What is true

Letters above the Clouds


It has been  couple of weeks now and Jiyong is into the routine of opening and reading letters. He is still not sure of some things. but he has learned to just leave the questions unanswered. He figures that as long as they are doing something legal then he is fine. Of course everything that they do is legal so things are never scary. 
The trek to the mailbox twice a week is not even bad any more. Jiyong now makes sure to take pictures of the scenery because the outskirts of Busan is just beautiful. He now feels like this is the dream job. There is not much to work with, his boss is really nice, and he gets paid more than minimum wage. It's a nice feeling not worrying about money coming in. He now can buy his own food and other miscellaneous items. 
Still dispite the happiness in Jiyong's life he still misses his lover. The letters really hit him. Most of the letters are happy but then there are the ones where people are pouring out their hearts. That's how the younger learned how to separate the old from the new. Some people you can tell that there is a break through and then one day they just stop sending. 
It's a little crazy how Jiyong remembers the handing writing and who's letter is who. Seunghyun has been doing this for years and it still boggles Jiyong as to how he even got into this business. 
After being around the man for such a long time Jiyong started to learn the other's habits. How he taps his index finger on the table to how he always is running his hands through his hair to keep his vision clear. He can't help but observe because they sit in the same booth every time. Jiyong doesn't want to admit it but he does have a crush on the man. 
He has no idea why he does but after that first day to the mail box he felt closer to him. How he is so patient...and never yells. It reminds Jiyong so much of his lover. He doesn't want to except these feelings but his heart is telling him  to...but Jiyong isn't ready to let go. Plus he still doesn't know who Choi Seunghyun really is. 
"Do you live around here?" 
Seunghyun looks from his letter. "Ne..." 
"Oh where at?" 
"Not too far.." Seunghyun continues to read his letter. Jiyong gets a little frustrated at times because getting answers out of the older is just hard.'"So like a couple minutes away?" 
"Why do you want to know so bad?" 
Jiyong looks down. "It's nothing...just asking." 
"I live close ne." 
Jiyong just lives with that answer. He still doesn't know where he lives or where he gets the money from. "We need to travel again." Jiyong turns his head to the side. "But it's Wednesday." 
"I know but we need to visit some where." 
The two get up from the booth and Jiyong gets in his heavy clothing. 
///////////////////////Yum Yum Shop//////////////////
They walk into a store and there are toys everywhere. Jiyong almost feels like he is five again how there are toys flying around and rows of collectors. "Aigo you are back again." A older man comes from the back. "I see you have a new employee" 
Seunghyun smiles warmly. "Ne he has been working for a couple weeks now." 
"Oh okay well look around. We just got a new shipment the other day" 
Seunghyun's eyes follow the old man and Jiyong watches as his face almost looks sad. "What's wrong hyung." Seunghyun smiles. "Nothing. I thought that they had a certain toy on display...guess it's gone" The older then move to a random aisle. Jiyong knows that the man is lying. He brushes it off and follows the man around the store. 
The old man comes back after a couple minutes. "Seunghyun Shi. I have something you might be interested in." The older moves over to the counter and sees that there is a robot sitting on the counter. "I know that you like a particular brand but this one is well made" Seunghyun looks the toy over. "When was it made?"
"Oh I think ten years ago." 
Seunghyun grins. "This is a nice find." Seunghyun grins and continues to look at the bot. Jiyong continues to look around the store. He stops when he sees pictures of a little boy and a teen. "Oh that is my son." Jiyong smiles. "He is very handsome." 
"Ne he was." 
Jiyong is caught off guard. "Was?" 
The older man sighs. "My son is no longer with us. He passed a couple of years ago." Jiyong didn't mean to make the man upset. "I'm sorry for bringing it up sir." 
"Oh no you didn't know son. Don't worry." 
Seunghyun looks the older man over. "Do you need a tissue sir?" 
"Oh how kind of you Seunghyun" He takes the tissue from the younger and grins. "Seunghyun comes here a least once a month. He has been keeping my store alive with some nice young faces." 
"Aigo Manager you get plenty of younger faces here." 
"You are my favorite because you appreciate the true value of these collectors." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "Because I'm a nerd." 
Jiyong loves the dialog between the two. He can tell that they have known each other for a while. The sun starts to set and Seunghyun looks at the time. "Aigo I need to leave now. Can you box up the bot?" The old man gladly boxes up the bot perfectly. Seunghyun pays the man and a bag is handed to him. "Jiyong I need you to carry this." 
"I didn't know that I was your box carrier too" 
The older chuckles. "Just for a second...ne?" The younger nods and holds the box until they are on the street again. Jiyong looks at the setting sun and grins. "I love the colors of the setting sun" 
Seunghyun looks up. "Yea they really are beautiful ne?" He older hails a cab and they both get in. Seunghyun takes the bag from the younger. "Where you living. I will have the cab driver drop you off." Jiyong tells the driver the directions and they make their way back. Jiyong can't help but stare sometimes at the man next to him. 
It is as if he is perfection right in front of him. His face doesn't have one pimple one shave mark or anything. Just flawless. His high cheekbones  make him look like a God. The older turns over and Jiyong is caught staring. Seunghyun quickly turns back to the window. Jiyong is not sure if he was really caught or not but he is relieved from potential embarrassment. 
The cab pulls up in front of the apartment complex. "Come in. I will introduce you to my roommates." Seunghyun smiles. "That is really nice to you, but I will have to decline. I do not get personal with my employees. I hope you understand." Jiyong nods. He understands but he is a little hurt for some reason.  He continues to get out of the car and close the door. He waves goodbye and the cab goes away in the darkness. 
//////////////////////THE APARTMENT///////////////////////
"So how is work?" says Dae watching TV on the sofa. "It's good" says Jiyong dropping his bag. "So did he bring a gun to work yet?" Jiyong's roommates still believe the man is in the mafia. "No he didn't bring a gun...that's not him.." 
"How do you know that..." 
"Because...that's not his character..." says Jiyong a little annoyed. Daesung raises an eyebrow. "I don't want to say this...but do you realize how defensive you get about him..." 
"So what if I do." Jiyong shrugs his shoulders. 
"Well...don't get mad...but I think that you kinda like him..." 
Jiyong laughs. "That's non sense..." 
"Man...the way you talk about him and the way you smile when you do...I think that there is something there..in a way I'm happy that you are starting to allow someone in your heart...but in another way I don't want you to get hurt." 
Jiyong sighs and sits on the sofa. "I don't know what it is about him...I think the mystery is what attracts me." 
"Well still be careful hyung" 
"Ne ne..." 
It's the next day and Jiyong and Seunghyun have just come back from the mail box. Because it is New Years there are many boxes they had to haul back. Jiyong got stuck with most of the smaller odd shaped boxes while Seunghyun carried the mail and the larger boxes. Jiyong only has a letter opener so it is tough getting through the many layers of tape before actually opening the boxes. 
"Ouch!" growls Jiyong putting his finger to his mouth. Seunghyun looks up. "What happened..." 
"I cut myself on this stupid box..." 
Seunghyun gets up from his side to sit next to the younger. He takes a napkin and dips it in water. "Give me your hand." Jiyong was a little hesitant but he places the finger in the man's hand. Seunghyun applies pressure to the finger to stop the bleeding and then reaches in his pocket to take out a band aid. Jiyong the whole time is trying not to stare but he can't. The way his hyung is caring for his finger makes him almost feel like he is in a relationship again. Seunghyun finishes putting on the bandage and looks up to find JIyong staring at him. 
The younger quickly divert his eyes and the older looks away as well. He moves back to the other side of the booth and the two stay in silence the rest of the work time. Jiyong didn't mean to make things awkward but the man just is driving him crazy.  He is not one to fall hard for people but for some reason the non verbal rejection is making him want him more...like a challenge. 
The day ends and Seunghyun does his regular routine of handing the younger his envelope. He still keeps his cold distance. The two walk out of the Cafe and Jiyong has to say something. "Hyung..." Seunghyun looks down to the other. "What is it?" 
"I...I..." Seunghyun cuts him off. "Don't like me...don't love me...you will only get yourself hurt." The older just walks away and Jiyong balls his fist. "Yah!" He screams in the middle of the street. He is not going to get away this time. Jiyong runs to the older and turns him around. Seunghyun looks down at the hand grabbing his shoulder and Jiyong quickly puts the hand down. He has no idea what he is doing but his body brought him here. "Why not..." He doesn't know why he is asking.
Seunghyun sighs. "Jiyong...please..." 
The younger shakes his head. "I need an explanation..." 
The older looks around. "There is not an explanation. I don't like you like that." 
"Then why do you stare too" Jiyong growls. It is true. Seunghyun has been staring just as much as Jiyong and he also finds ways to brush into him. Jiyong is not sure if it is a game or what...
"I'm not staring..." 
"Yes you are!" 
Seunghyun sighs again. "Please...let's not fight over this." Jiyong can't stand it. "I like you! Okay I admit it! But I know you do too." 
"Jiyong..." The man says sadly..."Stop...you don't know what you are doing...I don't love you like that. Seungri loved you..." Jiyong's eyes widen. He has been meaning to ask the man but didn't know how. "How did you know..." 
"I just know okay..." 
"What kind of ing answer is that" Jiyong didn't mean to cuss but Seunghyun is doing his brick wall again. "Tell me! I'm sick of you not answering my questions. What are a stalker....a killer?! What are you?!" Jiyong is now yelling in the middle of the street. Seunghyun then frowns and then grabs the mans hand. "YAH! Let me go!" Jiyong is now being pulled down the street. He is not sure where he is going but no matter how hard he tries to ungrip himself he can't let go. 
Jiyong is dragged down blocks and by this point he is just following. The older still has the same pace. "Where are we going?" This is like the 100th time this is asked and still there is no response. Finally they stop and Jiyong is lead up stairs. He brings his head up and looks at the building. "Why are we in a hospital." The older sighs and keeps dragging the man. The go through two wards and then finally down a long hall way of private rooms. 
They get to the fourth door and Seunghyun slams it open. He brings the younger up to a  bed with a sleeping person. "You want answers...here you go..." Jiyong looks at the person in the bed. There are IV's and all kinds of things connected to him. Jiyong then puts his hand over his mouth. "Who...who is this..?" 
"That is me..." 
Jiyong shakes his head. '"Impossible...you are not dead..." Jiyong then furrows his brows. "Who are you..." 

Hey all...be honest...do you like this story? I really need some feedback. You can be honest...I can handle it lol. Anyways thanks for reading! Love!!


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Wysmom #1
Chapter 12: I loved this story. It was better than the movie.
Dayonyl #2
Chapter 12: Just so perfect, loved it
Chapter 12: good ending ... but i think , i need some sequel .... but i'm totally love the story
Chapter 3: Whaaaatt.....???? That's crazy ... what a mysterious story ♡♡♡
Chapter 12: yaaah so good i even cried while reading it.. i like it when these stories get into you and you can feel every thing and you imagine all the faces and scenes. you are a one hell of a writer i have to say. thank you for your great work <3 :$..
lucydod #6
Chapter 4: T_T this is so sad!!!! But also so good! I love everything you write!
Dragon63 #7
Chapter 12: omgggg
this was an amazing fanficcc
i cried like a bajillion times reading this........
it was very good i loved it :D :D :D
lina250390 #8
Chapter 12: This is beautiful..thank you very much for sharing
Chapter 5: I cried in this chapter it was beautiful but upsetting
ozwalkr #10
Chapter 12: WHY do I know this story...O wait! Heaven's Postman with Kim Jaejoong!