"Vibrant Dreams, Opulent Memories and Heartwarming Wishes" by: Krissing_Reds


This is some random imagine I thought of... Hope you like it :D


It was a blistering summer day when you decided to go on to the mall just to cool yourself. Once inside, you planned on walking around the mall and taking a snack there. After eating your favorite meal in your favorite food chain, you passed by your favorite boutique. You checked your wallet and saw that you still had some extra cash. Also, you remembered your parents gave you a credit card. You went in and started shopping for your desired items. You, then, formed your line by the cashier but kept looking at your back. You tried to control but it seemed it was becoming a certain mannerism of yours. As you were nearing the cash register, you suddenly forgot to purchase one more item. You immediately turned back and run immediately but bumped into the person behind you. You didn’t notice this person beforehand. All your items and that person’s things fell on the floor.

I’m so sorry.” You did several bows to him or her then squatted down to pick up your things. While doing so, this person managed to do the same. Your hands then suddenly touched and you figured out that it was a male, although it seems that you recognized his hand. You began to doubt who it was. A hundred names of men that you knew suddenly popped in your head. You just shrugged away the feeling and said to him, “Please save me this space.

He nodded with his head facing the ground.

After a few seconds, you returned with the item in hand and paid for the things that you bought. Before leaving the store, you waved goodbye to the man and you were able to get a glimpse of his face. Sparks and shivers were sent up your spine and scattered through your whole body when you recognized it was your bias. He raised his hand and motioned a wave of goodbye. You then hurriedly left the store as your mind begins to go crazy with the person you just saw.

Could it be him?

Could it be my bias?

He’s here in my country?


And a million more questions were raised. You still couldn’t believe it and explained to yourself that you just hallucinated. “It couldn’t be him.” You doubted. An idol like him shouldn’t be left alone. He should be surrounded by a number of oppa managers or bodyguards. You shook your head and turned back to look at the store and spotted that he wasn’t there anymore which became a testimony to your notion that it was all your imagination. You patted your head again and again before leaving the scene.

Wait!”  A male’s voice cried out.

You didn’t bother to look who it was, thinking that he was referring to the woman walking briskly right beside you.

Wait, you with that (favorite color) shirt.” He cried out again.

I looked to ahead and to my sides and saw that no one was wearing the same top as I. I paused and turned around to see that it was my “bias” who was calling me.

You!” he pointed at me.

Me?” You pointed to yourself.

He nodded. “Come here. You left something.

You slowly approached him as you slowly examined his features. It really was him. It really was your bias. His facial characteristics, his height and the tone of his voice substantiated that it was him. You then stood in front of him staring at him.

You forgot something.” He repeated then handed to you a small bag from the store. “I accidentally grabbed it before you left to get something else and I forgot to hand it over to you.

You reached for it and said “Thank you, very much! But…” You looked at the receipt. Among all the products you bought, this one was the most expensive one. You then asked, “You paid for it?

He nodded.

Oh!” You immediately grabbed my wallet and pulled out some cash to pay him. As soon as you gave it to him, he handed it back to me.

He uttered, “You can repay me by treating me to your favorite café here in your homeland. I want you to tell me about this place and what makes your culture so beautiful.

You only want to know about this place?” you asked.

I also want to know you and how you differ from the women in my hometown. I want to learn how to mingle with all kinds of people, that’s why I came over here secretly. Although my managers know, I’m here and are with me, I instructed them to stay back in the hotel and I’ll just call them if I need anything.” He explained.

Well, I want to know the same thing.” you said. “Take this information and a cup of coffee my welcome gift to you.

If you have time, could you show me the sites here in this district? Don’t worry. I’ll pay for it.

Sure, no problem. I was trying to figure out how to spend my day today.” you smiled.

The both of you then headed to your favorite coffee shop just a few blocks away from the mall, taking the local transportation going there. He admitted that he was an idol but he wasn’t aware he was my bias. You acted and interacted with him calmly and enjoying every moment of it. For once you felt how human he was. Even the brightest stars have a humane side to them which was very humbling and great.

Sadly, good things have to end. He told you he was going to leave in two days time to perform in other parts of the globe.

But both your communication didn’t end there. Both found means to talk to each other. You both added each other as friends (he personally added you), followed each other on Twitter and Tumblr, made video calls via Skype (he paid for it) and wrote e-mails to each other. This went on for around two years. He once visited your country with his band mates but we didn’t have time to meet up. He’d keep you updated on what was going on there and you’d do the same too. You’d teach him your language and so did he.

You were beginning to fall for him, even if it was because you were starstruck.  You hoped he fell the same way but you think he did. You would sometimes feel affected by his messages or posts and think that he was talking about the both of you. You know the feeling of finding the similarities between you and your idol? You always felt that way and it sometimes . You didn’t want to become too overly attached to him. It’s not nice to fall in love with somebody over the internet that lives a thousand miles away, although you met and got to know him for two days.

*Sighs* Fangirl problems, hopes and dreams


You stood on the ground where his last concert was held on the same blistering summer day two years after you met him. A stage was set up a bit far away and you remembered another concert was to be held. You knew for sure that it wasn’t their group. He should’ve alerted you. You’d always be the first one to know. You’re acting like his girlfriend …. *sighs*

You went back to the store where you met him but no sign of him. You passed all the stores we went to two years ago but he wasn’t there. He obviously wasn’t here. You miss him so bad. You should not be looking for him. This not just any other fan girl problems, its obsession problems. *Sighs* You’ve fallen for him and soon he’ll crush your heart. You’ll be totally friendzoned.

At the end of the day, you decided to walk back home. Nighttime came and you were walking alone on the streets. A flash of light approached me from behind. You managed to figure out what it is. It was a local transportation that the people here you used to ride. You halted it and asked for a lift home.  He told me to hop in and brought me home safely. You were getting the keys to open the door to my house, when suddenly someone said,

Missed me.

You turned and saw that it was him. You rushed to him and gave him a big hug. The both of you continued to blabber and ask how everything was going. He then cut the chit chat and asked if we could get in. You agreed and let him in. To my surprise, the floor path toward the dining room was full of rose petals. You followed them with my bias by my side. You felt his hand close to mine and trying to hold yours. The both of you then reached the refectory and a romantic dinner was set up. You was in full shock.

How… did…did…y—ou do this?” You stuttered.

It’s a secret.” He whispered from behind my ear, and then placed a necklace on your neck with both your initials on it.

Thank you.” You said.

He opened the top part of his shirt and saw that he had the same necklace with the same initials. You kept on laughing and giggling and couldn’t believe it. My bias planned all of this for me without me having any clue. I don’t think he would want to reveal it to me. We ate dinner and continued our chat.

From that night on, you were officially his girlfriend. Although he did not reveal it to the whole world, to protect me and our relationship. Before the night ended, he surprised you by saying that he lived right beside your house. Another surprise before we went to bed both of you stood on your balconies and acted like Romeo and Juliet. You both sat together by the mango tree that separated your houses and kissed each other throughout the night, that’s why you woke up late.

I love you, (Bias’s name)” you said.

I love you, (Your name)” he said.












It was all just a dream?

It was.

You looked around and picked up the mirror. You stared at myself and saw how you wished it did happen.  *Sighs*

You slummed back into bed, and tried going back to sleep even though it was around seven in the morning. A hand then slid by my waist and you were suddenly pulled by your husband. You stared at his handsome eyes with your faces so close to each other. He kissed you and you kissed him back.

What happened? What did you dream of?” he asked.

Just about me and my bias.” you replied

Tell me about your bias.” He said.

You narrated the events to him and he kept on laughing about certain scenes and events in the dream.

You yawned then asked him, “Do you know that guy?

I think I met him back in the day. I’m not that sure. I’ll ask my other friends.” He said. “I know how sleepy you are, so get back to sleep. “He patted my head then tickled me before I rested my body on him and fell asleep. 

You pray that your dreams be turned into memories, so that you could commit to memory the day we first met. I entreat that you remember that your husband is the man you fell hard for back in your youth.


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ilabya38 #1
Chapter 3: Wow, I dont even know what to say. Such an amazing writer, you got talent! Love to see more of your work