
Shuffle of Wings

About two hours of getting ready and buying some things later, Seunghyun was back in his mate's apartment, a content smile on his face as he watched Jiyong stare at the present he had got him: a golden necklace with a tiny angel pendant. The angel's eyes were shining off happiness before he hugged the vampire tightly, his small arms wrapping around the elder's neck quite quickly.

"Thank you."He whispered as he nuzzled his nose into his mate's shoulder, a sign of genuine appreciation."I love it."He added as he slowly pulled away, looking at the small pendant. 

"I'm glad you do."The vampire chuckled, happy that even after such a short time he had been able to get a present that had seemed to do what he was supposed to do from now on : make his mate happy. He made Jiyong turn in his hold and after kissing his soft hair gently and put gently helped him put on the necklace before wrapping his arms around his mate's waist for a while, enjoying the small boy's presence so close to his.

"I brought some food as well."He said a few minutes later, chuckled when Jiyong grinned up at him wildly and took the bag of pastries he had gotten.

Some time later, they were eating in silence. Jiyong was munching on a chocolate-filled bedroll happily, drinking a cup of chocolate milk along with it while the vampire ate a simple roll as he wasn't that fond of sweet things in the morning. He couldn't help but smile lovingly at his angel now and then, admiring the cute look in his eyes whenever he would look up, sensing that his mate was looking at him.

"This is kinda nice."He mumbled after he had finished, patting his full stomach with a soft grin."Having breakfast with you, I mean."He added and kissed Seunghyun's cheek gently.

"Of course it is."The vampire chuckled and smiled at his mate. He slowly finished his food as well and help the small angel tidy up the kitchen, making sure that whenever the creature that usually flew lost his balance he was there to steady him. He seriously loved the cute, embarrassed look the younger would give him, his cheeks a deep shade of red as he would mumble a soft 'thanks' before quickly going back to what he had been doing. Not only was it honestly priceless but precious as well. He looked like a child that had got caught stealing from the cookie jar, his eyes a little wild, a deep blush gracing his cheeks.

Luckily, they managed to clean up quite quickly and soon, they were on their way to the forest. Jiyong was practically bouncing next to his mate as they walked slowly, incredibly happy that he could share his favorite place with the man that had stolen his heart just a day ago. He couldn't help but see the whole world in a different light. It was like the sky was brighter, the birds' song happier, the butterflies more colorful and seemingly a lot more happier as they danced around the couple as they walked, Seunghyun holding the younger boy's hand in his securely, a sign of stating his claim on his younger mate and pure love. 

Jiyong let out a happy sigh when they finally the tree he had sat on the day before. He climbed onto it, signaling for Seunghyun to follow suit after he had sat down and made sure that he wouldn't fall of. He could already hear the squirrels he had befriended the day before scurrying out to meet him, stopping in their tracks when they noticed the not so angelic creature behind him. They stared at the pair for a few moments before one of the slowly walked up to Jiyong and jumped on his knee, deciding to trust the newcomer since he was with the angel.

The vampire chuckled and watched as his small mate played with the animal, his eyes shining whenever he giggled at something it did.

"Should I be jealous?"He asked playfully as he carefully pulled the angel into his arms, chuckling when the squirrel looked around wildly for a few moments at the sudden movement before deciding not to care about it and going back to playfully chewing on Jiyong's thumb.

"Well if you are secretly a shifter that can turn into a cute animal then you should."The younger giggled."But if you are a strong vampire, currently holding his mate... I doubt you should.He added as he leant back into Seunghyun's arms, letting out a content sigh.

"Still, you seem so happy with that hamster."The vampire continued to joke around, gently rubbing Jiyong's shoulders that were barely covered by the fabric of his light blue T-shirt.

"He's a squirrel, silly."Jiyong giggled and turned a little, kissing his mate's cheek."And you can play with him, too. He isn't scared at all."He added before laughing when the other squirrel had joined them finally.

Seunghyun chuckled as well, kissing the top of his mate's head gently."You're really sweet, angel."He said, tightening his hold on the boy."I love you."He added.

"I love you too."Jiyong whispered, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the sun's gentle caress on his cheeks."And I'm glad you had decided to break into my house."He added, giggling softly.

"Who wouldn't have?"Seunghyun asked as he watched Jiyong play with the small animals again, happy that he could witness such an adorable sight. It seemed like the angel was truly at home with the tiny creatures as he scratched their ears and tummies like they were puppies and not wild animals. Of course, the vampire had to admit that being an angel had probably helped his mate to gain the squirrel's trust as it was a well-known fact that most of them, especially the purest ones like Jiyong were adored by all creatures, humans, animals and immortals alike.

"I don't know, maybe those who respect privacy."The younger giggled teasingly whining when he felt his mate pull away, still careful as he didn't want the angel to fall."Hey..."The angel pouted, turning to look at the vampire who smirked at him.

"What? I'm respecting your privacy."The elder joked, earning a whine from his mate. 


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Sakublossom #1
Chapter 5: Aww so cute!!
Chapter 5: Omo they're all cute & playful! !!! ♥♡
lrvip052012 #3
Chapter 5: Oh those two are so cute!!! and that brave little squirrel so adorable.
StormyDay #4
Chapter 4: They are so cute and adorable.
Thanks for sharing,
Hope you update soon
Chapter 4: Omo those two are so cute!!!
ThunderGreen #6
Chapter 4: It's so cute!!! Can't wait for the next chapter! And I like the world you created!!!
Chapter 4: Asdgjshadsg!!!! So cuuuuute ^^
Oh what an adorable pair they make!