Chapter 4: Moving in

I'm Sorry.....


“The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night.”


“I saw a star, I reached for it. I missed, so I accepted the sky”



January 5th 2009


Kyuhyun's Pov


I woke up and looked at the clock 7pm Urg, I've slept for a long time... I could feel someone holding my hand, I looked over to see Changmin, Huh? Why is he here? I slowly took my hand away from his taking a blanket to put over him before I went to the bathroom to freshen up. Beep Beep~ My phone rang. I went over it to see the message someone sent me.


To My Dear Son,

Kyuhyun! I don't know if you've woken up yet but me and your mother are currently on a business trip and won't be back in a month. I asked your friend Changmin to stay over since then, he agreed to it so make sure you feed him and treat him nicely! Love you loads xxx

From Dad


Sigh, no wonder he's here. I went over to the kitchen to make so dinner since I doubt he's ate anything, neither have I...In fact I haven't eaten anything since am I still alive? I went into the kitchen and took out some ingredients to make Jajangmyeon, since I didn't know how much Changmin can eat I decided to make a lot, I switched on the radio since I don't like to cook without music.


Changmin's Pov


I woke up and found no one on the bed, where is he, I found myself panicking when I ran downstairs and there he was, in the kitchen making some food. Phew.


"Good morning~" I said as I went to the dining room and sat down on a chair not taking my eyes of him.


"Hey." He replied but didn't look at me.


"What are you making?" I stood up and walked over to him "Oo! Jajangmyeon! Yummy!"


"Sit down, I'm going to plate up soon." I sat down before Kyuhyun put the plates in front of us. "Let's eat!" I picked up my chopsticks and started eating, at first I was wondering if I should eat it because Kyuhyun doesn't look like a person who's good at cooking but I tried it anyway since he did make it for me.


"MMMMM!!" I mumbled, "It is sooooo good!" I stuffed more in my mouth.


"Swallow it! You might choke!" I obey.


"By they way~ I'm a eating machine so you better have more!" I warned him.


"I see, good thing there's still some left in the kitchen, since I don't know how much you eat, I made a lot."


"Really!! Yay~" I quickly finished eating and immediately asked for another plate.


"You really do eat a lot......."  Kyuhyun took the plate and went to the Kitchen to refill, I looked around the house still sitting on his chair. I spotted a picture on the table next to the T.V, I took it and found a picture with Kyuhyun standing next to a man, both smiling widely, I couldn't help but smile with him since this was my first time seeing Kyuhyun really smile, my smile turned upside down when I turned the picture over and read the little note on it "My last time with Siwon before sending him to the Army."


"Changmin? What are you doing?" I heard Kyuhyun call me.


"Oh! Nothing, I thought I saw a bug here and I was just about to capture it and set it free." I lied.


"Here." He gave me my second helping Jajangmyeon.


"Sooo good~~" Soon enough I finished my 5th bowl. "Ahhh! Full~" I sat back on the chair and patted my tummy. He looked at the plate and the looked at me, him mouth forming an "O"


"WOAH! How are you alive after eating so much?"


"Well, you ate 2 plates yourself!" I argued


"Yes! But that was because I didn't eat since breakfast."


"Still~" I pouted at him causing him to look away.


"By the way my Father told me about you staying over for a month....."


"Oh! Sorry...if you don't want me to then I'll leave...."


"It's fine..I'm sure my Father would kill me if I threw out a guest."


"So...I can stay?..."


"Yeah...Whatever....I'll show you to your room." He stood up to take me over to "my" room


"Wait! I wanna go to your room!" I told him


"Why, You've already went inside..."


"Yes! But I didn't see anything~" I plead until he finally let me.


"Fine!" We took me around his room, once we where there I looked at the many photo frames he possessed with pictures of him and his family also with Siwon present, each photo was plastered with smiles all around, one big happy family I thought.


"Kyuhyun...Who is this person?" I took one of the frames and pointed at Siwon. Of course I knew who he was...I wanted to see Kyuhyun's reaction.


"He's....a close friend." He took the frame of me and put it down on it's original place.


"How come I've never met him?"


"How can you? I've only known you for 2 days...."


"But...." I said unable to think of anything to say. "Kyuhyun...."


"Yes?" He turned around and looked at me.


"Are we friends?" I asked him, hoping he would say yes.


"I guess so...since you've already 'met' my father and you're currently living with me......So saw me cry..." he looked at his feet.


"Really?" I ran over to him, hugging his back which made him flinch a bit.


Kyuhyun's Pov.


"Really?" He ran over to me and hugged my back, making me flinch a bit.


"What are you doing?"


"Shh...I want to stay like this for a while.." The was a silence as we stood there, I could feel my heart beating faster then usual and my blood rushing up to my cheeks. "Kyuhyun...."


"Y yes?" I stuttered a bit. He turned me around to make me face him, I kept my head low so he wouldn't see my face.


"What if I want to be more then friends?"


"Wha-" I was cut of by his lips.


"I said, What if I want to be more then friends?" He repeated as he pulled away.




I'm sorry.... I squealed like Junsu when I wrote the last part xDDD GAHHHH!! CHANGKYU KISS~~~~~~ How did you guys like it? Sorry if you hated this chappie T.T I'll update ASAP!!!~~~~


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Okie... I'm re-writing it to make it have a good ending! P.S: It will be the same but just different at the end~


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meemow123 #1
Chapter 21: Sooo sweet Kyu you SCARED me and poor Minnie .. T.TIread it and was like HOLY AFEJSJCLJSKLBWE THAT DIDNT JUST HAPPEN I was scared to death .. As soon as I read thr word army in the previous chapter I got this bad feeling in my stomach ... Shouldve known ...
And that bit where its "Till we meet again" that is so touching I cried ... My heart if hurting too many feels ... I hope they do ... It woukd be even more awesome (wow its been a while since i used that word heeheee) if they fell in love again ... THEN they got the memories of their past life again ... That would be .. Weird but yea ... I just dont like thinking of those memories fading *pouts*
AND IT WAS YOU TIFFANY HWANG *starts throwing things around* Whyyy why would you do that its too farrr noooo u killed siwon AND baby Kyu ... Noooo T.T poor Shiwon too ...
This fanfic is freaking awesome full stop. :) well done!!!!
Chapter 18: So, okay, I was reading this again and I thought, you know just wishful thinking, that it'd be nice if we had like a one-shot where changkyu met again and fell in love all over again. xDD sorry haha I'm not saying that you should write a sequel, it's just that I wanted to let you know that this story is that kind of story that you want more of it, so it's really good xDD
I was meaning to tell you, I love this story! Thank you for writing it. Both endings are perfect because Changkyu is perfect :D
Chapter 14: Changkyu<33 i liked so much the fact that, in the end Kyu really loves Changmin. Although I loved the ending in which Kyu gets to live I loved when he said he loved him more than he should from heaven assffghjlljdsasfhkll just...changkyu xD :$$
I watched it
it's sad that Siwon died though ;(
Chapter 22: WOW I love it very much..can u teach me ? XD
but why don't u wear it in the Masquerade?
Chapter 22: WOOOW you really have talent ...the dress is gorgeous really ^^ good job
Chapter 21: So tiffany is the killer? Whatever wonkyu can be together again.. I vote for destined but i love the other story to ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 21: awwww im sooooo happy now (dancing sorry sorry) it was great they will be happy together .... saranghae alice and about ur dimple dont worry im exactly like u a dimple sudenly appeared in my right check its sooo funny
Chapter 21: Hahahaha really are u sure there is nothing else ???
oh so now we know that was all Tiffany plan -going to kill her-

and I voted for Destined though I love them all so I dont mind ^^