Chapter 3 : Ring

Espio In Ages

-Dara’s POV-


I was standing stiffly and lowered my head down. Se7en oppa was standing in front of me and sitting on his desk. Actually, we had been like this for the last 30 minutes. I dared myself to look up and caught the sight of se7en oppa pursing his lips and standing up from the table. My sweat began to fall as I saw him walking towards me. Crap, I shouldn’t have talked to Mr. Smexy McChuckle this morning.


As se7en oppa stood in front of me, I saw Bom’s hair peeking through the window in the corner of my eyes. That corn lover! Is she eavesdropping?


Suddenly se7en oppa kicked my shin.


“What the heck??!!” I blurted out.


“Do you know your mistake?” he calmly asked me.


“Of course. I came late. Sorry.” My voice was as tiny as a prematurely born baby ant.


“Now that you know your mistake, you have to treat me lunch for a week, arasso??” he said in his ‘authoritive’ voice. Doesn’t he have dignity? Asking a girl to treat him lunch for a week. Who does he think he is??!! Psh…so much for being a team leader. One time I borrowed his cell phone and he asked me to massage his shoulder for 3 days. Childish I tell you!! CHILDISH!!!


“Why do I have to?” I asked him.


“Because I said so. Or do you prefer I write a notification to director Yang Hyun Suk telling him that you didn’t come to a mission?” he asked me while rising one of his eyebrows up and smiling innocently.


“This is blackmailing!” I said rather loudly.


“Take it or leave it” was his simple answer.


“Ugh… alright, I’ll do it” my shoulder slumped in defeat.


“Yay!!!” he shouted out and punched his hand in the air.






I shut Se7en oppa’s office door disconsolately. I felt like I was going to suffocate to death soon. Why was he always torturing me? Asking me to do a bundle of crazy and childish things! He never told the others to do that!!! I knew I was wrong this morning. But still… it’s not fair!!!


 As I turned around with a gloomy face attached, Bom ran towards me in a crazy goose speed, showing her impatient eyes. Others might think she’s going to hunt them down with those eyes. It’s like she’s ready to dig parts of your body to gain the information she needed. She should apply for a reporter rather than an intel. 


“Yah,,.. where did you go this morning? You were late again?? What did se7en oppa told you to do this time…? Tell me, tell me!” She asked while holding her almost finished corn with her hands.


Ckk... How could she talk with full of corn like that? She kept on spitting it to my face.


“Stop munching, you corn eater! Your corn is flying everywhere.” I shut her jaw close.


“Geez… what’s with the mood? Don’t answer it!! So, tell me~~~!!!” She said after swallowing her corn.


Crap, what should I tell her? I can’t say that I woke up in a hotel room with an unknown man, right? What will she think of me? Ahhhh!!!


“I, I… I must go to the…bathroom, yes, bathroom!!! I should… err, touch up my make up! Yeah! Right! So… see you around” I fled away to the bathroom.




-Bom’s POV-


She’s weird… she doesn’t wear make up… she’s stuttering… AKH!!!




I will find out soon why… just wait, you Dara!






-Dara’s POV-


I splashed my face with the cold water and stared back at my flushed face in the mirror. I splashed my face again and again…*splash splash splash*


When I looked up and caught something glistening on my hand.


What’s this?? Is it a ring?? Where did I get that from???


I pulled it out and studied the ring. It was not complicatedly designed but also not too simple. And not to mention, it was really my style. I would want a ring like this if I got married. *drool*


I turned it around and saw something engraved on the inside of the ring.


Kwon Jing Yo.


Who is Kwon Jing Yo???


*creak* the bathroom door opened and two girls came in with a make up bag. Why they use make up in this kind of job, I wondered. Not that I didn’t use make up. But I prefer not to. I only use it if needed, like in a mission where I needed disguise.


I pocketed the ring and got out of the bathroom.


Suddenly, someone crept behind me. “Boo!”


“GAH!!! What are you doing here?!” I held my chest, surprised.


“Hey! Don’t talk to me like that! Don’t you miss me? I just got back from China after two months of mission, you know…” Jaejoong oppa said while hugging me tightly.


“Of course I missed you…! How have you been?” I chirped happily.


“Well, beside of the place where I stayed was blown up and I barely escaped from the scene, and the wound on the left waist… I’m okay.” He said while smiling innocently.




I smacked his head and left him standing there. Stupid guy! We are all worried because he couldn’t be contacted for 2 months and he come back telling me this, nonchalantly??!!! How dare he!!!


“Hey!!!” I heard his footsteps chasing after me and I turned around facing him.


“Don’t be such an ice queen… It’s not that bad. Really.” Jaejoong oppa smiled reassuringly.


“Heuh… you always say that every time you got hurt badly. Let me see it.”


Jaejoong oppa lifted his shirt and showed me his gauzed wound. It’s not bad… it’s worse. I opened my mouth to lecture him again, but he stopped me.


“If I treat you ice cream, will you forgive me…?” he smirked.


I slit my eyes at him. “You always know what to do, don’t you?” I grinned.




“We were assigned a new job last week” I said as I the ice cream cone he bought from the minimarket in front of our office building.


“Really? What kind of job?” Jaejoong oppa asked.


“Well, the Black Bird case” I told him slowly.


“The drugs and weapons dealer Black Bird?” he asked.


“Yeah, last time I checked.” I answered and bit the ice cream cone.


He kept silent for the rest of our walk to the office building. I looked at him but he was munching the ice cream like there’s no tomorrow. Uncomfortable with the silence, I spoke up.


“Anyway, we will be having a meeting tomorrow and you need to be present at around 8.30 in the morning. And, thanks for the treat” I gobbled down the ice cream and smiled at him then I turn around.


“Hey! Wait a minute!” Jaejoong oppa walked up to me. He smiled amusedly and leaned in.


I swallowed my saliva. He was leaning in so close that I could see his pores. And that was saying something… because his skin is like, glass smooth. Suddenly, his thumb brushed the corner of my mouth.


“You got ice cream here” he said quietly, almost whispering. I could feel his minty breath on my face.


“Um, thanks… for your help… um… bye…” I stuttered awkwardly and speed-walked away, trying to hide my blushing face.




--GD POV--


Ah, what a wonderful world…


I plopped down my bed and rolled around happily.


CL noona had been giving me a hard time. She even asked me to arrange her files, which was as high as Mt. Everest. ‘Practice for your librarian job’ she’d said. Ugh! And why did she have to make TOP work with me too? I like him and I’m close to him, but he’s so d*mn annoying sometimes. And his chuckle… *sigh* he could have any girl he wants with just a chuckle and he loathed himself for it??? Like he said, life is so unfair…


I sighed heavily and got out of the bed. I needed some fun.


I went out to my Bentley Continental GT and got inside. I decided to go to a club. And maybe I could find some hot girl.


I the machine, but then I remembered something…


I sat there for a while, thinking about the girl I woke up with this morning. She doesn’t seem like a bad girl. She actually looked like an innocent high school student. So, what was she doing with me???


I closed my eyes and tried to remember last night’s events. It was all blurry since I had been drunk. I rubbed my face and groaned. Wait! Something hard touched my face. I looked at my finger.


It was a ring. Like a wedding band, silver and had a single diamond. I took it out. Hm…? There was something carved on the inside.


‘Sandara Park’ ??



“Hi therrre! Name’s Saaandarrra Parrrk!!! Youuu??”


Then the memory of last night came back crashing to me.


“Oh, Sh*t!!!”

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daramaegon #1
Chapter 5: this fic reminds me of taiwanese drama starring rainie yang and joseph chang, a little bit similar,,it's a good drama indeed..i love your story authornim, there's action,comedy and perhaps drama, i wish the couple would meet soon and im anticipating and expecting this to be hilarious with top on it im sure this as funny and enjoyable,,pls update soon:)
Chapter 4: oh!! nice story
jek003 #3
Chapter 4: interesting story ^___^ hope to read the next chapter soon.
so excited, plz update soon