
The Word Bucket [Taking Requests]


"So unnaturally...distorted."


The images in the cracked mirror were beginning to worsen. Who was this stranger standing before me? Sallow cheeks, cracked lips, dull eyes? Their white clothing hung loosely of their pasty shoulder, showcasing their defined collar bones. Blurry and fuzzy. Just like how all strangers were. My eyes shifted frantically from the icy hands clutching onto the edges of the bathroom sink; to the foggy mirror, then back again. The hands...I wouldn't even call them my hands anymore. They were bony and a deathly pale. So unnaturally...distorted. I clamped my eyes shut, trying to remember the 'something' that led me to how I was right now. Or perhaps, it was a person. Impossible. Or was it?

There was nothingness. My mind was blank. As if every single detail that reassured me I actually existed, flew out the window and disappeared. Everything I believed in, every emotion I've ever felt, they were gone. Erased from the memories of those living. I've fallen into the pit of never-ending nothingess. Never coming back to see what little light remained in the world. Never to be seen again.

I laughed, the broken sound of something once so familiar, escaped my cracked lips. Everything just became unbearably hilarious. The cracked mirror, the distortion of my reflection, the dulling pain of my stomach. Simply hilarious. My grip on the sink loosened as I clutched my already aching abdomen, dropping to the ground in fits of laughter.  

The laughter grew louder and louder and louder til even I couldn't bear it anymore. Without knowing, water had formed in the corners of my eyes and instead of mad laughter that escaped my system, loud sobs and wails had replaced them. Big, fat tears rolled down my cheeks in a never-ending fashion. The chill of the cold, linoleum floor seeped into my paper thin, white skin. Or was it skin? Maybe it was plastic? A blanket, maybe? But then again, it hurt. The searing hot pain which danced across the expanse of my skin like wild fire contrasted greatly from the frigid ground beneath my body .

Then it stopped. My mouth closed and my breathing slowed, every breath a silent puff of air. I curled up on the floor, trying to protect whatever broken pieces was left of my self. My eyes drew to a close, refusing to open, succesfully trapping me in pitch blackness that I didn't have the strength to escape from. An eerie silence enveloped my being, bringing me farther and farther away from the existence I used to call my own.

And here I was once again, plunged into a world of undeniable emptiness.

They said I was mad. Me. Yoo Youngjae. The ones in the white coats, always trying to shove pink tablets down my throat. Always pricking me with metal needles. Always accusing me of things I've never done. They said I was delusional. Crazy. Murderous. Distorted.

They were wrong. I'm not the one who's distorted. It's the rest of the world.

And the thing is, no one can save them. They're all going to die.


More word vomit. Oh joy. Who's dying from the crap quality? Well, this is something I wrote a little before. IDK. Are you guys still alive? Did you make it through the first sentence? 'Cause if you did, here's a cookie. LET ME LUVS U.

Word Vomit Count: 446
Genre: IDK. What is this tomfoolery? xD
Pairing: None
Credits: morbidsouls


Me Outtie~

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Requests, anyone? I'm taking them ^_^ Just comment or message me!


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Chapter 12: Oh god, my daejae feels...
"But you hate caramel cookies..."
"Precisely" xD

Lol - awww :D
ah. it ran out of chappys. D: #hit with reality# why does all good things end D:

^^ Keep posting authornim!
Chapter 11: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww </3 "Who are you and what have you done to my boyfriend?" LOL LOved that line kekeke~~ :D
Chapter 10: OMG HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA #chokes# How can you BUWAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA haaa~ man that was good xD #still laughing#
Chapter 9: XD "Come here you bastard"
"With pleasure"

#rollsoutlikeaquid# Jeesh Daejae feels overflow...
Chapter 8: OMG I want to change my lunch with someone too <3 Suddenly sounds so fluffy <3 -_- gah; why am I forever alone again?
Chapter 7: LOL SO freaking adorable ASDFGHJKL I loved it when their foreheads bumped "Ow" awwwwwww <3 Kids are lovely </3
Chapter 6: -_- no youngje; that is not how you interpret it. "That bastard of a friend is in love with me" is how you do it.
Oohgodmydaejefeelsarebaaaaack <3
Chapter 5: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW JONGUP MY HERO <3 Thank you for saving Junhong Daww ASDFGHJKL LOVED IT </3
Chapter 4: DANG THATS WHAT IM TALKIG ABOUT hahhahahhahaha xD Its like 'Damn your y' and 'don't mind if I do' just hit my head with saucepans hahahhaha LOL im a ert; cant help it xD
Chapter 3: :P Yeah everyone gets off their 'period' or 'episode' of thinking love is stupid. I know I did.. :P
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 'you kinda, sorta in a way have feelings for me too' was soo cute :D