Looking For a Flower

Love is Like a Flower

Seohyun was a nervous wreck as she scurried around her room, looking for her car keys. She was running late for a date. A blind date. Her heart was racing from all the running and her eyes hazy and frustrated due to the futile search. She could've sworn she had left them on her nightstand right beside her bed! While  Seohyun was busy looking for her keys that she hadn't realized her cell phone was ringing until it went off for the third time. She quickly located her phone and answered the call. "Hello?" she asked breathlessly.

"Hey, Seohyun! Are you okay? You sound so flustered! Is the date doing well?" Jessica, one of her best friends, asked.

"No, and no," Seohyun groaned almost sounding like she was on the verge of tears. "I haven't met him yet. I'm running late because I can't find my keys anywhere in my apartment! I knew this blind date was going to turn out to be a disaster! Being late is probably one of the worst first impressions ever, oh unnie what am I going to do? The date is ruined already, yet it hasn't even started. Your friend is going to hate me."

"What? That's it? Seohyun quit exaggerating so much! So what if you're a little late. That'll just keep him wondering. Men like that kind of stuff you know? And knowing him, he wouldn't mind at all. He's probably still patiently waiting for you at the coffee shop so don't you worry. Just remember, whatever you do..." Seohyun listened intently for Jessica's words of advice," don't run just because you're late," she stated seriously.

"Unnie!!" Seohyun whined. "Now is not the time for jokes!"

"I'm completely serious though! You'll get all sweaty and your make-up will start to run, ew! Men don't like that so don't run alright, Hyun? I gotta go now, love you~ bye!" she ended the call and let out a long sigh. "Ugh, what am I going to do now??" she said aloud to no one. Seohyun checked her watch. Her eyes widened at the time. She was almost an hour late! Quickly, she grabbed her purse and sprinted out the door. Screw Jessica's advice, she was going to run like there was no tomorrow.



The tall brunette managed to make it to the coffee shop in less than 10 minutes. Thank god for her long legs. However, as she near the door her steps got slower as if they were afraid to enter the quaint, little shop. Seohyun was now directly in front of the door with her hands on the handle. She was nervous, very nervous. After all, it was her first date ever in the 24 years of her life and somehow experiencing it with a complete stranger didn't bode too well with her nerves. She'd much rather be at home reading a book about romance instead. Seohyun wasn't really interested in love. Her love life amounted to nothing and she was completely fine with it until her closest friend Tiffany got married a few weeks ago. Seohyun was the last of her friends to settle down. All of them married young. The youngest to get married was Yoona, at the age of 18. Seohyun couldn't help but let thoughts about dying alone haunt her. Of course she wanted to find someone, settle down, and have a family of her own; she just didn't care for it at the moment. She's content with what she has now or so she tells herself. But even she has a hard time believing her own words.

"Excuse me, miss. Are you going to go inside?" a soft voice pulled her out of her thoughts. She turned around to see a handsome young man with light brown hair.

"A-ah yes, of course. Sorry!" she stuttered and pulled the door open. All she heard from him in response was a soft chuckle.

Well I guess there's no going back now. Seohyun thought. Taking a deep breath, she took a step inside and scanned the room for a familiar face. Jessica had given her a picture of the man she was about to meet just to assure her that she wasn't setting her up with some stinky, old creep. She found him and sighed in relief. Jessica was right, he's still waiting. A soft smiled spread across her lips as she made her way towards his table.


"And he was like 'I bet you can't beat me at Starcraft' but little did he know I was a Starcraft master! So he ended up losing all of his money and we became best friends haha," Kyuhyun exitedly recounted a story about how he met his best friend, Changmin, in high school. Seohyun laughed out of politeness at his story. She wasn't interested at all. How long have I been listening to him talk? Thirty minutes? An hour? I'm glad he's doing all the talk, but for heaven's sake please stop talking about video games! Seohyun internally groaned. Maybe she shouldn't have come. Sure he was nice and handsome, but he was not her type and she was bored out of her mind. Please change the subject...


"Look Kyuhyun-ssi," Seohyun unintentionally interrupted him.


"I...need to go to the ladies' room." she wanted to tell him that she wasn't enjoying this date at all and would much rather call it a night, but she didn't have the heart to do so.

"Oh, of course. Take your time! I'll be waiting." he smiled. Great. Seohyun thought.


She entered the restroom and reapplied some of her make-up. Shortly after, a woman talking on her cell phone entered. She was speaking Chinese and with the limited Mandarin Seohyun knew she could pick up a few parts of the conversation.

"He's three years younger than me!" the woman exclaimed with a pout. "And he looks like a baby. I look like his older sister or something. How could you set me up with him? I know I said I didn't want to be lonely anymore, but I don't want to look like a cougar either! Just help me get out of this date. Hey?! Hello? Helloooo?!" she angrily shut her phone and stomped towards the sink. Seohyun could now get a good look at her. She was gorgeous. Her hair was long and dark, she had large eyes, and a tall, curvy body. The woman could feel Seohyun's gaze and abruptly faced her. Seohyun was expecting the woman to rage at her and ask her why she was staring, but all she did was give her a gentle smile.

Seohyun, now feeling more confident, decided to approach the woman. "Um, are you okay?" she asked tentatively in Mandarin.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine, just having a terrible date. And I can speak Korean by the way. Your Chinese is really good though!" the woman exclaimed.

"Oh. I'm having a bad date too." Seohyun said. She didn't know why she was talking to a strange Chinese woman in the women's restroom, she just felt like talking. Now that she thinks about it, all she did was drink coffee and listen to Kyuhyun talk endlessly about Starcraft and she doesn't want to go back.

"Oh really? Rough time with your boyfriend?"

"Actually, no. I'm kind of currently on a blind date right now."

"Hey, me too!! I'm Victoria, and you are?"

"Seohyun. Nice to meet you Victoria." Seohyun smiled. "How about we stay here until they leave?" she joked.

"I would love to, but there isn't anywhere for us to sit...not to mention it'd be unsanitary," Victoria laughed. Just then a brilliant idea hit her. "But...how about we switch partners? I think you would look great with the guy I was set up with! He's around your age."

Seohyun was surprised by her proposal, "Are you sure? Kyuhyun will talk your ears off about Starcraft. I don't want you to go through that." At the mention of Starcraft Victoria's eyes widened. "Did you just say Starcraft? I love that game!! Oh my gosh, Seohyun please trade with me!" Victoria begged.

"I'd feel so bad for ditching him though..." Seohyun replied uncertainly. "But you would've been more than willing to hide in the restroom and let him wait all night?" Victoria raised a brow. Seohyun sighed for the umpteenth time that night and gave in.

"Oh don't be so down! I'm sure you'll love Luhan. You two seem like you'd have a lot in common," she exclaimed. Love him? Seohyun finds it funny how people throw the word love around so easily to the point where it's meaningless. The word love is overrated she thinks.


"Yay! Thank you so much~ You won't regret this!" Seohyun just warily smiled at Victoria's excitement. She told her which table Kyuhyun was sitting at and in turn Victoria directed Seohyun to Luhan's table. Ugh let's just get this over with so I can go home.




A/N: Thanks for reading! :) I wanted to add Luhan into this chapter, but it would've been too long so I guess you guys will just have to wait for the next chapter ^^

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So much for updating every day. >< there'll be a chapter tomorrow, promise.


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icekyuream #1
Chapter 3: i found this intersting when i read the plot(?) and yes, this is good story :D so seohyun is luhan's girlfriend now? And i wonder if they will meet kyutoria in next date in the future haha
nanjang #2
Chapter 3: Awwwww I wish they can be like in the story for real!
I mean they were very comfortable around each other, and I love that!
Chapter 3: they just too comfortable with each other to feels something butterfly in the stomach. but then again its wrong. its also the one that hit their heart. they play with skinship but its skinship play their heart. hahaha they love it.
Eycha_sk11 #4
Chapter 3: Awwww my seohan ! Why sooo sweeeeet ?!!! XD so they're official now ?
Chapter 3: Sweet and to the point! Love your style of writing and seohan of course
Eycha_sk11 #6
Chapter 2: Ahahah seohan is funny and cute ! XD just wait till when both of you want to get married and desire for each other ! Lol ! Update soon ! Hwaiting ! :D
Chapter 2: i thought.. how they will broke the awkwardness? gosh.. then seohyun rambling and shouting in one go. this is it. she's doomed! game over! so much for good impression. but unexpecetdly luhan was laughing at her. haha nostril! embarrassing!
luhan doesn't go well with aegyeo. he just have naturally baby face but he's so manly. hahaha seohyun must be enjoying luhan's fail aegyeo.
good, they have same idea. they will get along well. nice start for a new relationship.
i love your story! keep it up!
Chapter 2: Omg I love your fanfic ^_____^ it's so cute and its using my fav quote by seohyun..I hope you're able to continually update it :D
BLueberrykiss #9
Chapter 2: LOLLL!!!! Soooo cute!!!! Hahah!!! seohyun just exploded >_<
I love this!! PLZ update soon~
nanjang #10
Chapter 2: These two are very funny!
Nostrils and aegyo hahaha