Dream or Reality

Shuffle of Wings

AN: Hi guys ^^ Uh, I just wanna ask you to please give me some feedback cause I have no idea how this fic is at the moment *sighs*

The small angel was still sleeping peacefully on the couch, his head resting on his hands. There was a small smile hiding in the corners of his lips. Sometimes, he would shiver, his pearly teeth chattering a little as it was a bit cold in his living room. He had left the window open, even if just slightly when he left, so now the temperature was a lot lower than usual.

And despite that, the boy's dreams couldn't have been sweeter. Literally, as he was dreaming about flying over some ice-cream mountain. He had always had these weird, quite unrealistic dreams in which he usually flew. It made sense as he was an angel though since he usually saw the world from above.

Suddenly, there was a light knock on the door. It wasn't enough to wake Jiyong up fully, but it was enough to make him let out a small, annoyed groan.

Another knock, another groan and slowly, the blonde's dark eyes fluttered open. He was met by the complete darkness of his living room for only a few moments, as after blinking a few times, his eyes adjusted to the lack of light. Now, he could see everything clearly. He could hear another knock on the door and suddenly, he felt like a dark, unfamiliar presence was there, near him.  Maybe not even at the door, but even closer to him. He stood up, looking around the living room.

He closed his eyes, trying to identify who or what was near him, a shiver running down his spine when he felt danger. But there was something else  in this aura as well. Something that was in a way, urging the angel to find its owner. He couldn't decide whether they were in his apartment or outside of it - though being in it wouldn't have made sense as the blonde could only feel one presence, even if it felt like they were breathing down his neck, their cold lips touching his neck, cool, sharp fangs grazing his neck... Yet he knew that no one was there with him. If anything, this was a mere illusion.

Suddenly, he heard a deep, smooth voice whisper in his mind. "Open the door!"It told him, a soft growl following the last words.

The angel didn't know what to do. He had to admit that he felt an unusual thrill run through his veins, the tiny hairs standing up on the back of his neck. His eyes were scanning the room.

"Why didn't you open the door?"He heard the same voice, then a deep chuckle as he suddenly felt gentle fingers caress his waist. The next moment he was pulled back a little, strong, muscled arms encircling his waist.

He gasped, turning in the unfamiliar creature's grasp, eyes shooting daggers towards the male that was holding him. "Who are you?" The blonde hissed, his eyes darting to the door.

It was closed.

The arms only tightened around his waist, until it was almost impossible for him to move, even if he was now facing the intruder. His heart was racing, his breaths coming in short gasps as he looked up. He knew that he was trapped.

"You should close your window, you know..."The stranger said nonchalantly, gently tracing the angel's spine, smiling to himself in the dark when he felt the smaller body shiver in his grip.

It felt so good, but it was so wrong, and the angel knew it. Merely that gentle touch was enough to make him lose his mind. But he knew that he had to stay calm. He had to because he was in grave danger.

"Who are you?"Jiyong asked again, his voice trembling as he put his small hands on the other's chest, pushing him away a little. The arms around him didn't want to budge, but he was honestly intent on moving them.

"Why do you want to know so much?"He heard that deep chuckle again and shivered, his thin arms moving on their own, wrapping around the obviously much taller males neck.

"What are you doing to me?" The angel gasped, voice soft, heart beating loudly. He could hear it, and he was sure that the other creature could hear it as well.

The weird thing was, that Jiyong was attracted to this creature in some way. He had never felt like this. He felt like his body was on fire from every touch, like something would have been keepin him in those strong arms even if they weren't wrapped around him tightly. He felt like he could trust the other blindly, maybe even with his life.. He felt like.. He didn't even know what he felt like. But this sensation was beyond fantastic and horrifying at the same time.

"I'm not doing anything.."The deep voice whispered into his ear, chuckling when the angel shuddered again.

Jiyong looked up, into the eyes of the creature. It was the first time he had seen them, blood red with black specks in it, dark, menacing yet weirdly gentle. Weirdly, it felt like he had been yearning to look into them for centuries, if not more. He couldn't look away, those crimson eyes captivated him... His heart fluttered in his chest as his mind finally cleared up. Suddenly, realization hit him like a ton of bricks, sending a new set of shivers down his spine. He knew who this man was, he could feel it. Every touch, every word... It was so obvious, yet the angel only realized it now.

Knowing well that the smaller male had finally realized it, the red-eyed stranger chuckled, gently leading the angel to the couch. "May I know your name, my angel?"He asked, sitting down with the boy who was trembling a little.

"Jiyong..."The blonde whispered, looking away. "I... how... why..." He couldn't form coherent sentences as he felt moist lips plant a small kiss on his neck.

"I was hunting when suddenly I caught your scent. You don't really bother to hide who you are.."He heard that deep chuckle again."My name is Seunghyun, by the way, my angel. I am glad to finally meet you." The stranger - Seunghyun - said, pulling away and looking at the younger.

"I see... but then, you don't live here, do you?"The angel asked, noting that he had never seen him before, and looked away shyly, playing with the hem of his T-shirt.. This whole thing was so weird to him. He could feel a strange pull towards Seunghyun, electricity buzz in the air near them, yet it felt so unreal. He was happy, yes... Still,he had no idea if this was just a dream or reality.

"I don't live near, yet. I'm planning to move here soon though..."Seunghyun said, a small smile tugging at the end of his lips, not wide enough to show his fangs.

Jiyong sighed softly, laying his head on the other's shoulder. He decided that whether this was just still a part of his dream or not, he was going to enjoy this.

AN: *sighs*Okay, okay so they met so soon. I feel like this was just right but I'm sure you guys don't. I do plan to include both their past and all as well, but I honestly wanted this to go this way. So yeah, sorry.

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Sakublossom #1
Chapter 5: Aww so cute!!
Chapter 5: Omo they're all cute & playful! !!! ♥♡
lrvip052012 #3
Chapter 5: Oh those two are so cute!!! and that brave little squirrel so adorable.
StormyDay #4
Chapter 4: They are so cute and adorable.
Thanks for sharing,
Hope you update soon
Chapter 4: Omo those two are so cute!!!
ThunderGreen #6
Chapter 4: It's so cute!!! Can't wait for the next chapter! And I like the world you created!!!
Chapter 4: Asdgjshadsg!!!! So cuuuuute ^^
Oh what an adorable pair they make!