Choosing the Right One

Love is Like a Flower

Luhan wasn't sure why he agreed to go on a blind date. He wasn't sick of being single, in fact he liked being free and not tied down, unlike his friends. He just didn't believe in wasting time on love; he didn't believe in giving up yourself whole heartedly for someone else; he didn't find loving someone with every fiber of your being desirable. The thought was scary to him, but sometimes he wonders what it'd feel like to sacrifice yourself for someone you love, and what it felt like to love someone that much. Why is love that powerful? But most of all, Luhan was a realist who believed that love, no matter how strong, does not last forever and he'd would rather not bother with it. So why was he sitting here, wating for someone who probably wasn't going to come back? 


Luhan was lost in his thoughts until he heard the scraping of the chair and felt someone's prescence. He was stunned by the beautiful face seated before him who was not Victoria. He recognized her as the girl standing in front of the cafe entrance earlier. Confusion etched onto his face as he opened his mouth to ask her why she was in his date's seat, but before he could voice his curiosity she introduced herself. 
" Um, hi, I'm Seohyun...I'll be your date for tonight?" She feebly spoke up. How does one go about telling another that his date didn't like him and wanted to go out with someone else? Seohyun wondered how Victoria was doing. 
"Oh. I'm Luhan." he faintly smiled and looked over her shoulder to see Victoria at a table with another man. "They certainly look like they're enjoying themselves." He pointed out. Seohyun turned around to see Victoria laughing heartily to something Kyuhyun said. At least she's have a good time now, she thought.
"Yeah.." A thick and awkward silence ensued. The atmosphere became stuffy and Seohyun suddenly wished she hadn't traded partners. Listening to Kyuhyun talk, she decided, was much better than listening to nothing. It was as if they were both afraid to take a breath.
Luhan wasn't much of a talker, but since he was the man here he decided to take initiative. "Would you like to order something?" Crap. Why did I say that? he thought. I sound like I work here.
"No thank you." She softly declined and suddenly became very interested in the designs carved onto the cafe's wooden tables.
Neither of them made eye contact with each other or spoke another word. 
Grunt. Shift. Sigh.
Seohyun felt like was going to explode any minute now, and Luhan was begging for the awkwardness to go away. 
Finally she snapped. The silence suffocated her and she needed to say something. She was done swallowing her thoughts for the night. "Okay this is so depressing. I'm having a terrible day. Things aren't going the way I planned. Why am I so socially awkward, huh?? I don't want end up like a lonely cat lady!!" She sobbed. "Dating is so stupid. Love is stupid. EVERYTHING IS STUPID." She yelled into Luhan's face. She went silent after realizing what she had done. She had let all her thoughts run free and now Luhan was probably judging her. So much for good first impressions. She mentally kicked herself for not being able to contain her frustration.
Luhan was stunned once again by the young woman in front of him. Slowly as he processed her little rant his face contorted into amusement and then he bursted out into fits of laughter. 
Seohyun was baffled at his reaction, "What the..why are you laughing at me??? How can you laugh at such a depressing situation. It's not funny!" She whined. 
"Sorry, it's just your nostrils were really big." Seohyun covered her nostrils defensively. "There is nothing wrong with my nostrils. Quit staring!" 
Luhan calmed down and gave her a friendly smile. "I was just kidding, Seohyun." He didn't use fomalities! She mentally accused.
Seohyun looked away and have him the silent treatment.
"Aww c'mon don't be like this~," Luhan whined, "it's going to get awkward again." Seohyun didn't budge. "How about I do aegyo for you? I don't just do it for anyone you know." He offered.
"No one wants to see your stupid aegyo." She scoffed.
"Are you sure? There's nothing like it in the world. You have no idea what you're missing out on~" a knowing smile was plastered on his face. Seohyun simply raised an eyebrow at him. He took it as a sign to show her his aegyo.
Luhan mustered the cutest voice he could manage, "1..2..3..buing~ buing~" 
"Hahahahaha! What the heck was that!" She giggled while poorly trying to contain her laughter. He had a soft voice and a cute baby face, but the aegyo came out so awkwardly.
"You didn't like it?" He pouted. 
"To be honest you . I thought you said you were good!" 
"Hey I never said that. I said there was nothing like it." he countered.
"Well thank you."
"For what? My aegyo according to you." He sulked.
She grinned at his childishness , "For making my day." She felt infinitely better thanks to him. 
"No problem. We all have those awful days. You just gotta find something good about it. And you're right, love is stupid."
Seohyun has always wanted a friend who she could share her deepest thoughts with. Sure she was close to her unnies, but that didn't mean she could tell them about her philosophy in life, her stance on the latest political issues, her curiosities about the most trivial and pointless questions that man has yet to answer. She didn't have anyone to carry deep, intelligent conversations with. Everyone she knew would be bored to death by her inquiries. Thats why she loved books so much. They were thought provoking, captivating, a symbol of intelligence that she prided in.
"Do you ever feel trapped? Forced relentlessly to conform to society's ideals? Even in this age?" She looked at him. Luhan simply nodded. "Like marriage. Why do we feel like we have to get married at one point? Why is it so odd that some people don't want to get married or fall in love?"
"You don't want to get married?"  he asked.
"It's not that I don't want's just I don't want to feel like I have to. I don't want to feel like I have to do anything." She confessed. 
And for the third time Luhan was left speechless by Seohyun. It was exactly how he felt. Up until then, he didn't have an ideal type, but now smart, thoughtful girls are definitely a must.
His lack of response caused her to apologize, "I'm sorry. Don't mind me, I'm just rambling." 
"No, its okay," he assured, hoping she didn't take his silence the wrong way, "and yeah," he agreed. "I feel the same there's no way out of society's clutches. On one hand you do want to get married, but on the other hand if you do you will have submitted to what society has established and you don't want that. It's like we'll never win against them." He laughed bitterly. 
"What are we...hipsters?" Seohyun joked. 
"Nah too overrated." He laughed. Luhan didn't have any friends he could connect to on a deeper level either. He mainly hung around jocks in high school and college and they weren't the smartest bunch in the school. All they cared about was sports, and at one point that was all he cared about until a few life changing events occured.
Rather than discussing their favorite movies, food, or hobbies they spent the night sharing thoughts, ideas, and quotes they liked or lived by even. They felt like they knew the world better just by talking to each other.
Originally Seohyun confided in Luhan thinking that she would never meet this stranger again, but  now she didn't want him to disappear. He understood her and she understood him. It's like they were made for each other. Perhaps this is what they call fate and maybe...Luhan was the one.
A/N: I'm determined to update every day depsite the loads of homework I get, but knowing me, I probably won't keep up with this schedule. Thank you guys for reading/subscribing/commenting. I get really excited when I get notifications haha, maybe too excited? It's honestly the highlight of my day after long hours at school, sadly. So please drop your thoughts down below? ;3;
I was too lazy to make my own gifs, so I grabbed them from tumblr, cr:wooyoung.
Oh, and if anyone knows of some shops with nice posters or is willing to make me one please send me a message ^^
thank you~
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So much for updating every day. >< there'll be a chapter tomorrow, promise.


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icekyuream #1
Chapter 3: i found this intersting when i read the plot(?) and yes, this is good story :D so seohyun is luhan's girlfriend now? And i wonder if they will meet kyutoria in next date in the future haha
nanjang #2
Chapter 3: Awwwww I wish they can be like in the story for real!
I mean they were very comfortable around each other, and I love that!
Chapter 3: they just too comfortable with each other to feels something butterfly in the stomach. but then again its wrong. its also the one that hit their heart. they play with skinship but its skinship play their heart. hahaha they love it.
Eycha_sk11 #4
Chapter 3: Awwww my seohan ! Why sooo sweeeeet ?!!! XD so they're official now ?
Chapter 3: Sweet and to the point! Love your style of writing and seohan of course
Eycha_sk11 #6
Chapter 2: Ahahah seohan is funny and cute ! XD just wait till when both of you want to get married and desire for each other ! Lol ! Update soon ! Hwaiting ! :D
Chapter 2: i thought.. how they will broke the awkwardness? gosh.. then seohyun rambling and shouting in one go. this is it. she's doomed! game over! so much for good impression. but unexpecetdly luhan was laughing at her. haha nostril! embarrassing!
luhan doesn't go well with aegyeo. he just have naturally baby face but he's so manly. hahaha seohyun must be enjoying luhan's fail aegyeo.
good, they have same idea. they will get along well. nice start for a new relationship.
i love your story! keep it up!
Chapter 2: Omg I love your fanfic ^_____^ it's so cute and its using my fav quote by seohyun..I hope you're able to continually update it :D
BLueberrykiss #9
Chapter 2: LOLLL!!!! Soooo cute!!!! Hahah!!! seohyun just exploded >_<
I love this!! PLZ update soon~
nanjang #10
Chapter 2: These two are very funny!
Nostrils and aegyo hahaha