Chapter 17: Coming back to you

I'm Sorry.....


 “Because the difference between a friend and a real friend is that you and the real friend come from the same territory, of the same place deep inside you, and that means you see the world in the same kind of way. You know each other even before you do.”


"Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.”



December 25th 2011


Kyuhyun's Pov



It was now Christmas. Changmin had to serve extra months for some reason.. Even he didn't knoe..or that's what it said in his letters. He never failed to send me a letter every week. The only thing I didn't like about him was that he always sent the letters at a random day of the week... For example, the first week, the letter would arrive on Wednesday but the second week would arrive on Monday... It was never only Sunday or only Saturday. But I just that's what made the letters more worth waiting as I didn't know when it would arrive.



In his letters he said that he managed to get a really good rank in the army, second in Command, I guess  that's why he had to serve extra. Of course I was upset when I read that he had to stay for more months but what could I do...? It's not my choice....All I had to do was wait.. Wait for him to come back to me. I'm now 22 years old, just about finished University. I couldn't be happier.



I stood at the same place as I was when I let Changmin go. This time it is snowing, despite the snow, the sun still managed to shine brightly, almost blinding. I waited until I heard the announcement of the ship to dock.



"Sorry for the delay, the soldiers are still making their way back, it won't be long until they arrive...sorry for the wait"


For some reason this is all too familiar... Is it me.. or does this seem like Deja vu? I took some time for the boats to arrive which mad me more upset... I want to see Changmin so badly! After waiting an hour the boat arrived! There was Changmin... He gave the captain a salute before looking around the beach where I was standing. My guess to stop me. I hide myself to see how long it would take for him to notice me. 2 minutes exactly!


He ran towards me, waving his hands and calling my name. I smiled at his silliness as he looks like a 5 year old who lost their mother at a mall and finds her. I wave back to him but the sun got in my eyes. I tries hard to not break contact with him but it was too hard. I looked back and wiped my tears as that was how bad the sun was! It's still snowing as well.....


I looked around when my eyes was finally free for it's tears and there...there it was... a man at the top of a building with a sniper.... That was when everything came back to me...





"Sorry for the delay, the soldiers are still making their way back, it won't be long until they arrive...sorry for the wait"


the announcer shouted through the speaker.

The boat docked...

He's now running to me on the beach waving his right hand with the goofiest smile on his face, he was about 2 metres away from me when.........






I saw him drop on to the yellow sand slowly.....

He fell down on to his knees and then flat on his face....

I ran to him, pushing away all the people and guards in front of me, screaming the other families covered their children eyes, not wanting them to ruin their innocence.....






End of Flashback~



The time with Changmin must have made me forget about what happened to Siwon... I should have guessed...



"CHANGMIN!" I shouted at him, I ran to him pushing everyone out of the way. I reached Changmin, pushing him away I heard it..The dreadful bang.






I fell onto the snow covered beach, I saw as his face went from a smile to a complete shocked expression. He quickly stood up from the snow as my push was very strong, running towards me he kneeled beside me holding onto my body caressing my face.



"Kyuhyun...Wha-what happened...Please...No....." His tears dropped onto my face as it streamed down his.



"I'm such an idiot Minnie...How...could I have not seen this...*Cough*.. It was bound to happen again...." I could fell my warm blood trail out my mouth.



"What are you talking about...?" He looked at me confused.



"You..and Siwon are too alike....It was me who ruined your lives... I might have let one die..but I wouldn't let the other..Even if it means to sacrifice myself....*Cough*"



"No...NO! STOP TALKING BULL! ME AND SIWON ARE NOT ALIKE! ME OR YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DIE! WE'LL LIVE HAPPILY FOREVER, TOGETHER! Please... Please...Don't leave.... Please...." He cried harder, his fingers intertwine with mine, I let his hand go and reached to my necklace.



"Minnie...Please...Forget about me...move on and live happily...don't be like me....Please...."



"No...NO! KYUHYUN! DON'T STOP TALKING!" He clutched onto me tighter. "PLEASE SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE! SOMEONE IS INJURED! PLEASE!" His tears never stopping. I could hear desperation in his voice, I couldn't help but smile as I could tell he really does love me.



"Minnie ah....*Cough*"



"NO! Please! The ambulance will be here soon! You'll be fine. I promise!" Our eyes locked together.



"Minnie" I took his hand, placing the necklace he gave me on his hand "Minnie...*Cough*.....Please..As a favour for me...Find someone else...Give them the love you've given me... and live happily with them. I love you" His face was starting to get blurry. "Minnie ah..Are you there?" I could hear sobs still, letting me know he is still there. I body was getting numb, soon the pain of my injury was no longer there... Soon everything went black.....



Changmin's Pov



I held onto his hands as he asked if I was still there. The necklace in between our palms, it dangled, I could see that Kyuhyun eye lids where struggling to stay open. Please...Come quickly... I prayed....Will God here my prayers?





Of course not....



I guess God wanted their angel back..........



His eyes fully closed, his arm slid out of my grip and falling onto the cold snow,. The sun no longer present, the necklace too dropped onto the ground as it followed Kyuhyun's hands. His body still warm, his cheeks still red, as if he was only sleeping....



However no signs of breathing was now present. Everything was dead silent..Everything went to a halt.



"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! KYUHYUN!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!! WAKE UP! DON'T PLEASE DON'T! NOT NOW! NOT YET...DON'T LEAVE ME IN THIS WORLD ALONE...!" I held him close to my chest. My heart hurts.. Like someone stabbed it...I don't know what to do... I shouted, I screamed, I cried... That was all I could do. That was went the Ambulance came.




Cho Kyuhyun 22

XX/XX/19XX - 25/12/2011

Great friend, boyfriend, lover, family.

Died: Saving his lover

Heart of Ice, melted by someone, his heart is now the sun, the sky.





Paramedics did everything to try and save Kyuhyun however nothing worked... It was too late...





Guys~ I know...But remember.. It DOES say ANGST on the tags... Everyone thought Changmin was going to die right? I'm sorry to say this but it was going to be Kyuhyun's death from the very first time I planned to write this ficcie..... PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!.....


Wait... If you kill me then I get to be with Kyuhyun right? xDD I joke of course~


Guys... I don't want to make you cry even more so here are some Gif to cheer you up!


PS: Gifs are not mine~




Dancing kyu



Getting hit by birds kyu


Sleeping kyu





Comments and Subscribes will be treasured and loved <3


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Okie... I'm re-writing it to make it have a good ending! P.S: It will be the same but just different at the end~


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meemow123 #1
Chapter 21: Sooo sweet Kyu you SCARED me and poor Minnie .. T.TIread it and was like HOLY AFEJSJCLJSKLBWE THAT DIDNT JUST HAPPEN I was scared to death .. As soon as I read thr word army in the previous chapter I got this bad feeling in my stomach ... Shouldve known ...
And that bit where its "Till we meet again" that is so touching I cried ... My heart if hurting too many feels ... I hope they do ... It woukd be even more awesome (wow its been a while since i used that word heeheee) if they fell in love again ... THEN they got the memories of their past life again ... That would be .. Weird but yea ... I just dont like thinking of those memories fading *pouts*
AND IT WAS YOU TIFFANY HWANG *starts throwing things around* Whyyy why would you do that its too farrr noooo u killed siwon AND baby Kyu ... Noooo T.T poor Shiwon too ...
This fanfic is freaking awesome full stop. :) well done!!!!
Chapter 18: So, okay, I was reading this again and I thought, you know just wishful thinking, that it'd be nice if we had like a one-shot where changkyu met again and fell in love all over again. xDD sorry haha I'm not saying that you should write a sequel, it's just that I wanted to let you know that this story is that kind of story that you want more of it, so it's really good xDD
I was meaning to tell you, I love this story! Thank you for writing it. Both endings are perfect because Changkyu is perfect :D
Chapter 14: Changkyu<33 i liked so much the fact that, in the end Kyu really loves Changmin. Although I loved the ending in which Kyu gets to live I loved when he said he loved him more than he should from heaven assffghjlljdsasfhkll just...changkyu xD :$$
I watched it
it's sad that Siwon died though ;(
Chapter 22: WOW I love it very much..can u teach me ? XD
but why don't u wear it in the Masquerade?
Chapter 22: WOOOW you really have talent ...the dress is gorgeous really ^^ good job
Chapter 21: So tiffany is the killer? Whatever wonkyu can be together again.. I vote for destined but i love the other story to ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 21: awwww im sooooo happy now (dancing sorry sorry) it was great they will be happy together .... saranghae alice and about ur dimple dont worry im exactly like u a dimple sudenly appeared in my right check its sooo funny
Chapter 21: Hahahaha really are u sure there is nothing else ???
oh so now we know that was all Tiffany plan -going to kill her-

and I voted for Destined though I love them all so I dont mind ^^