Chapter 1 : The First Meeting

Espio In Ages

+++Dara POV+++


I woke up with a hangover.

I guess I’d been sleeping for too long, my head hurt so much. I moved under my blanket slowly, enjoying my fluffy bed, slightly feeling dizzy.

GAWD!! Stop spinning, room!

I rolled over on my bed and felt something hard under my hand. I ignored it as I needed to pee badly. I got up from my bed and ran towards the bathroom. When I got into the bathroom and peed, the room finally stopped spinning.


Umm...I felt comfortable after… uhh… wait… wait... Why isn’t the wall white ceramic like usual?


I began to freak out. Whose bathroom is this? It is not my house.  There's a Jacuzzi here! When did I have a freaking Jacuzzi? I never bought a Jacuzzi… I don’t even like Jacuzzi…!!!


I silently ran back to the bedroom and I freeze in my place as I spotted something moving under the bedcover. Uh-oh… My mind went to its alert mode and kept displaying different scenarios, each one including me either being bitten or eaten. I held my breath and tried to tiptoe to the door.

Wait. A. Minute. I’m not wearing my own clothes. I looked down my body with my eyes wide as saucer pan. I was wearing a large t-shirt and my toe-length black legging from yesterday. I frowned, trying to remember from where the heck I got the shirt.


Still pondering on the origin of the t-shirt I was wearing and with a ‘not-aware’ mode on, I heard a gentle moan behind me. I turned my head quickly towards the bed behind. OhH MmYY GaAWWDD!!

A man came out from the blanket and sat on the bed. Wait..Am i dreaming now?! a blinked my eyes several times. ! what is really happening here. I was still standing near the door unable to move.

Then the man, well, who seemed not to realize a woman was standing right in front of the door, stood up from the bed.

And..and...He was there with only a boxer, I would like to repeat it ONCE AGAIN, A BOXER!! -A short and kinda tight boxer if I may add.


He stretched his muscles, showing his slight abs and then he yawned loudly. I gasped. This is too much for my eyes. This is more terrible then a mouse or snake (which I’ve thought was the case). Then he looked up, landing his eyes on me. Both of us made eye contact, staring at each other.


After a pregnant pause,

Me and the boxer guy: “KYAAAAAAAHHHH?$%^&*!!!!!!!!”




**Earlier, in the room next to them**




I inhaled the breeze and listened to the sound of nature while reading my newspaper on the balcony in my hotel room. What a peaceful morning. I haven’t felt this kind of feeling for too long already.


Then, something caught my attention.


I stared and drooled over the Pororo’s figurine advertisement on the newspaper.


“Aw… what a cute doll… I wanna get this one!! I’ll put you, lil roro, with my chingu bear bricks collection~” I said determinedly. Yes, I am determined.


I picked up my cup, and was midway through sipping my hot, sizzling, delicious morning coffee.




I got startled and accidentally, the coffee slipped from my perfectly-born hand and…AND!!


Oh Shiiitt! I felt it, man!! I felt it!!


“AH..!! HOT!! HOT!!” I shouted and rose up from my seat. The content spilled on the NEWSPAPER!


“YAHH!! I haven’t finished reading it!!! Ah!!! My roro roro!!! @$*%^” I threw aside the newspaper on the floor. My anger had exceeded to the maximum.


“I had just washed my y jeans a week ago you know?! Damn it! AHHH!! My precious, y tights!!” I swung my hands around in depression and stomped my feet on the floor out of anger. That damn neighbor should pay for this!!



-Author POV-




“Who the heck are you??? What did do to me, huh?!” Dara yelled at the boxer guy frantically, crossing her arms in front of her chest.


She then lifted her head and started screaming again, “Who are you!? How come I ended up with you here?? You erted guy! What did you do to me??!!!” The guy screamed back to her, “I’m the one who’s supposed to ask you! You must’ve made me drunk last night and brought me here!! And now you’re blaming me?!” He pointed her with his right index finger, while putting his other hand on his hip.




A sudden loud scream came from their next room. Both Dara and the guy stopped screaming to each other.


“AH..!! HOT!! HOT!!...week ago…!...AHH!!...y tights!!”


Dara glared at the wall seperating the two rooms. Sensing the chance, the guy went to search for his clothes. But he accidentally looked at the clock and a thought passed through his mind. He remembered that he had to attend an important meeting. “Argh… crap!” he cursed quietly and quickly grabbed the blanket on the bed and covered his body. When Dara turned her head around to look for the guy, he had already fled out of the room in a Lightning McQueen speed.


“Hey! Stop ther…--“ Dara went out the door, but the man had fled too far.




TOP pushed his door and walked out in an awkward way, with his leg spreading widely, for the coffee had made his tights wet and hot. He whipped his head towards Jiyong's shilouette and chuckled. He turned his head to Dara, with anger coming back to him, he shouted, “YAAAH!!! Who do you think you are?! Roaring loudly early in this morning?! You screwed my perfect morning, you noisy chimpanzee!!!” he cursed loudly facing Dara.


He started ranting nonstop about his tights, soap, pollutions, global warming and strawberry ice-cream, which was apparently, his favorite flavor.


Dara, on the other hand, looked confused because she was shocked over TOP’s slamming and ranting. Dara kept on blinking her eyes. She can’t figure out how to deal with this crazy guy nor understand what was he talking about.


After a few minutes, TOP finally stopped his ranting. He inhaled deeply to calm himself down.


*inhale* *exhale*


Out of the blue, he grinned at Dara. ”Okay, I’m done. What were you two doing together in a room just now?” That was the first clear and complete sentence that came out from his mouth.


“Huh?” Dara, startled by his question, looked left and right to make sure that question is not thrown to her.


“That guy… who ran out in a hurry with only a blanket attached… Pfft… Did you him?” he chuckled, covering his mouth using the back of his left hand.


Dara’s heart skipped a beat. She felt something tingly emanating from her chest and spreading through her abdomen, stunning her into a statue. That was the most handsome chuckle she had ever witnessed. Ever.


Her mind probably went somewhere in its world that only her can understand, thus, making her jump when she heard a phone ringing.


And it turned out that sound came from TOP’s pocket. He looked at his phone’s screen.

“Akhh!! I’m late!! I’m late!!” he screamed out, panicking.

Dara took a look at her wrist watch. “Damn it! I’m late too!!” Dara ran towards her room, and so did TOP, and they both slammed their door close simultaneously.


After a few minutes, both Dara and TOP rushed out of their room at the same time. They locked it and ran to the lobby. They both stopped at the receptionist to check out. Before Dara handed over her key, she realized she didn’t have much money in her purse and she remembered leaving her cards at home yesterday.


Oh sh*t!!!! she thought


She look at TOP who was giving his own key to the receptionist and handing over his credit card while shaking his feet and telling the receptionist lady to be faster. Then an idea popped out of her mind. She formed a thin smile on her lips.


‘Sorry, stranger.’ she thought to herself.


“He’ll pay mine…” Dara whispered to the receptionist lady, throwing her key to the receptionist counter and ran away shouting at TOP, “Thank you! You’re a handsome and generous guy! JJANG!” and not even giving a glance back, she scurried out to the main door.


Top turned back to the receptionist half dazed.

“Am I that handsome? Hehe… She makes me shy.” He smiled shyly and flicked his hand.

“ah..hah..yess..rr..sirr… so, this is the bill.” the lady handed him the piece of paper, blushing.


After he read it, he lifted his head up, “Are you scamming me? I did NOT and can NOT and will NOT live in two rooms.” He looked at the lady incredulously with his gaze intense.


“B, but… That miss just asked you t, t, to pay hers.” The receptionist answered, almost whimpering under the pressure of TOP’s eyes.


“WHAT??!!!” He shrieked out and accidentally spitted his saliva to the lady.


(A/N= sob… sob… what did the lady did to him that she had to deserve that?  Tabi... you’re so mean…)




So, that's all for chap 1. Hope you like it~. Will update chap2 real quick!

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daramaegon #1
Chapter 5: this fic reminds me of taiwanese drama starring rainie yang and joseph chang, a little bit similar,,it's a good drama indeed..i love your story authornim, there's action,comedy and perhaps drama, i wish the couple would meet soon and im anticipating and expecting this to be hilarious with top on it im sure this as funny and enjoyable,,pls update soon:)
Chapter 4: oh!! nice story
jek003 #3
Chapter 4: interesting story ^___^ hope to read the next chapter soon.
so excited, plz update soon