
The Word Bucket [Taking Requests]

If there was one thing Kim Himchan hated most in the world (and mind you, he hated this thing more than obnoxious acne, running out of facial cream, and finding out that Junhong and Jongup were dating behind his back), it would be going to the dentist. He absolutely hated it.

He hated the smell of denture cream lingering in the office, he hated those sharp metal thingamabobs that dentists shoved into your mouth while they forced you to say ‘ah!’, he even hated the gigantic reclining chair that the dentist’s assistant made him sit in before the actual woman or man tumbled along in their white lab coat, big toothy grins in place because they were ready to extract teeth at exactly 8:30 in the morning.

So when he found out he had a cavity, it took an army of Youngjae, Daehyun, Junhong, and Jongup to shove him through the glass door of the office of Youngjae’s dentist friend (because let’s face it, guys, when it comes to health and well-being, Youngjae always knows someone). By then, Himchan was fuming because one, he felt extremely betrayed by his so-called ‘friends’ and two, the office looked like a horror story just waiting to happen. Despite his want to throw a childish tantrum, the short secretary (who looked a lot like Mrs. Weasely, but with chinky eyes and gray hair) was quick to drag him into the room and seat him in the same reclining chair he despised oh so much.

“The doctor will come to see you shortly, Mr. Kim.”

He didn’t give so much as a nod.

There he waited and waited and waited until he heard the sound of a door swinging open (and of course Himchan had to look up because the quicker he ends the greetings with the dentist, the quicker he gets to go home) only to reveal a man with dark red hair, panting like he ran some damn marathon. His tie was loosened, his buttoned shirt was untucked on one side, his flaming hair shone in the light of the-okay, in short, he was ing y. And Himchan really couldn’t deny that.

The redhead stared at him from the doorway, eyes scanning him top to bottom while his was still holding onto the silver door knob. Himchan did the same, lips curving up into a smirk because that man was fine and Himchan really wouldn’t mind getting to know him.

The dentist stepped forward with an extremely charming, gummy smile, stretching his hand out to meet Himchan’s.

“Bang Yongguk.”

“Kim Himchan.”

“If I had known that a y guy was my patient, then I wouldn’t have left my office.”

Himchan laughed, nodding slightly with a smile, totally forgetting his hatred for dentists as soon as this adonis-like man stepped into the room.

“Well, Dr. Bang, if I had known that my dentist was some fine model...” Himchan paused, “let’s just say that I would be enjoying my dental visits so much more.”

“So how about some coffee after this, Mr. Kim?”

“Don’t mind if I do.”


Herroo. LOL. Good morning. I will greet you with failed BangHim fluff. OTL lies. I don't even know what the hell this is. LET ME LUVS U.

Word Vomit Count: 514
Genre: Since when do I ever know?
Pairing: Banghim

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Chapter 12: Oh god, my daejae feels...
"But you hate caramel cookies..."
"Precisely" xD

Lol - awww :D
ah. it ran out of chappys. D: #hit with reality# why does all good things end D:

^^ Keep posting authornim!
Chapter 11: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww </3 "Who are you and what have you done to my boyfriend?" LOL LOved that line kekeke~~ :D
Chapter 10: OMG HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA #chokes# How can you BUWAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA haaa~ man that was good xD #still laughing#
Chapter 9: XD "Come here you bastard"
"With pleasure"

#rollsoutlikeaquid# Jeesh Daejae feels overflow...
Chapter 8: OMG I want to change my lunch with someone too <3 Suddenly sounds so fluffy <3 -_- gah; why am I forever alone again?
Chapter 7: LOL SO freaking adorable ASDFGHJKL I loved it when their foreheads bumped "Ow" awwwwwww <3 Kids are lovely </3
Chapter 6: -_- no youngje; that is not how you interpret it. "That bastard of a friend is in love with me" is how you do it.
Oohgodmydaejefeelsarebaaaaack <3
Chapter 5: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW JONGUP MY HERO <3 Thank you for saving Junhong Daww ASDFGHJKL LOVED IT </3
Chapter 4: DANG THATS WHAT IM TALKIG ABOUT hahhahahhahaha xD Its like 'Damn your y' and 'don't mind if I do' just hit my head with saucepans hahahhaha LOL im a ert; cant help it xD
Chapter 3: :P Yeah everyone gets off their 'period' or 'episode' of thinking love is stupid. I know I did.. :P
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 'you kinda, sorta in a way have feelings for me too' was soo cute :D