A few months

Keeping things in

   The past few months or so have been good. I'm finally with Seunghyun and were doing good i guess. I have no idea why I was freaking out anymore everything is great. Haha what a joke. Nothing's okay, nothings ever okay.

   Ouch my head... is this blood? I'm not very surprised if it is. Where are my pills I'm goanna need it soon. I swear every part of my body hurts in some type of way. I mean god it really freaking hurts, and I think I need my pills now because I'm starting to laugh at the fact that it hurts.

   I know what your wondering. "Oh what the happened to the story" "what's going on, why is he like this on the floor" "this is ing random." WELL ING CUT IT OUT ya bunch of ing impatient because that's exactly what I'm about to do, I'm about to tell you what's happened where I am and why I'm here. So just sit back and stop touching your self while watching your for a minute because I'm about to answer all of your questions.

   It all started about a year or more ago. We were happy, and everything seemed like a fairy tale. Every morning I would wake up to Seunghyun's beautiful sleeping face. His face, so vulnerable, and so light almost as if there were no worries in the world. Every day would be the same. Happy. So happy that I forgot that I needed to stay away, and why I needed to stay away.

   It was a normal day, I would rush to get us ready to go because we over slept again and he was the most hardest person to wake up. "HYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNG! LET"S GO WERE LATE!!!" I yelled as loud as i could while also maintaining a threatening voice.  After what seemed a year he finally came out still looking breath taking even when tired and filled with bags under his eyes. I guess he saw that I was pretty mad at him so he gave me a pat on my head. I don't really know why but that would always make me feel good.

   I replaced my angry frown with a blushing bite to the lip. That made him laugh so I laughed to. We held hands into the car and out making our way to the doors. It was quiet today,well it usually was on Sundays. God I hate Sundays but I guess it isn't so bad because people aren't usually working on this day.

   We spend the whole day working, working, break, working, break, working, working, joking, joking, working, then lunch. I usually take my pills every 8 hours so I would leave at lunch to take them for a while. But lately Seunghyun and I are in that phase of a relationship where we want to know more about each other, so he keeps asking where I go and occasionally if he can come. He's not usually like this he's more of the type to have distance because he's shy. I guess he really cares about me that's what I usually think before I remember that's why this relationship is bad, that finding out more about me is bad, and how I don't want him to think I'm disgusting.

   I take as many pills as I can before I walk out of the bathroom and almost bash my head jumping back. Seunghyun is there standing right in front of me with a look of wonder. He stands their arms folded as if waiting for me to tell him what I was doing this whole time. I bite my lip and squeeze on the door knob slowly closing it trying to figure out what to say. I look up at him with a normal expression as I open my mouth to throw all the lies i possibly can to save myself.

   "I..." "What were you doing this whole time." he interrupts. "I was using the bathroom silly." "That's not what I meant and you know that." he looked at me with a straight face. "I... I was just checking up on the work to make sure that we didn't miss anything." "You do that everyday?" he asks as though he can see straight threw me. It takes me a while to answer but I finally manage to say "Of course after all we can both be very forgetful."

   After he walks away I take that opportunity to take a deep breath because I got the feeling that he still didn't give up but at least he gave up for now. The rest of the day he seemed to be pretty mad with me. He even ignored me unless it was something about work and if it wasn't it was either really quick or a "I'm working right now." That's how the whole day went, even after work he would say he was to tired or tried to find something to do to get away from me. I wasn't mad or anything because after all I kind of deserved it.

   But even if I did disserve it he doesn't know I do because he doesn't know I did anything wrong and right now he kind of seems like a freaking over protective dad. But I'm going to let that slide because even though he doesn't know that doesn't mean that I still didn't do anything bad. So I let him ignore me and I let him be mad at me but that was only before I knew that he would be doing it for weeks. Today we had the day off and we started it with me taking the pills and then making him breakfast. And then after that even after I tried to make plans with him staying in or going out he still rejected and ignored me and it just so happened to be 8 hours so I decided to get more pills, except only I ran out of them.

   As I was just about to walk out of the door to get more of the pills Seunghyun walked into the room. "Where are you going?" he asked coldly. OH REALLY!?!?! NOW YOU TALK TO ME!?!?! I turn around to look at him. "I'm just going to the grocery store to pick up some things."I said trying to keep my cool because I was starting to feel weird. And it wasn't going to get any better standing here.

   "Oh... ok" he said and I swear I almost prayed to the lord as I almost walked out of the door until he said he would come along and drive me there. I felt my heart almost stop. "Oh no you don't have to do that." I said with a rushed smile. "But I want to" "Oh no I don't want to bother you" "Oh no it won't be a bother at all."

   I didn't know what to do at that point, I was practically sweating bullets as he went for his jacket and keys. I tried to keep calm but the pills weren't helping me anymore. He was just about to go to the door as I felt it. I felt the sanity leave me, I just stood their like a manikin as he got closer and closer to the door. He was just about to open the door when he noticed I wasn't moving.

   "Ji?..." he said just before I began to laugh and laugh and laugh. Not a cute laugh or a funny laugh but a messed up psychotic laugh. He tried to ask me if I was ok then began asking what was wrong with me when I began to roll on the floor laughing. I got up and began running up to things and smashing them, I began screaming, and crying, and laughing all at once while I continued to smash things. The last thing I remembered was Seunghyun trying to stop me then me ending up on the floor, the next thing I knew I was in a hospital bed with Seunghyun by my side.   






 UGHHHHHHHHHHHH U GUYS i is so sorry that i haven't updated happened T^T I'm so sorry please forgive me not only did happen but also i got the biggest writers block on earth i will try to update ore please write in the comments and stuff and thank you UNTIL NEXT TIME~

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I really sorry about not posting a lot ive been really busy and my coputer just crashed while i was making a chapter T^T


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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 10: so amazing!! god!! :D :D :D
please update soon!! this is so good i think im in love :P
Exoticfan2244 #2
Chapter 10: OMO so sweet but.. CLIFFHANGER! -ugly whale sobbing- -flips table and sobs moar-
Sotbaka #3
Chapter 9: Plz update soon!!!
Chapter 4: I read up to chappie 4, and will continue tomorrow.

You have a way of telling a story. *nod nod nod*
Chapter 9: Oh my gosh! GD got his cray on a little too much :(
lovelydarling #6
Chapter 8: Awwww they love each other <3
lovelydarling #7
Chapter 5: TOP should of came back and found GD being a little peeping tom and then helped him with his hard length ;D
lovelydarling #8
Chapter 3: Yay I have BaeRi in this fic :D Man I hope Seunghyun gets the chance to confess to Jiyong soon and help him out.
Chapter 2: Ooooh this looks interesting!