i fell hard for a gay T.T

i became a 'GUY'..just to change a GAY?O.O

"eric..!!you were awesome!!"yoseob pulled me into a hug.

doog..doog..doog...my heart was beating fast.i bet he heard it.

"i know im attractive,"he winked,blowing me a kiss and leaving the recording studio.

o.o...what just happened?

producer-nim looked at me and shook his head.


i bet he thinks i love yoseob.

wait3x...let me explain.

truthfully,i had loved yang yoseob all my life.

im sure youre wondering...then why did you not want the producer to know?

is it because he's an idol and im a trainee about to debut?


you see...the problem was...i,lee aeri...is currently a guy.

and the reason i was currently a guy is because...you see...the love of my life...yang yoseob is actually...gay.


aeri's POV

=before tranformation=

yang yoseob had been my bestie since forever.however,we separated 10 years ago when my family migrated to singapore.

we chatted online but never via webcam...he was always too busy for it.cos at such a young age,my yoseob was already a trainee..

however,despite the long distance and his busy schedule,our relationship was still tight.

not only that,my love for him grew stronger and stronger.i kept trying hard to convince myself that i had fallen for the young yoseob and the older yoseob was definitely different but my heart kept ignoring those thoughts.

before i knew it,yoseob was in this group named beast and his popularity sky-rocketed.my yoseob was no longer just mine but about 1 million other fangirls.

just like how my cousin key was the object of million other girls.

after much beggings by my possesive cousin,i decided to make the descision to head back to korea and stay with him and his mates.

"fine i'll go...but make sure you dont tell yoseob im back aites?"

happy that i would return,key agreed.

end of aeri's POV


"kibum ah!aeri hasnt been chatting with me for so long!"yoseob pouted

key gave a shrug and tried his best to hide the smirk in his face.

he gave his hyung a wave before going with the rest of shinee on stage for their performance.

yoseob gave a sigh and head back to beast's changing room.

"what's wrong with yoseob hyung?"taemin asked key after their performance.

key looked around in case of seeing beast members and whispered in taemin's ears.

"i see...about noona.but what if he finds out she's staying at our pla--"key shut the maknae's mouth.

"YAH YOU WANNA DIE?"he threatened taemin.

the little boy shook his head and waited for his hyung to remove his hand.

key did after a while.

"but hyung...dont you think we should tell noona...?"whispered taemin to key.

key slowly craned his neck to hear the maknae.

taemin lowered his voice.

"you know?tell noona yoseob hyung is gay?"

key froze and thought for a while.

now THAT was a dilemma...



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aw yoseob xD
PurpleRoseBlueFire #2
Chapter 10: Omg I lo v this story it is hilarious I really enjoyed this plz UPDATE MORE:D
b2uty--ksa #3
Chapter 8: =.= .............................
This story is soooo EPIC!!! Hope you update soon ^^
Aillin-luvs #5
New reader
update soon XD
ayowassuup #6
haha, i die! XD
DomoChocolate #7
Wow. How did you do for your o levels? I hope you did well ^^ Please update soon ^^
geekinthepink #8
Awww. Yoseob<3 He's too nice. ^^ Awesome fanfic yeah. Update soon~
hanzxxx #9
ehhhh.......... XD so JH n amber knew :) sound interesting so far :)
aieru #10
wow junhyung is so smart :O<br />
and i can't believe that yoseob would become so dirty just for aeri!!<br />
update soong!! :3