I laughed at him and shook my head. “I set up the table for you!! “
“Thank you!!”
“Oh yayy!! The food is ready!!” Kibum smiled as he took his seat next to Jinki. JongHyun and Mi Young sat down next to each other, which left me a seat in front of Mi Young. As everyone started to eat, I kept looking over to JongHyun. I hope he likes my cooking, I thought as I drowned my pancakes in syrup.
“Hey, Jonghyun. Don't you think that the bacon is too crispy and the pancakes weren’t cooked all the way?” Mi Young asked loudly. I kicked her under the table.
“Hmm? No. I think it's fine.” JongHyun smiled. “It’s really good for someone that doesn’t own a fire extinguisher.”
“Can we just drop the fire extinguisher subject?!” I glared at him. He just laughed and continued eating. Blah! You’re so lucky you’re cute!! I stabbed my pancake. I looked over to Mi Young and she was glaring at me. I suddenly felt a pain on my weak foot. Mi Young had kicked me. I bit my lip to prevent myself from yelping in pain. I looked up at her again and saw that she has a smirk plastered on her face.
Evill!! I kicked her back.
“Are you okay?” Kibum looked over at me. I gave him a nod and a thumbs up.
“Hmm… okay. I guess.” He went back to eating.

After everyone was done, I gave Mi Young an evil grin. “Hey, Mi Young unniiieeeeeee! Since I cooked, you should wash the dishes.”
She gave me the you-do-it look. “Comeee onnn!! Pleaseeeee!!” I said in a super sweet voice. “Unnniiieee! Pleaseeeeeeeeee!!! Unnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee” I started to flail my arms around and stomp around. “Comme onnn!! I cooked you foooooood! COMMMMEEE ONNNNNNN!”
“ALRIGHTT! JUST SHUT UPPP!” Mi Young growled at me.
Hehe. I grinned as I ran upstairs to change. Once I was done, I jumped down the steps with the ace bandage in my hand. I ran over to Kibum with a cheesy smile.
“What?” he looked at me with an annoyed expression.
“Pleassee?” I showed him the ace bandage with the puppy dog eyes.
“Ugh. Fine!” he rolled his eyes as we sat down.

“So, how long are you going to be wearing that?” JongHyun asked, watching Kibum wrap my foot.
“Hmm… I don’t know. I hope not too long!” I nodded, then started to move my foot around. It’s still felt weird when he wrapped my foot. I sighed and looked though my bangs for split ends.
“Yah. Are you sure you’re wrapping her leg right?” JongHyun asked.
“Yes, I’m sure!” Kibum snapped.
“Then why is she moving?”
“ I don’t know! She’s weird!!”
“Let me try.”
“Whatever!” Kibum rolled his eyes and sat on the couch next to me. I blankly stared at JongHyun as he started to wrap my foot. I covered my cheeks, feeling them heat up.
“You’re not wrapping it tight enough!”
“What are you talking about, Kibum!? It’s fine!”
“No, it isn’t!”
“Yes, it is!”
“No, it isn’t!!”

If this was an anime, I would have all these sweatdrops on my head. Auguring about the bandage being wrapped tight enough….crazy boys. Jinki quietly sat in front of me and started to wrap my foot.
“Thank you, Jinkiii!” I said loudly. Both JongHyun and Kibum stopped auguring. They looked at my foot, then Jinki. “HUH?”
“Ehh? When did you learn to do that?!” Kibum exclaimed.
“Well, I am a clumsy person. I need to know these things. Duh!”
“Then.. Yah! Chae-Kyung! Why do you make me wrap your foot, if Jinki knows how?!”
“…..Just to annoy you~” I gave him a cheesy smile, then Jinki and I high-fived each other.
“Whatever.” Key rolled his eyes.

I looked at JongHyun, and he was flirting with Mi Young again. Stupid Jonghyun. I frowned. At least I had his attention for a little while.
“Hmm…. Let’s go to the mall!” Jinki grabbed my hand and dragged me outside.
“Wait!! I need my bag!!” I pulled myself out of his grip and ran to my room. After I grabbed my bag, I passed by Mi Young’s room and grinned evilly. I grabbed all of Mi Young's make up and hid it in my room. I also gave our dog, Yuki, Mi Young’s favorite heels and flats for him to chew on.
Hehhe….no pretty shoes for you! I hope Yuki ruins them all. I skipped into the living room.

“Chae-Kyung…what did you do?” Kibum asked, noticing my evil smile.
“Hmm..nothing…” I smiled at him.
“Okay, JongHyun. I’ll be back. I just need to get my purse.” Mi Young smiled at him. Right when Mi Young went upstairs, I pushed Kibum and Jinki out the door.
“Chae-Kyung. What did you do?” They stared me down.
“Fine! I hid all her makeup and gave Yuki some of her flats and heels aaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnd! I took all her bags and left her a bright neon green one!”
The both of them just shook their heads and got into the car.

As we walked around the mall, I looked around and noticed a lot of couples. Most of the girls…were like, girly…
Maybe that’s how I can get JongHyun to notice me. Dress all girly. I blinked as I looked down at my clothes.
“What’s wrong?” Jinki asked.
“Hmm? Nothing. Well... do I dress too boyish?”
“Yesh.” He nodded.
“Oh…” I frowned as I looked down again.
“But...that’s what so awesome about you! You don’t care about the latest fashion. All you do is just dress how you feel. Very comfy."
“But what if I want a boyfriend?”
“Your future boyfriend shouldn’t care about the way you look or dress. He should like you for your personality. You never know, your future boyfriend might be somewhere.”
“Yah! You lazy bum! Here are your crepes.” Kibum said, handing them to me.
“Thank you~!!” I grinned at him.

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nice story. i just love story that have evil twins. tee hee. plz update
I like your story ^^ Update! ..soon? :)
YoBuddy #3
I liked the update ^^ please update soon!~
YoBuddy #4
update soon^^ i love your story=]
i like your storyy^^♥
@Superfishy: Thank you for reading it. I hope you like the rest of these updates coming up =3
Superfishy #7
Aw! It seems so cute, seems like key likes her;-) update!