Chapter 5 : Ask For Help

Espio In Ages

I'm so sorry for my late update. I hope you guys enjoy this short chapter~



Jiyong was walking in circles like a buttless baboon in his apartment’s living room. He sighed once in a while, and then he pulled his hair, then he took out his phone, and put it back in his pocket, cursed, and groaned, and then he kicked the air, then he said, “Aish…!” and the cycle repeated. Again.

It’s funny how the order was exactly the same each time.

I sipped the cup of coffee in my hands and enjoyed the show. Ah… what a fluffy sofa.




(17 repeating of GD’s angry cycle later)


I emptied the tall cup but the Dragon hadn’t finished his show yet. So, I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder.

“I’m going home, okay… I’m sleepy already. See you tomorrow! Don’t be late again, alright.” I ruffled his hair and waved as I gathered my coat and went to the door.

“Yah!!! Hyuuung… Where are you going?!” Jiyong grabbed my wrist. YES, HE TOUCHED ME! how dare he grab my y wrist?

“Well, I, your walking around was entertaining and… uh, funny… and…and… all. Uh, but don’t you think it’s… kinda… well, boring?” I said it slowly and desperately trying not to offend him.

“HYUNG! I didn’t call you here for that!” he blew out air from his huge nostrils.

“… So?” I was confused beyond words.

“I…I want to ask you something…? And I thought maybe you could be of help…? Remember now? I said that on the phone when I called you…? Rang a bell?” he talked to me like I was some freaking amnesia patient.

“So, you’re saying that I finished my coffee for nothing? D*mn you.” I slit my eyes and pouted at him.


“So, what do you want to ask me, hm?” I grinned and sat myself on the fluffy sofa once again, my cheek fitted right into the dent I made earlier.

“Seriously, how did you pass the elementary school again?” Jiyong muttered. I shrugged my shoulders. Heh, I’m amazing like that.

He sat down beside me and sighed. And then he started his story about this certain girl.

“Sooo… you’re married to her? Um, Sandara Park, right?” I asked slowly when he finished his story. Is she the one I met at the hotel? From his description, I’m sure she is. Well, if it’s legal, I can find out about her and demand back the hotel fee I paid. *evil laugh* Yes, I’m a genius.

“Yeah… I don’t think it’s legit. It’s not legit, right? Right, hyung? I mean, how could it be legal? It seems fake and all… but what should I do if it’s legit???” he grabbed his hair and rocked himself back and forth like a psycho he is.

“Hm… I think-“

“What if... AAAHHH… Ohgod… I’m too handsome to be married… I’m still young… blahblahblah” Jiyong talked to himself. See? I told you he’s a psycho.

“Jiyong…” …no response.

“YAH…!” I shouted. Then he looked at me for 4 seconds and went back to his ‘seizure’ self.

Frustrated, I went to his computer in his personal office room and hacked the database of South Korea marriage registry. Mwahahaha… I know, I know, it’s illegal alright. So… for these kinds of circumstances, I’ve prepared *drum rolls* my superfragilisticexpialidociously designed program *hands out Flashdisk*. I only need to type a keyword for what I want to search and when it infects the other end, it’ll be camouflaged as a Trojan and in a matter of seconds I’d get all the information needed about the certain topic. Well, it required an extremely fast internet connection though, but it’d surely confuse them like hell if they dare to track me because it’d be redirected back to their own IP address.

I put the flashdisk into the drive and then I typed in Kwon Jiyong. The result showed up and there were 14 marriage registered under the name ‘Kwon Ji Yong’.

But there’s only one Kwon Ji Yong married to a Sandara Park and it was registered yesterday.

It only meant a thing.

I can get my revenge!

And, pity you, GD.

“Jiyong-ah…!” I called him.

“What hyung???” he walked in, his hair still sticking out like Einstein. “OHMYGAHO!!! You hacked into the government!!! That’s illegal, Hyung!!! You knew that!!! And you used my computer!!! MINE!!! Screw you SEUNGHYUN!!!” he fired at me and pull his already messed hair. I swear, if his hair hadn’t fallen out yet, he’d definitely be casted into an anti hair-fall shampoo CF.

“Don’t worry, they won’t be able to trace back the IP address. Anyways, that’s not what’s important… look yourself.” I dragged his head to the computer screen.

“Oh, sh*t. You’re right.” He closed his eyes and opened it, only to face the screen once again. He slapped his own face and groaned. “Kill me now.”

“Well… I can call someone I know who works as a snip-“

“Stop, hyung.” He interrupted. Then he his chin creepily while his eyes darted here and there. Then he smiled at himself.

Seriously, it’s creeping me out.

“Can you find where this Sandara lives?” he looked at me pleadingly. “Pleaseeeee?”

I shook my head at him, “No, Jiyong… It’s an invasion of priva-”

“Ah~ Hyuuung~~… Please… Just this once, uh…? How can I settle things if I can’t find her???” well, he made a point there. Well, I’ll eventually search for her but it was fun torturing him. *evil laugh*

“You have to do something for me in return…” I held my smile in. Mwahaha… he’s doing all the dirty job of finding her. And by the way, I’m still not over the hotel fee thing just so you know!

“I’ll help you find a girl who won’t be affected by your chuckle, m’kay???” he took my hands and clasped it. Oh god, I feel gay.

I drew my hands back quickly and sighed, nodding my head once. “Alright… but I doubt you’ll find anyone like that. I’ve tried…” I turned my chair back to the computer and started to work my magic.




Dara POV

It was Sunday morning but I felt like sh*t, my head hurted like crap and I had terrible cramps because of the ‘Monthly Guest’. I walked out of the bathroom and went straight to the fridge. I took out a cartoon of milk and poured it in a cooking pot and heated it. Hm, warm milk never failed to comfort me. Then I took some pills to ease the cramps.

I stirred the milk with my right hand, my left hand massaging my lower back.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, making me jump. I grunted at myself and turned off the stove.

WHY??? Why does it have to be this moment???

“Who is it?” I asked.

Then I heard a voice answered, “Delivery!”

Huh? I didn’t order anything.

I went to the door and peeked through the peephole. It’s Jaejoong oppa. And he’s wearing a black vest and cap. On his hand was a big and heavy looking parcel. Oh.

I tried my best to hide my pained and annoyed expression and opened the door.

“Hi, uh…” I eyed his vest for the nametag. “Jisuk-ssi, please come in” I said, trying to look confused.

“Well, good morning, miss. Where should I put this?”

“Uh, follow me” I closed the door and turned to him.

“What are you doing here?”

“Alright… I know you’re annoyed, so I won’t stay long. I’ll only drop things off and go.” He put the parcel down and walked to the living room. “Your acting can’t fool me, Dara, as convincing as it is to others.” He said and chuckled, pinching my cheek. Then, he sat down on the sofa and searched through his bag. Then he pulled out a small box and opened it. Inside, there was a tiny chip.

“Is it the Black Bird case?” I asked, and sat beside him. I could feel my cramps going away, replaced by the thrill of getting a new case to work on.

He nodded and zipped up his bag, preparing to go. “See you tomorrow!” he smiled and patted my shoulder. I stood up and walked him to the door.

“Sorry for disturbing, miss. I’ll be leaving” he bowed to me.

“Thanks, keep the hard work!” I smiled curtly and closed the door.

I went back in and walked to the kitchen, poured myself a glass of milk and went to my sound-proof office room with the chip in my hand. I inserted it in the reader and the computer. I typed in my password and a window popped out, asking for my identity authentication. I typed it in and the screen turned black, then a video played, telling me that the chip would self-destroy after the video end. I took a sip of my warm milk and watched and listened closely. I took out my memo book.

First, their ‘suspected’ Headquarter were shown. It was located in a quite deserted place in the mountain, away from prying eyes. Then the screen zoomed in, revealing a girl dressed in black walking around the front entrance of The Headquarter. She was called “Victoria“, and was being suspected as the best sniper of Black Bird. Other faces keep on appearing, but only a few with detailed enough data. I scribbled down their names and pinned their faces into my memory.

I was taking my last sip of the milk then suddenly I chocked, “Ah?!” *cough*

Jaejoong oppa’s face suddenly appeared on the screen. “Now, I’ll explain it to you. You know I hate to make it so complicated with those silly graphic things like others did these days… technologies, replacing humans.” he sighed dramatically and wiped an invisible tear.

I chuckled on his silliness. How could he be this cute! No wonder he’s the most sought after man in our department.

“Well, let’s start. Ehrmm” he coughed slightly and began to read out a piece of paper he was holding.

“An organization, Black Bird, is connected to drugs and illegal weapons selling all around the world. It was formed long time ago maybe around 4 years. We don’t know the exact time. Their illegal activities had been discovered by The Police Department quite many times before, but they let it slide because of... bribing.” he made an air quote and rolled his eyes. I chuckled at the screen. “Five celebrities’ suicides were linked to them and 93 people were murdered around the world last year.” A series of faces popped out then the screen went back to Jaejoong oppa.

“Pretty outstanding record here.” He made an expression.

I made a mental note to myself to concentrate and stop ogling Kim Jaejoong. I have to focus. Focus.

“And uh, that’s what we’ve gathered so far. So now, your job is to find out more, and to stop them from doing any further harm to the society. Uhm… that’s all… annyeong~!” He waved and the screen out.

“Okay.” I pulled out the burned chip from the card reader and threw it in the trash.

Interesting case…

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daramaegon #1
Chapter 5: this fic reminds me of taiwanese drama starring rainie yang and joseph chang, a little bit similar,,it's a good drama indeed..i love your story authornim, there's action,comedy and perhaps drama, i wish the couple would meet soon and im anticipating and expecting this to be hilarious with top on it im sure this as funny and enjoyable,,pls update soon:)
Chapter 4: oh!! nice story
jek003 #3
Chapter 4: interesting story ^___^ hope to read the next chapter soon.
so excited, plz update soon