Chapter 2

An Absence of Choice


3 boxes was all it took.

My every possession. Well, every possession I deemed valuable to move with me, was inside 3 separate cardboard constraints.

Well, 3 boxes and a couple of Ikea flat packs.

A desk, a chair. You know, the basics.


It had been 2 weeks or so since I had met Joonmyeon for the first time.

We had met up a few times afterwards: once for deposits and discussions and another few just for coffee.

I’ve actually learnt a lot about him in a short space of time.

I have also been able to confirm that he is a medicine student at KU and he also is as genuine as he looks.

It’s kind of annoying actually, I wish he had at least one flaw.

Regardless, I couldn’t think of anyone better to live with, even if there might be some slight unreciprocated attraction on my behalf. But that could be overcome easily enough.


My mother had dropped me off in the apartment lobby, helping me carry the boxes only that far. She, supposedly, had to run off to a doctor’s appointment.

She probably did. But I think I am just bitter that I had to haul my belongings the remaining way. Even if there was a perfectly functional lift.

I was waiting for Joonmyeon to buzz me in. It couldn’t have been much longer.

All too suddenly came the accepting buzz, indicating the door had been unlocked. I picked up one of the boxes and pushed my way into the elevator.

The remainder of my things were waiting in the lobby, all too decrepit to warrant any burglaries. I wasn’t worried.


Joonmyeon had, to my delight, helped me bring the last of the boxes into his apartment. Or, my apartment.

Our apartment.


Wow. It feels good to say that.


It didn’t take nearly as long as I had expected.


We were both sitting on the floor of my new room, unpacking the boxes in between our legs.

“But how did you ever leave?” Joonmyeon asked.

He was referring to my trip to Nepal last year. I managed to go to Thailand, Laos and Nepal during my gap year. It was, I guess, for lack of better words, an experience of a lifetime.

Things were so different to Korea, yet so similar.

“Well, if I stayed I would have had to pay the cancellation fee of the plane tickets,” I replied, wittily, might I add.

Joonmyeon scoffed. Maybe it wasn’t as witty as I had hoped.

“Oh! Oh! One second!” My hyung jumped from his seated position, quickly zipping out of the room, only to return a few moments later with his hands behind his back.

“Close your eyes,” he instructed and I followed subserviently, “and put out your hands.”

Sure enough, what landed in my hands was no heart-warming gift, but it did just that anyway.

A set of keys.

One to the elevators, and one to the front door.

The gesture put a painfully large smile on my face.

“You’re welcome,” Joonmyeon smiled back just as hard.

I managed to stand up, on shaky legs and leap into Joonmyeon’s arms.

“Thank you so much,” I smiled into the side of his neck.

I was buzzing with excitement. Hell to the yes.

As I brought my head up from the embrace, our eyes locked, Joonmyeon’s smile fading into something of innocent curiosity.

Mine drifted to his lips.

The distance from them was agonisingly far.

Yet before I could let another thought slip my mind, I was stumbling backwards ever so slightly.

Joonmyeon’s lips were pressed against mine.

A kiss.

Joonmyeon; the dreamy, kind, charming one.

He was kissing me.

And it felt…




We both broke from the kiss only a second after.

I looked away shyly.

“I…Ugh. Sorry,” Joonmyeon blushed.

It was horrible.

I can safely say I had never had a kiss like that in my lifetime. And not in a good way.

And no, it wasn’t because Joonmyeon was a bad kisser. It was just… not right.

Before long Joonmyeon’s lips crept into a smile and said whilst looking at his feet, “Yep. I definitely like girls.”

He did not just say that.

“What is that supposed to mean,” I asked, pretending to be a lot more offended than I actually was.

I knew he wasn’t criticising me. He was just trying to lighten the situation.

“Oh. Nothing, nothing,” he chuckled, looking back at me, a blush still on his cheeks. He was clearly embarrass, but putting of a feign of indifference.

It was probably nothing compared to mine though.

“What do you say we forget what just happened?”

“Yes. Great idea hyung,” I replied without hesitation.

Even though that was probably one of the most awkward situations to ever occur, I couldn’t help but find it pretty funny.

And it wasn’t like we weren’t seeing eye to eye. I’m pretty sure it just confirms that Joonmyeon is only ever going to be a friend.

And I really don’t mind.

I mean, if it were anyone else, a situation like that could probably break our friendship, especially if you factor in my terrible awkwardness.

But Joonmyeon was just too carefree. I think it would take a lot more than just a terrible kiss to ruin Mr Nice-guy’s reputation.


All of the unpacking was done and I was finally settled down in my room.

It was exactly a week until I was due to begin school again. I couldn’t say that I wasn’t nervous. Because . I had no idea how hard it would be. What if my life turned into a flurry of textbooks and essays like it did in senior year? I definitely was not ready for that again. I had had way too much fun over the past year to give it up.

I was broken from my thoughts when there was a knock on my bedroom door.

“Come in,” I chirped.

Joonmyeon opened the door only slightly and peered his head around the wooden frame.

“I’m just going out to get some milk, is there anything you need?” He offered, his considerate smile shining once again.

Joonmyeon had set a few rules when we had finished unpacking. Just fairly standard, but not gone unappreciated by me.

He made it clear however, that if I ever wanted to have someone over, I only had to ask and he would stay at his brother’s place.

I simply smiled back at him and shook my head, “No, I should be fine.”


It couldn’t have been more than 30 seconds after Joonmyeon had shut the door behind him, that I recieved the phone call I forgot I had been expecting.

From Baekhyun.

I picked up the phone and brought it reluctantly to my ear.

“Oh my god! Soo! Are you in? What’s it like?” His voice was high pitched and piercing.

“Ow. I think my ears are bleeding,” I replied, disgruntled.

“I don’t care about you, tell me about the house!”

His tone had not lower at all, still obnoxious and Baekhyun-y.

“It’s really nice, Baek,” I said, soothingly in an attempt to calm him down, “There’s a fantastic view of the city and the room is just the right si-”

“Alright, that enough pretending I care about that. Tell me about angel face,” he cut me off abruptly.

A painful blush crept onto my cheeks.

“Well, for starters, Joonmyeon-hyung is straight, and somehow, I don’t think it would work out between us,” I hinted, lacing the last phrases with implied meaning.

“Kyungsoo…” Baekhyun knew me too well, “What. Happened?”

I couldn’t help but giggle like a four year old at the embarrassment of the situation and the fact that Baekhyun didn’t include his usual profanities in a conversation of this calibre.

“It was really, really awkward and horrible, and it didn’t mean anything,” I paused, knowing full well that Baek would get it out of me eventually, but I decided to extend it anyway, “and, we kind of, sort of, maybe… kissed.”

“SOO!” Baekhyun yelled just before I hung up the phone on him.

I knew what would happen and I didn’t really want to deal with it.

Baekhyun was always my ‘wingman’. Or that’s what he liked to call himself at least. He really was terrible though.

But I was no better.

But, like always, I would get reprimanded for not taking an opportunity far enough or, probably in this case, taking it too far with a straight man.

My relationships would never be quite right in Baekhyun’s standards, but then again, there isn’t all that much to be benchmarked.

But he was still my best friend. As different as we are, he has stuck with me. And I love him for it.

One day I would probably ask Joonmyeon, why he decided to kiss me, but it was safe to say that it didn’t mean anything to either of us, so it probably wasn’t worth the embarrassment of reliving the event.


A few deliberately missed calls later from a certain fuming ‘wingman’, I received a text.

From Baekhyun:

You are so annoying. Just pick up my calls. I know you are there. But, seriously. What happened??

I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.

To Baekhyun:

Nothing happened. It was just a freak occurrence. I don’t like him like that, and he doesn’t like me. The end.

I know Baek would be even more livid with that answer and would probably beat me up the next time I saw him, but it was worth it.

I decided to finish it off; to really drive him crazy.

To Baekhyun:

But he did say he had a brother ;)




I present to you, the second chapter.

I hope you like it!! 

Please comment and tell me what you think. And just to clear things up. It is by no means a sudo story. that is the end of that!

But it served the purpose to introduce someone in the next chapter... >:)



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will have a new chappie out very soon


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There's so much potential for interaction between these two idiots at this point. Kyungsoo is definitely one of those awkward intelligent kids who's always stuck in his head and doesn't realize that others can't understand what he's already experienced. And kai.... Idk I'm not sure if ugh confidence is a facade that comes out when Kyungsoo's around or really him because where did that adorable shy boy go? But LMFAO that is definitely an interesting way to break apart a kiss. Who know that tea could be such a block. I'm so hooked already. I can't wait to read more!!
Soheim #2
Chapter 6: This fanfic is genius omg <3
Chapter 3: I love this ! Can't wait for the next . Wonder when will yeol appear and kai has a rival . Waiting for next love ^_^
miss1314 #4
Chapter 2: ur doing great so far...
hope we'll hv more of kaisoo in the next chap to come..
update soon author-nim..