Chapter 7: Second date

I'm Sorry.....


"Life is the fire that burns and the sun that gives light. Life is the wind and the rain and the thunder in the sky. Life is matter and is earth, what is and what is not, and what beyond is in Eternity."


"You can take for granted that people know more or less what a street, a shop, a beach, a sky, an oak tree look like. Tell them what makes this one different."


(Monday) January 25th 2009


Changmin's Pov


....25th already..... time has gone by so fast....before I knew it 1 month would have already ended,


"What are you doing?" I heard Kyuhyun call behind me.


"Making breakfast~"


"What? You make breakfast?" Yes...I'm making breakfast...I know I'm not as good as Kyuhyun but as least it's edible.


"And? Just sit down and wait for breakfast to be served." I plated the food and put it down in front of me and Kyuhyun.


"Is it going to kill me?" He asked looking at the food and back at me.


"That's mean you know! I'm not THAT bad at cooking....."


"Ok...Thanks for the food..." He tucked in "I guess it's ok..." He said stuffing more into his mouth. A smile grew from my of the very rare times Kyuhyun complimented me... Once we were done we made our way to school, I watched him as we sat down, waiting for lesson to start. His eyes drifting off to an unknown land that know one knows off... I hope one day he'll tell me....


"Kyu-" I was about to talk when I was cut off by someone.


"OPPA!" I heard Tiffany call me.




"Oppa can we go to the mall together after school today?"




"Why not?" I saw her give me a pout....


"Just because...." I wasn't bothered to look at her anymore... I continued to look at Kyuhyun, my mind filling up with thoughts about him... no hearing anything Tiffany was saying to me...


No one's Pov


"OPPA! OPPA!" Tiffany called out to Changmin only to be blanked. "Hmmf!" He crossed he arms and went back to her seat. Cho Kyuhyun huh? Just you wait... I'll get you back!


Kyuhyun's Pov


I scoffed at the sight in front of me, trying my best to ignore them... That girl once again getting on my nerves early in the morning.


"Kyuhyun~" Changmin called out to me.


"Hmm?" I replied not wanting to move my head away from the window.


""Let's go to the mall today! I heard a new arcade has opened in the mall and since you don't play many games  was thinking we should go together!!~"




"But you promised! Remember?" I turned my head and was greeted by a full blown Changmin pout face...


"Fine then...." Soon enough the bell rang and it was time to go home...or in our the mall...


"LET'S GO!" Changmin grabbed onto my arm and dragged me over to his car. It wasn't a long drive...Like 10 minutes? We headed straight to the arcade.... I was fun? We played many games, I got better each round... I have to say I haven't felt so happy...ever since Siwon. We gamed from 3 hours straight before Changmin was staring to get hungry. He insisted we got to a restaurant as and I quote "He didn't want me to strain myself" Come on...The restaurant we ate at was really nice I must admit. As we went into the car to drive back home it seemed to be longer then the journey to then back.






"Are you feeling anything different about me?"




"Are you sure?"




"Really sure?"




"Ok...." To tell you the truth I don't really know what I feel.... Siwon....Siwon kept coming in head head from some reason.


"I'm tired...Good night Changmin." I went to my bedroom not bothered to look at him once. Soon enough sleep came to me.





TADA~~~~~~~~~~~ Updated this ficcie after sooo long! Sorry kinda working on "My Fallen Angel" xDD I hope you like this chappie.... Changmin still not getting any love? Poor minnie!


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Okie... I'm re-writing it to make it have a good ending! P.S: It will be the same but just different at the end~


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meemow123 #1
Chapter 21: Sooo sweet Kyu you SCARED me and poor Minnie .. T.TIread it and was like HOLY AFEJSJCLJSKLBWE THAT DIDNT JUST HAPPEN I was scared to death .. As soon as I read thr word army in the previous chapter I got this bad feeling in my stomach ... Shouldve known ...
And that bit where its "Till we meet again" that is so touching I cried ... My heart if hurting too many feels ... I hope they do ... It woukd be even more awesome (wow its been a while since i used that word heeheee) if they fell in love again ... THEN they got the memories of their past life again ... That would be .. Weird but yea ... I just dont like thinking of those memories fading *pouts*
AND IT WAS YOU TIFFANY HWANG *starts throwing things around* Whyyy why would you do that its too farrr noooo u killed siwon AND baby Kyu ... Noooo T.T poor Shiwon too ...
This fanfic is freaking awesome full stop. :) well done!!!!
Chapter 18: So, okay, I was reading this again and I thought, you know just wishful thinking, that it'd be nice if we had like a one-shot where changkyu met again and fell in love all over again. xDD sorry haha I'm not saying that you should write a sequel, it's just that I wanted to let you know that this story is that kind of story that you want more of it, so it's really good xDD
I was meaning to tell you, I love this story! Thank you for writing it. Both endings are perfect because Changkyu is perfect :D
Chapter 14: Changkyu<33 i liked so much the fact that, in the end Kyu really loves Changmin. Although I loved the ending in which Kyu gets to live I loved when he said he loved him more than he should from heaven assffghjlljdsasfhkll just...changkyu xD :$$
I watched it
it's sad that Siwon died though ;(
Chapter 22: WOW I love it very much..can u teach me ? XD
but why don't u wear it in the Masquerade?
Chapter 22: WOOOW you really have talent ...the dress is gorgeous really ^^ good job
Chapter 21: So tiffany is the killer? Whatever wonkyu can be together again.. I vote for destined but i love the other story to ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 21: awwww im sooooo happy now (dancing sorry sorry) it was great they will be happy together .... saranghae alice and about ur dimple dont worry im exactly like u a dimple sudenly appeared in my right check its sooo funny
Chapter 21: Hahahaha really are u sure there is nothing else ???
oh so now we know that was all Tiffany plan -going to kill her-

and I voted for Destined though I love them all so I dont mind ^^