The Planted Seed Sprouts

Love is Like a Flower

What draws the border between friends and lovers? How do you know when the line is close to being crossed? When is it okay to step over the boundary? What do you do when you trespass onto forbidden territory…?


For the past few weeks Luhan and Seohyun have been meeting up often. They went out not as lovers, but rather as friends. It was as if they’ve known each other since they were in diapers. Seohyun noticed the many habits Luhan had. For example, like how he would always purse or bite his lower lip whenever he was bored; and how he would either unconsciously hum to his favorite songs or form pouty lips whenever he was preoccupied with something; and how he would stretch his jaw ridiculously wide—to the point where he could literally catch a million flies—when laughing; and how he would always try be the “man” of the situation because he hated it when his manliness was undermined. She even noticed the habits Luhan didn’t realize he had! Sometimes, more often than not, Luhan would unintentionally choose his flavor of bubble tea according to the color of his shirt. He never realized this until Seohyun pointed out how his light-green shirt matched his honey dew bubble tea and how his purple shirt had matched his taro bubble tea the previous day. She was always known to have a keen eye, but she was exceptionally perceptive of Luhan and he, likewise, observed her closely as well. He noticed how she always talked with her hands and always exhaled through her nose when she was peeved. He also noticed how she always covered her laughter up, hiding that beautiful smile of hers. He desperately wanted to break that habit.

“What do you call a deer with no eyes?” Luhan prompted.

“Another lame joke? Really, Luhan, really?” Seohyun complained as she rested her chin on the palm of her hand and stared at him with an uninterested gaze. They were currently at an ice cream near Luhan’s apartment complex. He was craving ice cream and decided to invite, more like drag, an unwilling Seohyun with him. He tricked her by telling her there was sweet potato ice cream when in fact there was not and even though she knew it did not exist, she went along with it anyway.

“Wrong! It’s no eye deer, hahahahaha!!” Luhan doubled over in his seat. “Get it? ‘No eye deer’ as in ‘no idea’?” He was able to elicit a suppressed chuckle from the young lady, not because she found his joke funny—on the contrary it was one of the worst jokes she has ever heard—but rather because she found his chortling very amusing and eventually gave in to laughter. Immediately his eyes moved to her hands expectantly and like he predicted, she raised them and covered her laughter, however this time, as if on cue, his hand darted towards hers and pulled them down. Seohyun’s laughter ceased. Her heart was beating faster than normal. Whether it was the after-effect of laughing too hard or Luhan, she wasn’t quite sure.

“You should stop covering up that pretty laughter of yours,” he scolded tenderly.

“Or else what?” she challenged, feeling a bit defiant at the moment.

“Or else I’m going to grab your hands every time you do~,” he stuck his tongue out at her.

Seohyun raised a perfectly arched brow, “Is this why you were so set on making me laugh? So you could hold my hand?” she teased and raised their interlocked hands. It felt so natural having her hands in his. His hands are so warm. Normally she would blush and squirm at this type of contact, but being around Luhan for a while now has taught her how to adapt to skinship, especially since Luhan was a skinship monster. He always greeted her with a bone-crushing hug and sometimes, on his extremely jovial days, he would even lift her feet off the ground and spin her around. That’s just how Luhan functioned. It was in his nature to be intimate with the people around him. So Seohyun learned not to think of his actions as something more, even if she wanted to deep inside.

Luhan loosened his grip at her remark, but that only caused Seohyun to tighten her hold.

“Are you sure it’s not you who wants to hold my hand?” he chuckled and grasped her hand firmly.

“It’s freezing in here,” she huffed, hoping he would buy her excuse.

“Ah, then I should make sure my princess does not suffer from the cold any longer~,” he held both of her hands and proceeded to warm them by rubbing them together with his own. “Better?” he grinned. Seohyun nodded and softly gazed at him. He was focused intently on warming her hands, but it was her heart that warmed instead. Luhan stopped what he was doing and looked up when he felt Seohyun’s eyes on him. Her bright eyes delicately bore into his and he swore he felt his heart do a somersault.  At that moment they both knew they felt something for each other, but whether they should act upon those feelings was debatable. Neither of the two wanted to put their friendship in jeopardy. What if it doesn’t end well? Could they really go back to being close friends and act like nothing happened? After all they were both inexperience in dating and most of the time your first love is not your last. But the longing in their gazes and the desire in their hearts overcame the reasoning of their brains.

“I think I like you,” Luhan was first to confess (because he was the man, of course).

“I think I like you too,” she admitted tentatively yet resolutely.


He didn’t have to ask her to be his girlfriend and she didn’t have to say yes. Their eyes spoke for them. These feelings were overwhelming to them, especially after accepting the reality of it. It was unexplainable how a change in status could make their feelings abundantly stronger and make them feel like new people. And in a way, it was kind of scary, but it was too late to run from it for their feelings are now deeply rooted.



A/N: I am quite proud of myself for another consecutive update~ now let's just hope I keep this up ;3 This is going to be a fairly fast paced story with roughly 12 chapters? Give or take a few. This is just so I don't bore you guys with unimportant details and so that I can start writing seohan fluff ohoho~ plus I really just want to be able to say that I completed a story lol. Thanks for subscribing, reading, commenting, and upvoting! I honestly never realized there was an arrow there. I thought it was an umbrella for like decoration or something haha. And I really want to utilize the comment-repying-function-thing, but I just don't have the time to sit down and respond to comments at the moment ;__; so please don't think that I'm ignoring you guys.

Here, have some Luhan ^_^ (cr:oh-luhans)

(isn't his laughter so precious ;A; how does anyone not adore him??)

And some Seohyun for you too~ (cr:onsicas)



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So much for updating every day. >< there'll be a chapter tomorrow, promise.


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icekyuream #1
Chapter 3: i found this intersting when i read the plot(?) and yes, this is good story :D so seohyun is luhan's girlfriend now? And i wonder if they will meet kyutoria in next date in the future haha
nanjang #2
Chapter 3: Awwwww I wish they can be like in the story for real!
I mean they were very comfortable around each other, and I love that!
Chapter 3: they just too comfortable with each other to feels something butterfly in the stomach. but then again its wrong. its also the one that hit their heart. they play with skinship but its skinship play their heart. hahaha they love it.
Eycha_sk11 #4
Chapter 3: Awwww my seohan ! Why sooo sweeeeet ?!!! XD so they're official now ?
Chapter 3: Sweet and to the point! Love your style of writing and seohan of course
Eycha_sk11 #6
Chapter 2: Ahahah seohan is funny and cute ! XD just wait till when both of you want to get married and desire for each other ! Lol ! Update soon ! Hwaiting ! :D
Chapter 2: i thought.. how they will broke the awkwardness? gosh.. then seohyun rambling and shouting in one go. this is it. she's doomed! game over! so much for good impression. but unexpecetdly luhan was laughing at her. haha nostril! embarrassing!
luhan doesn't go well with aegyeo. he just have naturally baby face but he's so manly. hahaha seohyun must be enjoying luhan's fail aegyeo.
good, they have same idea. they will get along well. nice start for a new relationship.
i love your story! keep it up!
Chapter 2: Omg I love your fanfic ^_____^ it's so cute and its using my fav quote by seohyun..I hope you're able to continually update it :D
BLueberrykiss #9
Chapter 2: LOLLL!!!! Soooo cute!!!! Hahah!!! seohyun just exploded >_<
I love this!! PLZ update soon~
nanjang #10
Chapter 2: These two are very funny!
Nostrils and aegyo hahaha