
This is More Than a Crush
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The only sound I hear is my footstep, and the sound of my heart, as I walk down the hall in our school. My imagination is seriously freaking me out. I'm gonna be fine, right? Shaking the fearful thoughts away, I walk straight to the classroom and wait for him there. I really wish my telepathy works. If he wouldn't show up, I'm gonna flop in math. And how would I explain this to mom? Oh dear heavens! Please throw Luhan in front of me, right now!

Seconds turn into minutes. Oh, crap! Time's running out!

"Luhan.." My eyes start to burn with tears. As if heaven hears my plea, a rushing footstep reaches my ears and my face lit up. The door opens and a head with a golden hair slip inside. "Luhan!" I exclaim and run towards him. I brake—before I could hug him and make a fool out of myself.

"Mi Yeon-ah." He didn't seem shock when he sees me. Is he expecting me to be here this early? Wow, my telepathy works! "I'm sorry I didn't give your notebook back."

I should curse and yell at him, right? But I couldn't seem to bring myself to do that. "I-It's okay. Now that you're here, I forgive you..um, where's my notebook?"

"I know this sounds crazy, but I could tutor you." He mutters. "You're running out of time to study, Mi Yeon-ah. Trust me, I could help you out."

I blush and I couldn't stop my racing heart. Picturing him beside me while our faces close to each other, breaths fanning in our cheeks, elbows brushing together—okay, stop!

"I-It's okay, I can manage." I say, shyness engulf my whole being.

"Are you sure?" He asks. When our eyes meet, he looks sad but when he blinks, the sadness in his eyes fades away. Or is it just me?

"Um, on second thought.." I nibble my lower lip. "Okay."

He smiles and it bright up my day. It's like the sun rises faster than ever. Wait, what did I just thought?

“C’mon, we better start now.” He says, pulling me with him to the nearby seat. H

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RinaBelle #1
Chapter 7: Aw, your story is so so so adorable.
Omigoshhhh, I’m breathing in happiness!
Chapter 7: Agagagagagagagagaga @.@ its so sweet kyah ❤
Chapter 7: How lucky she is if because she got a boyfriend like that. Still single and forever single -_-
I dont know if i should press subcribe button or not but i really want to this but then the 1000 number is to pretty. If i press the button it will be 1001. Nah~ i will press it Lol
jessjejc #5
Chapter 7: Aww this is so sweet!!
kihyunbaekoppa #6
Chapter 7: Oh my god!!! I've read this amazing story for like ten times already and i'm still squelling just like before. Luhan is just too sweet and adorable!!! I'm starting to hope right now that one day someone will do the same thing to me like what Luhan did to Miyeon. Haha. Btw can you make a sequel of this story? I'm dying to know what will happen to Luhan and Miyeon next~
kasar_yin #7
Chapter 7: Rereading fOr the second time.....I love it❤❤
kasar_yin #8
Chapter 7: Wow.......
Chapter 7: fluff overload
i love it < 3
Chapter 7: Waaaah the feels eotteoke