
Shuffle of Wings

AN: Hi guys ^^ Thank you all for the comments and subs <3 Please, if it's possible comment and all cause I really wanna know how you feel bout this fic *looks away*

 Jiyong was sitting on a tree, his enormous, white wings wrapped around his torso as it was getting a little cold. He was humming to himself quietly, watching a pair of squirrels play with each other, soft, high-pitched sound of what seemed like laughter escaping them. The angel couldn't help but smile at the sight, outstretching one of his hands towards the critters, chuckling when one of them took hesitant steps towards it, beady-like black eyes staring at him warily. And still the small animal wasn't exactly afraid, or at least it seemed like it as slowly reached him, putting one of its tiny hands on it. "Why hello..."The angel smiled, petting his new friend gently, his voice soft so he wouldn't scare it.

The squirrel replied with a soft squeak, closing its eyes as it enjoyed the gentle touch of the creature. Its friend, that had been hiding in the tree branches when the other decided to just run off and discover the huge thing with white wings, like birds took a few steps towards the angel, looking at him with wide eyes, its nose twitching a little as it took in the scent of the male in front of it.

"You don't need to be afraid.."Jiyong said softly, reaching his other hand out towards the still timid squirrel.

The small critter's ears twitched a little as it heard the gentle voice of the winged creature. It slowly gathered enough courage to step to the hand, sniffling it a little before putting both of its tiny brown paws on it.

The angel smiled, a small yawn escaping his pinkish lips as he scratched the small, reddish brown squirrel's chin, chuckling when it closed its eyes, relaxing from the little treat animals in the wilderness never seemed to receive.

Looking up at the sky, another gentle smile crept onto Jiyong's lips as he watched the sun descend down slowly, its last rays bathing the forest in pinkish orange. Turning a little, he could already see the moon, though faintly. It was a mere crescent that night, barely even there.

If he squinted a bit, he could even see a couple of stars near it, ones that were unseen by human eyes, yet so obvious to his.

A gentle breeze fluttered some of his feathers, startling the small critters near him. They looked at the much larger creature's wings in awe after a few moments though, even if they were still covering him, they seemed majestic, bright, stunning.

Jiyong's wings had always been described by those words, yet he never knew why. His wings looked the same as his brothers. Big and white, almost stunningly so. Maybe his were a tiny bit better, but then again maybe they just seemed like that as he was quite small compared to his age. And he was never going to age, which wasn't as great as it sounded.

The wind picked up, rustling the leaves and sending a shiver down the angel's spine. It was getting too close, he really had to head home now.

The squirrels were still on the same branch as him, looking at him a bit warily. One of them, noticing that he was still a bit cold as the wind only seemed to get worse, the rustling noises of the leaves and soon tree-branches getting louder and louder, went up to the angel, quickly crawling up to his shoulder. It settled on his neck, nuzzling its tiny nose into the crook of the angel's neck.

Being ticklish, Jiyong giggled softly, feeling a little thankful as he felt the warmth of the small animal on his neck. The other one, feeling left out ran up his leg, jumped onto his other shoulder, mimicking its friend's or maybe sibling's previous actions.

Another giggle left those lips as the angel gently reached to both tiny critters, petting them gratefully. "These two are cute, huh?"He asked himself softly, sighing as the last rays of sun slowly faded, the sky gradually darkening.

Carefully, he picked up both animals and placed them on the branch, making sure that they wouldn't fall as they stared at him curiously. One of them, the one that at first barely dared to approach him was immediately back on his hand, then on his shoulder, letting out a small, disapproving squeak because it didn't like how the angel put it down.

He chuckled softly, running a hand through his soft, blonde hair that had been messed up by the wind before. "I have to go now, you know."He told the tiny critter, smiling at it. He was aware of the fact that it couldn't understand him, but it didn't really matter to him.

Slowly, he stood up, his legs feeling a bit numb from sitting so much. He slowly unfolded his wings, a hiss leaving his lips as the cold air hit his whole body. Looking back at the squirrels, he smiled for the last time before he pushed him away from the branch, fluttering his wings. Moments later, he was flying above the trees, the forest, watching as the flew past under him, enjoying the view.

By the time he reached town where he lived, it was completely dark, the moon shining only faintly, reflecting a bit on the angel's wings. He slowly started descending towards the pavement, being quite near to his house. As his feet touched the ground, he retreated his wings, wincing a little at the slight pain as they practically disappeared. He never liked this feeling, almost as if they were torn off his back. Faintly, he could recall a time when his back actually bled a little as he recalled his wings.

Then again, it was the same with all angels. They were the ones that choose to be able to blend in, to be able to hide the only sign of them not being humans. But still, when someone looked at them, even in their human form, they could tell what they were.

It was easy, really. They still had that glow around them that drew others and even animals in, that radiated kindness and gentleness, though not all of them were like that. It was just... their aura. Something they were born with.

Finally reaching his apartment, Jiyong sighed softly, looking for his keys in the packet of his thin jacket. He found them quickly, a small yawn escaping his lips as he did so.

Unlocking the door, he walked inside, looking around. His place wasn't much, but he still liked it. He slowly walked to the window of his living room, watching as some night creatures ran around, possibly looking for preys. One of them caught his eyes, but only for a moment as he yawned again, slowly stepping to his couch. It was dark, most possibly leather though these days no one could be sure of it, and uncomfortable, but it was still a lot closer than his bed. He lay down, curling up on the cool surface of it, a tiny smiling playing on his lips as he recalled the events of that day.

He fell asleep with that smile, unaware of the dark presence that was nearing him slowly...

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Sakublossom #1
Chapter 5: Aww so cute!!
Chapter 5: Omo they're all cute & playful! !!! ♥♡
lrvip052012 #3
Chapter 5: Oh those two are so cute!!! and that brave little squirrel so adorable.
StormyDay #4
Chapter 4: They are so cute and adorable.
Thanks for sharing,
Hope you update soon
Chapter 4: Omo those two are so cute!!!
ThunderGreen #6
Chapter 4: It's so cute!!! Can't wait for the next chapter! And I like the world you created!!!
Chapter 4: Asdgjshadsg!!!! So cuuuuute ^^
Oh what an adorable pair they make!