
Shuffle of Wings

AN: Hi guys ^^ Um.. whatever here's the update xD

The next morning, the creatures that had just barely met, yet were destined to stay at each other's side forever, were sitting next to each other on the younger's couch, sipping coffee as they chatted quietly. Jiyong was cuddled into his mate's side, a soft smile on his lips as he drank slowly. This whole having a mate thing was new to him, though he couldn't complain. Feeling Seunghyun's warmth, snuggling close to him, hearing his deep, and well voice were things that seemed to complete his life. 

"What are you thinking about, angel?"The vampire asked his mate, caressing his cheek gently. "You'd been staring ahead for some time."He added, chuckling lightly. 

Immediately, Jiyong blushed softly and looked away, placing his now empty cup on the small table that was in front of the couch. "Just this whole... thing. It's hard to understand, you know."He said softly, still avoiding his mate's gaze as he leant a bit closer to the elder. 

"You're still thinking about that, huh?"The elder chuckled, ruffling the smaller male's hair. "It might have been quite sudden, but it had happened and we are going to be happy from now on, it's that simple."He said, wrapping his arms around Jiyong's small waist.

"I know,"the younger started, rolling his dark eyes as leant in to peck the vampire's cheek cutely,"it's just that I have to get used to it."he finished, smiling cutely."It's kinda weird to wake up in the arms of a vampire you barely know, even if you love them..."

The last part of the angel's sentence, though seemingly innocent and natural, made the vampire's heart race. He loved Jiyong already of course, and he was never going to hide it, but that didn't meant that he'd have ever expected his mate to say something like this so quickly. He blinked and smiled gently, slowly leaning closer to the younger, who obviously hadn't noticed what he had said.

"What?"Jiyong asked cutely, tilting his head to the side. He was a bit confused by his mate's action. One moment they were talking casually, and now, Seunghyun was staring at him with a weird look in his eyes. He was sort of creepy, especially since his eyes were reddish, and right now, clouded by something the young angel couldn't really understand.

"You've just said that you love me, that's all."The vampire stated, leaning in to steal a kiss from his gaping angel whose cheeks quickly flushed crimson. Their lips touched for a few seconds before the elder pulled away, leaning his forehead against his mate's 

"I... I didn't."Jiyong stuttered, not looking into the other's eyes.

"You did."Seunghyun chuckled and pulled the younger closer to him. "But I love you too, so you shouldn't be so embarrassed."He whispered into Jiyong's pointed ear before kissing it lightly, feeling how the small angel shivered a little, which of course, made the vampire smirk. 

"It's good to hear that."The smaller blonde mumbled and nuzzled his nose into the vampire's chest. "You know, this is nice. I mean, you and me..."He said softly, a soft, delighted sigh leaving his moist lips.

"It sure is."Seunghyun said, holding his mate even closer. "So, what were your plans for today?"He asked quietly, playing with the younger's soft, blonde locks.

"Well, since my parents are quite rich,"here Jiyong frowned a little, recalling the times when he lived in their family mansion," I don't really have to work that much so I usually just go out and... yeah. I love going to the forest. It's so pretty and vibrant and the birds are so loud and the critters cute and," he rambled, his eyes shining happily.

"Do you think anyone else - other than humans, of course - is actually working these days, angel?"The vampire chuckled, kissing the younger's forehead. He couldn't help but feel a tiny pang of jealousy in his chest. Jiyong seemed so joyful when talking about the forest. Of course, the elder knew that it was in the younger's blood to like things like that. Then again, he was also adorable like that, eyes gleaming, cheeks a deep crimson. He truly seemed to love going out into nature. And, the way he explained why he didn't work had been cute too, his cheeks puffed out a little yet his eyes fixed on the ground as if he was a bit ashamed of himself. Though he shouldn't have, as many creatures chose to live off their family's money, which was usually a lot. Most non-human workers were supervisors as those sneaky bastards could never be trusted. Never. 

", not really. But who knows, maybe those who are bored?"The younger questioned, slowly pulling away from the vampire. "I think I'll go change and then I... umm... can we go out?"He asked hesitantly, looking at his mate with wide, shining eyes."To the forest, I mean."

Seunghyun chuckled and nodded, already looking forward to spending time with his mate. Maybe he envied the nature a little, but he too, actually liked going out there, much more than going to town. The streets were usually crowded and stunk a little, from humans or smog no one really knew. But they weren't too pretty, while forests were still untouched, pure, especially now as they were taken care of by fairies and elves.

"Sure."He said and watched as his mate beamed at him, running off to his room, sometimes tripping a little. It was obvious that he flew more than he walked, which kind of caused him to be even more adorable than he usually was. "By the way, go home and change!"The angel shouted from the door of his room before shutting it.

The vampire sighed and stood up, looking around his mate's apartment before walking out. He decided to get some food for him and Jiyong, and to also buy a little gift for his mate as a sorry for scaring you last night - I love you gift, or a simple token of his love and admiration. Plus, it wasn't like he couldn't afford it. He could buy anything for the angel and he was well aware of the fact. The only problem was that he had no idea what to buy for the smaller boy.

But before anything, he had to go home and change. After that, he could worry about the gift and food he would get. 

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Sakublossom #1
Chapter 5: Aww so cute!!
Chapter 5: Omo they're all cute & playful! !!! ♥♡
lrvip052012 #3
Chapter 5: Oh those two are so cute!!! and that brave little squirrel so adorable.
StormyDay #4
Chapter 4: They are so cute and adorable.
Thanks for sharing,
Hope you update soon
Chapter 4: Omo those two are so cute!!!
ThunderGreen #6
Chapter 4: It's so cute!!! Can't wait for the next chapter! And I like the world you created!!!
Chapter 4: Asdgjshadsg!!!! So cuuuuute ^^
Oh what an adorable pair they make!