Brunch and Secrets

Keeping things in

   G-Dragon wakes up on the floor near his bed with a headache and stinging eyes from the tears he shed last night. He still couldn't believe all the things that had happened. He thought about the call he had gotten from someone of the past last night as he turned to look at the clock, 11:00 am. He flinched in pain form the sore parts of his body that were caused from his sleeping position. He was just about to get back on the bed until he heard his phone ring from a text.

   T.O.P: Hey If your up do u wanna get some brunch with me?

   Is he really asking me this omo, omo... ok ok G just play it cool were close and all, It's just brunch.

   GD: Sure where is it?

   T.O.P: Oh It's a new place I thought i'd try it out with you, I'll be there in an hour ok

   GD: Sure thing hyung :3

   He quickly ran into the bathroom and cleaned himself up he really wanted to look good for his crush. After he cleaned his face of the remains of yesterday he quickly rushed to his closet to find the perfect thing to wear, something dressy but not to dressy.

   He had on a white cream dress shirt with the collar slightly popped, and a few buttons ed, with gray fitted slacks. He styled his hair to side smoothed down the way he wore it to the award show. After he put on his silver bracelets on he heard the door bell ring.

   He's already here?

   G-Dragon quickly grabbed his gray jacket to match the pants and slipped on his classy black shoes. "Hey hyu..." he almost finished as he opened the door before he took a good look at his hyung. He wore his red sweater with a white cream collar shirt underneath. His jeans were nice and fitted, and he had lovely brown boots on that matched the color of his gorgeous strong eyes. That caused him to look at his hyungs face, it was breath taking. G-Dragon would always be enchanted with T.O.P's amazing features his beautiful eyes, his perfect nose and jaw line, his thin yet juicy lips, lovely skin, and sweet dimples when he smiled. And of course he couldn't forget about his hair his jet black hair that was brushed down today.

   He didn't realize that he had been starring for a while.

   "Uhm GD are we goanna leave?" G-Dragon almost melted from his hyung's y deep voice. "What... OH YEAH!... yeah lets go." GD said coming back to reality blushing slightly, which caused his hyung to laugh with that nice mellow deep voice of his.

   "Woah GD your clothes look really fancy today."said the hyung as he inspected the youngers body, causing GD to blush.

   T.o.p loved to make his younger happy and smile since he well... he loved him, and he didn't want GD to be weirded out by him so he hid his feelings. He really cared for his younger, which is why it broke his heart to hear him screaming and crying yesterday. After that he decided he would protect him, and get to know him better, today was the day he would confess his feelings.

   "Uh...uhm Hyung y-you look good today to." G-Dragon said blushing yet smiling as they walked to the restaurant, taking Top by surprise with the compliment, but his surprised expression turned into a smile. He jokingly pretended to try and steal a kiss from GD, and played with his cheeks like he usually did to the members as a joke. Since G recognized it he laughed and playfully pushed him off.

   After a while they finally made it to there destination. The restaurant had a coffee shop sort of feeling to it, which made G-Dragon smile since he knew how much Top loved coffee. The shop was cute it had a type of flower boy feeling to it. The orange soft plaid benches matched the big tied up curtains that let the sunlight of the day shine through. The chairs were wooden which matched the tables, everything there even the employees seemed to give off a happy calm feeling as the sent of coffee and fresh things filled the air.

   Soon they were looking over the menus that were brought by the nice waitress. G-Dragon had to admit that everything sounded good on the menu, it was all western style brunch type things. It made G-Dragon very hungry since he didn't have dinner the other night.

   It brought a bad feeling when he thought of yesterday night, and that must have shown on his face because Top automatically knew something was up.

   "Hey G." "Yeah Hyung?"G-Dragon replied with a dazed look in his eyes.

   Top furrowed his brows, then patted his youngers cheeks with a smile "Order whatever you want I'm paying." he used his warm voice that sent chills down anyones back.

   G-Dragon smiled that pageant girl smile of his. "Thanks Hyung... then I think ill have the lemonade for the drink and ill have the omelet." cute aigo this kid.

   After they ordered the food was brought out in a beautiful presentation. G-Dragon' omelet was perfect and fluffy, you could see the steam coming out of it, and the lemonade It's self looked amazing. He looked over to Top's plate he ordered amazingly presented mug of coffee the cream is mounted at the top in perfect swirls with sprinkles of cinnamon over it, he ordered an apple pie that looked and smelled amazing.

   They ate and spent the whole time laughing and talking while they shared, or stole the food from each others plates. Top was always the one that took G-Dragon's worries off his mind, it was one of the many reasons that he loved him, even if he didn't know what he was doing.

   After Top took a sip of his coffee he looked up at GD with a pile of scream all over his upper lip, which caused GD to laugh as he tried to cover his mouth. Top made an expression on confusion, until GD made a signal to his mouth which caused the expression to turn into embarrassment.

   The nice moment didn't last long until GD had his phone ring from a text. What really worried Top was the face GD made when he read the text.

   "Uhm Hyung I...I need to go ok today was really fun thank you for taking me out."GD said to his hyung before he bowed and ran off, not giving Top the chance to respond.

   G-Dragon reread the text he got over and over in his head as he ran as fast as he could home.

I found you, I found you, I found you, I found you...

   He ran into the dorms and struggled with the keys, once he finally got in he locked the doors and slammed his own door closed. He followed the number that texted him and dialed it.




  "Hello,"awnsered the same voice from the other time.

  " Listen here you er i was very clear when i said not to call me ever again."said GD very seriously.

  "Hufufu so feisty aren't we?"


  "I didn't call I texted Ji Yong. And that's no way to speak to your uncle now is it."

  " Whatever if you ever call me again I'll..." "WHAT!, what will you do you can't touch me you never could." interrupted the voice.

   That was the last straw, GD threw his phone to then stomped it to make sure it was broken, then went back into the position he was in before. Holding his knees, and crying while sitting near the bed.

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I really sorry about not posting a lot ive been really busy and my coputer just crashed while i was making a chapter T^T


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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 10: so amazing!! god!! :D :D :D
please update soon!! this is so good i think im in love :P
Exoticfan2244 #2
Chapter 10: OMO so sweet but.. CLIFFHANGER! -ugly whale sobbing- -flips table and sobs moar-
Sotbaka #3
Chapter 9: Plz update soon!!!
Chapter 4: I read up to chappie 4, and will continue tomorrow.

You have a way of telling a story. *nod nod nod*
Chapter 9: Oh my gosh! GD got his cray on a little too much :(
lovelydarling #6
Chapter 8: Awwww they love each other <3
lovelydarling #7
Chapter 5: TOP should of came back and found GD being a little peeping tom and then helped him with his hard length ;D
lovelydarling #8
Chapter 3: Yay I have BaeRi in this fic :D Man I hope Seunghyun gets the chance to confess to Jiyong soon and help him out.
Chapter 2: Ooooh this looks interesting!