Holding On

Letters above the Clouds


It's morning and this is the second night that Seunghyun has slept over. The younger was surprised when he asked the man to come over he didn't hesitate to say no. He probably guesses since YoungBae and Daesung can't see him it makes things less complicated. 
Still Jiyong wishes to show off his new lover. He is totally in love with this man and he never thought that he could find love this strong again. It's not that he forgot Seungri because the rings are still around his neck. Jiyong can't let the rings go yet and it has been a constant battle in his mind. He wants to fully love Seunghyun, not that he is not fully loving him now, but he wants to leave the past behind and really start fresh. 
Starting fresh is a ideal thing, but also a scary thing. Those words of him disappearing at any moment haunts him at every second. He is not sure when it will happen but it will happen. Jiyong almost wants to slow things down and not see the man as much, but he can't. This love is just too strong and he needs him by his side. He needs those strong arms around him to know that he is there. That cold body that makes him laugh, makes him cry, and makes him smile. 
Jiyong sits up and looks over. Seunghyun is not there. Jiyong looks around the room and notices that his clothes are gone too. Instantly Jiyong's heart rate increases and he is now in a state of panic. He gets out of bed with just his boxers on and looks around the room again....maybe he placed things differently.
Still there is nothing there to label his lover. Jiyong shakes his head. "No no no" He places his hand over his mouth as he opens the door to his room. The apartment is quiet but Jiyong is still looking. He goes over to the bathroom and flicks on the light knowing no one is there. He then runs out into the living room he looks around the room as if he is looking for  a small child.
Jiyong finally goes to the kitchen and still...there is no one there. Tears start to well up and Jiyong melts into the floor once again. He thought that he was stronger. He thought that he could handle this...but his emotions are showing that he can't. "Seunghyun..." Jiyong cries as he lays on the cold kitchen floor. "Seeunnghyun" Jiyong cries again and this time you can hear pain in his voice. 
The front door starts to open and Jiyong lifts his head as the door slowly opens. Seunghyun comes in quietly with a bag full of groceries. Jiyong's eyes widen and he gets up from the kitchen floor to make sure that his eyes are not fooling him. 
Seunghyun notices the man in the kitchen and chuckles in the dark room. "Jiyong ah sorry I was just at the..." The man pauses as he gets closer. He places the bag down. "Jiyong...why are you crying..." Jiyong wipes a tear away and runs to his boyfriend. "I thought that you left me..." 
A weight then comes over the older ones shoulders. He didn't think that Jiyong was this scared of him leaving. The man was really fooled because this emotion would never show on Jiyong's face. The older lifts Jiyong's chin and places a kiss on his lips. "I'm sorry...I won't leave without telling you again. I just got us some food to eat since you ate all of Daesung's last time." 
Jiyong can't help but laugh a bit. He really knows how to make him laugh. The smaller arms wrap tightly around Seunghyun. "I'm sorry hyunnie..." Seunghyun pulls back from the hug to look into his lover's eyes. "Don't cry baby. I"m here for you. I love you" 
Those words make him at ease. That's all he needs to hear. "I missed your cold body next to me." Seunghyun chuckles. "Oh that's such a romantic setting." Jiyong looks up and pouts and Seunghyun's heart is now back to normal. He doesn't want Jiyong to hurt. Jiyong trails his hand down to his lovers and intertwines them together. He rocks their hands back and forth and places a kiss on the top of Seunghyun's. 
"Aigo you are so sweet baby" 
Jiyong looks up and smiles. "I love you too much..." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "I don't see anything wrong with that. Are you hungry my love" purrs the older reaching for the groceries. Their hands are still intertwined and the older doesn't mind. He figures Jiyong feels secure with some kind of contact. Until he wakes up he will make sure Jiyong is always by his side. No matter what he is doing...well not while he is taking a piss, but you get the gist of things. 
"Are you cooking for me lover?" says Jiyong looking excited.
"Ne...I will use my lack of cooking skills to prepare the best breakfast your mouth has ever tasted." 
Jiyong laughs. "Will the kitchen still be in existence when you are done...how good are these cooking skills." Seunghyun looks into his lovers eyes and just stares. He then leans down and pulls Jiyong into a passionate kiss. The older caresses Jiyong's bare skin and rest his hands on the small of his back. Jiyong kisses back with equal intensity and then releases the kiss as his lover pulls back. Seunghyun continues to look into his lover's eyes and smiles dream like. "Can I get started on the eggs." 
Jiyong  smiles like a goof. "Neeee" Seunghyun lets go of the embrace and continues to hold Jiyong's hand. One thing the older is good at is getting his way. The power of a kiss can let you do lots of things. Jiyong reaches down for a bowl and places it on the counter. "Here hyunnie." Seunghyun chuckles and then whines. "Let me do it." 
Jiyong smiles. "I just want to help you. You only have one hand right now." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "Neee my other half is already taking over." 
Jiyong puts his hand on his hip. "I do not take over." Seunghyun mimics the movement putting his hand on his hip as well. He sticks out his tongue which makes Jiyong laugh. "Fine fine. I will be your assistant. Is that okay" Seunghyun nods. "Hmmm that is fine." He says with a smile. He then continues to cook the breakfast that supposedly is going to be the best that they ever had. 
The older doesn't do much cooking so they end up making instant pancakes, eggs, and some toast. Jiyong loved watching as his lover concentrated so hard on the food he was preparing for the both of them. He made instant pancakes look like an art the way he put the premixed batter on the pan and how he made sure that each pancake was a perfect circle. 
Finally everything is cooked and now sitting on two plates this time. Jiyong leads them over to the sofa and Seunghyun looks around a bit. "What if your roommates come back." Jiyong chuckles. "And what will they see?" 
The older then remembers. "Oh yea." He takes a seat next to his lover. Jiyong grabs the remote and turns on the TV. There is a random variety show on, so the two just use the TV as background noise. Seunghyun looks at his lover as he is eating the food. Jiyong can feel the eyes on him and he looks back at his lover. "Wha?" 
"Is it good?" 
Jiyong chuckles. "Such confidence in your cooking lover." 
Seunghyun kisses his lovers shoulder "But it's you I wish to please." 
A shiver goes down Jiyong's back as he feels the deep words. "I love anything you make hyunnie." The two share a smile and they enjoy their breakfast together. It's not often that the two have so much time on their hands. "So what are we doing today? The mail box?" 
Seunghyun nods. "Ne. We need to check it" 
Jiyong finishes the last of his food and snuggles next to his lover as he finishes his food. "It will be fun going there with you as lovers." 
Seunghyun continues to chew and nods in agreement. He loves that Jiyong is happy again. What he saw when he came through the door was nothing he expected or wanted for the other. If he was God, things would be normal, but their relationship is far from that. 
Jiyong gets up from the sofa and stretches. Seunghyun watches as his lover stretches his half body in front of him. Jiyong forgets that he is only in his boxers and instantly starts to blush. Seunghyun smirks. "Why did you stop Yongie. Your body is so y today. I just love the Sponge Bob boxers." He reaches out a hand and snaps the waist band making the younger jump a bit. "Yah. That hurt hyunnie" 
"Oh I'm sure you can handle that. I'm sure you felt worse...but then it got better" purrs the older which makes Jiyong's member stir in his boxers. "Hyunnie. What has gotten into you" 
Seunghyun gets up from the sofa and pulls his lover into an embrace. "I just want to make you feel good. I didn't know that me possibly disappearing made you in such a state. I want you to know I will always be there." 
Jiyong nods. "I know you will be hyunnie." 
Seunghyun smiles and gently caresses the younger's bare arms. "It's okay baby...to be scared..." Jiyong looks into his lover's eyes as if he has been found out. Seunghyun kisses Jiyong's forehead and pulls them back into a hug. "I'm scared too...but being here with you makes it all better. That I can hope. You taught me how to do that...hope" 
Jiyong looks up. "I Did?" 
"Ne. You walking through that Cafe door changed my life forever. How you didn't give up on me gave me hope. How you confessed in the middle of the street of Seoul showed you truly love me and now you are here in my arms. You give me a reason to want to live. Whether it's this life or totally alive" 
Jiyong hugs his lover tighter. "I hope that you will wake up one day. Not that I don't like this...but I wish to know you will never go away." Jiyong kneads his lovers shirt...He really doesn't want to lose him. Seunghyun then reaches down and picks up his lover bridal style. Jiyong had no idea the man was so strong. "Hyunnie..." 
"Aigo...in movies it doesn't look so hard lifting a person." 
"Are you okay baby?" 
"I think that any possible back problems have gone away after lifting you...agio" 
Jiyong laughs and pats his lover's shoulder. "Put me down pabo. I'm obviously too heavy." Seunghyun shakes his head. "No I can do this..." The man adjust his grip on the younger. Jiyong then bust out laughing again. "Hyunnie..you are sweating...seriously put me down." 
Seunghyun shakes is head. "Never." He then starts to slowly walk towards the bathroom. "And what do you intend on doing mister?"  The older looks Jiyong in the eyes out of breath as he slowly moves. They finally make it to the bathroom and the older puts Jiyong down. Jiyong laughs again as his boyfriend tries to catch his breath. ", I don't even breath this much during ...." 
Jiyong leans against the small bathroom wall "I told you to put me down..." 
"I wanted to be romantic and carry you to the bathroom" 
"I'm not a girl" 
"What ever...still I felt it would look cool...but I didn't think it would take this much effort. Maybe you should lose some weight." The older smirks earning him a light smack on the shoulder. "What ever..." Jiyong laughs. "Now that we are both in here now what. Do you want to wash up first" 
Seunghyun shakes his head and closes the bathroom door. "I think that we should use time wisely. It think that it is of our best interest to conserve water and shower together. " 
Jiyong laughs. "You want to conserve water? So we are going to shower together.  Why don't you just say you wish to shower together." 
Seunghyun makes a innocent face while taking off his shirt. "Oh baby I would never be so forward..." He then takes off his pants. "But if you insist." 
The two step out of the taxi hand and hand . They step on to the black pavement and start to make their way up the long road that leads to the field. This trip is definetly better than the last because of the great weather and the presence of his lover. 
They finally make it to the tall green grass and start to trek through it. It tall grass is tough to walk though but with the help of his lover it is not so bad. Jiyong chuckles which makes Seunghyun turn around in wonder. "What is it baby" says the man still trekking through the grass. Jiyong looks at the sky and smiles. "I remember the first time I came here" 
Seunghyun chuckles. "Ne...you were complaining the whole way." 
"Yea...I was very annoying I bet..." 
"You were just frustrated my love" Seunghyun tightens their grip as they walk through a thick patch. "I found you amusing and annoying" The older chuckles. Jiyong smiles again. "Who knew that I would fall deeply in love with you." 
The two finally make it to the part that is pretty much heaven. Being with Seunghyun, Jiyong gets to see the perfect surrounding and the mail box that is of course over flowing with letters to be read. Jiyong starts to his bag. "Shall we?" He starts to walk over to the mail box with Seunghyun smiling behind. "You are use to this already?" 
Jiyong turns back. "If I had to do this the rest of my life with you I would." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "Hopefully I will be awake by then" That sentence puts a smile on Jiyong's face. The two load up their bags and start to make their way from the beautiful circle of heaven. Jiyong leads the way this time with the older following him. They soon start to see the sun setting. "I guess we really took our time today hyunnie." says Jiyong shouting back at his lover. The older nods and continues to walk. 
The grass starts to get thick again and the two are once again hand in hand making the trek easier. Jiyong looks back when he feels a tight squeeze on his hand. Two stop their movements and Seunghyun is pale. "Hyunnie!" Jiyong makes a worried look and throws down his bag. "Hyunnie...what's wrong..." Seunghyun chuckles. "I'm fine...I don't feel anything." 
"But what's going on..." 
"They are probably running test on my body at the hospital. Sometimes my medium self turns colors, but it's nothing to worry." 
Jiyong slowly nods. "I'm keeping my eyes on you..." 
"You always do" Chuckles the older. They start to walk and Jiyong walks a little slower. Seunghyun then feels a striking pain in his head. He doesn't want to worry Jiyong so he just tries to contain himself from behind. He closes his eyes as the pain moves through his body. He almost feels like there is something pulling at him in every direction. The older  deals with the pain and then in an instant. The pain was gone.
The two get to the road and Jiyong looks back and smiles. "Are you feeling better hyunnie" Jiyong looks with his coffee eyes with worry but he is trying to hide it with a smile. Seunghyun doesn't want to tell him. "I'm fine baby. Let's head home" 
This pain is something totally new. It felt as if he was taken from his body and then slammed back into it. Hopefully it's nothing bad. "Come on hyunnie" Jiyong motions to the taxi door being open. Seunghyun smiles. "Thanks baby" 


**Thank you for reading! Please leave me some feedback because I enjoy your comments^^

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Wysmom #1
Chapter 12: I loved this story. It was better than the movie.
Dayonyl #2
Chapter 12: Just so perfect, loved it
Chapter 12: good ending ... but i think , i need some sequel .... but i'm totally love the story
Chapter 3: Whaaaatt.....???? That's crazy ... what a mysterious story ♡♡♡
Chapter 12: yaaah so good i even cried while reading it.. i like it when these stories get into you and you can feel every thing and you imagine all the faces and scenes. you are a one hell of a writer i have to say. thank you for your great work <3 :$..
lucydod #6
Chapter 4: T_T this is so sad!!!! But also so good! I love everything you write!
Dragon63 #7
Chapter 12: omgggg
this was an amazing fanficcc
i cried like a bajillion times reading this........
it was very good i loved it :D :D :D
lina250390 #8
Chapter 12: This is beautiful..thank you very much for sharing
Chapter 5: I cried in this chapter it was beautiful but upsetting
ozwalkr #10
Chapter 12: WHY do I know this story...O wait! Heaven's Postman with Kim Jaejoong!