
Letters above the Clouds


Seunghyun gets into the Taxi with his lover and takes his hand. The headache he received on the way back from the mail box is something new to him. He has never had migraines in the past. Maybe a few headaches from loud people in the Cafe, but never anything like this. Seunghyun puts on his seat belt while Jiyong tells the driver their destination. 
Jiyong sits back in the seat and watches how the light of the city illuminate the cab. The lights looks beautiful against his skin how the amber lights glow bringing out more of his golden tones. Seunghyun truly has something beautiful and pure so close so near to him and he doesn't want to let go. Jiyong turns around with a grin and holds his lover's hand. 
"I really like it just us...being able to be near you all day." 
Seunghyun holds the smaller hand tighter. "I would go anywhere with you." Jiyong blushes sightly in the dark and playfully punches his lover. "Oh you..." Seunghyun leans over and steals a kiss from his lover. Jiyong slaps his lover's shoulder again and whispers. "Hyunnie...we are in public." Seunghyun kisses Jiyong's cheek. "I don't care." Really the older doesn't care. Holding back is not an option because every minute counts. 
Jiyong leans over on his lover's shoulder and rest his head. Seunghyun pats the black locks and leans his head over too making a love sandwich. "Your hair smells nice...." 
Jiyong chuckles. "Yours smells the same...we use the same shampoo" 
"It smells better on you" Seunghyun sniffs the hair and places a soft kiss. By this point Jiyong, is not as shy about the public display of affection as well. He would rather have memories of enjoying instead of memories of worry. The car ride is about an hour back into the city of Seoul so the two drift off to sleep. 
Seunghyun feels a nudge. "nnnn Jiyong ah...five more minutes..." The older then realizes...he is not on a comfy bed...or chair. Instead he is on a cold floor. The man opens his eyes and sees that he is in total darkness. There is no light to be found and there is no sound to be heard. "Hello?" The older stands up in the darkness and pulls out his cell phone. He illuminates the screen and holds out his phone as a flashlight. There is nothing but pure darkness. "Where am I? Someone talk to me..." 
There is complete darkness with no response and it feels like hours. Suddenly Seunghyun's phone darkens and the older presses for the phone to unlock but there is no response. "What the ..." The older mumbles as he tries to get some light again to the darkened area. 
Suddenly four thrones appear around the man in a circle. Seunghyun stares up at the thrones with no one in it. The thrones are covered in gold so pure that it is almost blinding. Each throne has a torch beside it with a flame reaching towards the skies. Seunghyun looks around and suddenly he feels that he has been here before. "Someone one please tell me what is going on." The older is now panicking. With all the darkness he has no idea what this means. Is he going to die? Is he going to lose... "Oh God...Jiyong....Jiyong..." The older starts to cry. "STOP ING PLAYING WITH ME...SOMEONE BETTER ING TALK TO ME OR I'LL." 
"Or you will what Seunghyun Shi" says a voice coming from one of the thrones. The older turns to his right and sees a figure sitting in the throne. It is a oddly shaped black masked creature that is looking down on him. The look of the creature is pure amassment as the human below him is freaking out. Seunghyun has never seen as thing as such with a cloak reaching past the throne and a presence that is strong. 
"Who are you?" 
"I'm the throne of life or have been summoned." 
"Summoned?" Seunghyun is still not understanding what is going on....truthfully this whole medium thing is still confusing. "Why am I summoned?" 
"That depends on you Seunghyun." says the black cloaked creature turning it's head from side to side. "It depends on weather you want to live or die..." Seunghyun  shakes his head. This damn creature is still speaking riddles. "Please tell me what you mean." 
"What makes you worthy of being fully alive? You are our best medium...but now you found love? Love we do not understand.." 
Seunghyun then gets it. "You don't like that I have a lover?" 
"Aaah you are a smart human." The creature looks to the side. "You humans are so fascinating. How you love. Despite the outcome you still love...I still don't see the need for love. Why you Seunghyun Shi..." 
Seunghyun is being talked around in circles and this creature is surly not in the right mind set. "I love him because I do. I can't live without him. He is my every breath, move, everything is can live with out love...but I can not..." Seunghyun then stares directly at the creature. "Since you are the Throne of life or death...please give me another chance...let me be fully alive..." 
The creature then appears next to Seunghyun. It's at least eight feet tall and the cloak could easily be a place you could get lost. The creature looks Seunghyun over. "I sense willingness....I'm glad that you have this in your heart...should I give you a chance Seunghyun Shi?" 
The older then gets wide eyed. He gets on his knees. "Please...." He cries. "Please don't take me away...I don't want to lose him....please." The man continues to cry and whale. The creature just watches how the human crumbles below him. How he grabs at his garment and how he begs with all of his might. "Please..." 
The creature bends down and looks the man straight in the eyes. Seunghyun looks at the darkness of the creature. How there are no features but there is a voice and there is a presence that makes him anxious. "Life or death. It's a tricky thing isn't it." Seunghyun watches as the creature lifts his hand. Seunghyun then makes a fearful look. "What are you doing..." 
"You find love...but can love find you...?" 
"Thank you sir." Jiyong hands the money to the cab driver and looks at his sleeping lover. "Hyunnie..." Jiyong chuckles. Seunghyun doesn't wake up....instead...he starts to disappear....
Jiyong jumps to the other side of the cab. "Hyunnie!!!" He looks all over "HYUNNIE!!!!! HYUUUUNNIEEE!! NOOOooo!!!!" Jiyong screams. "" Jiyong is now confused...why is he crying? The cab driver looks back at Jiyong. "Sir...we have made it to your destination." Jiyong looks at the man and then looks at his position. 
He slowly opens the door to the cab and gets out of the car. The cab drives away. Jiyong walks to his apartment. He opens the door to meet his roommates.  Daesung comes from the kitchen. "HeY did you get the beer?" 
Jiyong looks at his empty hands. "Beer?" 
YoungBae chuckles. "Don't tell me you went all the way to the store to bring nothing back. "
Jiyong is so confused. He doesn't even remember getting in a cab. "I'm sorry. I think I fell sleep in the cab...I think the man felt sorry for me and just drove around for a bit..." 
Daesung laughs. "Wow that was really nice of him." 
Jiyong nods and then puts his bag down. He looks at the living room set up and sees that a soccer game is about to start. "Oh the game..." YoungBae makes a face. "Duh. That's what the beer is for pabo" Jiyong kind of chuckles to himself. "Sorry guys...but I think that I'm going to bed early today..." 
Daesung makes a concerned face. "What's wrong hyung? Did you miss Seungri again?" 
Jiyong reaches up to feel his necklace. "Yea...maybe that's why I'm like this..." He walks back to his room and opens the door. Instantly he sees his messy room from this morning and job applications all over the floor. He takes off his backpack and sits on the edge of the bed. 
The man then runs his hands through his hair. "Why am I like this...?" He falls back into the bed and closes his eyes. "Why am I like this..?" He breathes out again. Jiyong then rolls on to his bed and pulls out his phone. He checks his agenda list and sees that there is nothing that needs to be done, but still there is something missing from his life.
Like something was taken away from him. 
//////////////////The Next morning////////////////////
The younger turns in his sleep. "mm sleep...mmm" The younger murmurs. "Jiyong...I love you...." 
"Jiyong I love you. Jiyong I love you" 
The younger feels a presence in his room. He then sits up in his bed in an instant. "Who's there?!" screams Jiyong. A knock at the door makes the younger scream. "What is it?!" 
"It's me...Bae..." says YoungBae through the door. "I heard a okay?" 
Jiyong falls back to the bed. "Sorry man...Just a dream..." 
"You sure you okay?" 
"Yea don't worry about it..." 
Foot steps go away and Jiyong lays back down. Since he doesn't have a job he decides to sleep in some more. It takes no time for the younger to go back into a peaceful slumber. The fright from this morning he figures the neighbors where arguing again...
The younger rolls to his side and a hand suddenly runs through the black locks. It's Seunghyun sitting on the side of Jiyong's bed. He has never left the other's side, but Jiyong can't see him. Seunghyun leans down and kisses the younger on the nose. Jiyong furrows his brows in his sleep and snores lightly making the older smile gently as a tear escapes his eye. 
He runs his hand across Jiyong's cheek and whispers. "I love you"
Jiyong smiles in his sleep. "I love you too..."


*Twiiiist!! Never thought that I would do this eeeeeh? Well don't worry all my stories have good ending. You all just have to be able to put up with the drama. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and the plot twist. What  do you think happened to Seunghyun? Keke I would love you hear your thoughts on what you think is happening. I love your your feed back it fuels me hehe. Until next time. Love^^



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Wysmom #1
Chapter 12: I loved this story. It was better than the movie.
Dayonyl #2
Chapter 12: Just so perfect, loved it
Chapter 12: good ending ... but i think , i need some sequel .... but i'm totally love the story
Chapter 3: Whaaaatt.....???? That's crazy ... what a mysterious story ♡♡♡
Chapter 12: yaaah so good i even cried while reading it.. i like it when these stories get into you and you can feel every thing and you imagine all the faces and scenes. you are a one hell of a writer i have to say. thank you for your great work <3 :$..
lucydod #6
Chapter 4: T_T this is so sad!!!! But also so good! I love everything you write!
Dragon63 #7
Chapter 12: omgggg
this was an amazing fanficcc
i cried like a bajillion times reading this........
it was very good i loved it :D :D :D
lina250390 #8
Chapter 12: This is beautiful..thank you very much for sharing
Chapter 5: I cried in this chapter it was beautiful but upsetting
ozwalkr #10
Chapter 12: WHY do I know this story...O wait! Heaven's Postman with Kim Jaejoong!