
Letters above the Clouds
"Seunghyun!!" Jiyong screams as he is suddenly awoken. What he expects to see is nothing normal at all. He is in a white room with never ending walls. The place feels like there is no emotion, just plain white. Jiyong stands to his feet and rubs his head. It was just seconds ago he was in a hospital kissing a man who he now feels madly in love with. From what he remembers his name is Seunghyun he now knows what he was looking for....but why was it taken away?
Why did he receive such a terrible bad to the point that he felt as if he was dying. Is he in heaven? Because this is not earth where he is at. There is not even a ounce of pain in his body and all those scars from his childhood are not anywhere to be found. "Where am I..."Jiyong whispers to himself. Seunghyun who is use to being put in places out of this world has no fear...but Jiyong this is his first time....
Jiyong starts to walk hopping to see a door at the end of the room he is in. He walks and walks and walks but there is nothing. Nothing but white and more white. "Did I die...?" Jiyong says in frustration. 
Suddenly a white light appears in front of him. It's blinding to the point that Jiyong had to shield his eyes. The light dissipates and Jiyong can feel a presence near him. It's not a fear in this situation...but some how something familiar. 
Jiyong lowers his arm from his blinded eyes and sees yet again...the person he has missed so much. Jiyong starts to cry. "Are you really there...Seungri ah..." Jiyogn lifts an arm afraid to go out and actually touch the man. He doesn't want him to disappear. Seungri comes closer with a smile on his face. "We meet again Jiyong ah. I missed you" Seungri holds out his arms and Jiyong of course runs into them. 
It as if his lover was alive again. Jiyong holds his past lover with a tightness and shaky hands. Seungri chuckles as the man in his arms is crying. "Don't cry my love. I'm right here. I told you I would never leave you" Jiyong looks into Seungri's eyes. "Am I dead?" 
Seungri shakes his head. "You are not dead." 
Jiyong looks around. "Well were am I?" 
"You are in between the realms of heaven and hell. You are in the pathway to heaven...if you can come with me...or if you wish to go back you can." 
Jiyong is confused. He was just given a choice. Jiyong looks into Seungri's eyes again. "What are you saying...that we could be together again?...but you are not alive anymore...." 
Seungri nods. "Well the gods told me that if you wish to can die and we can live in heaven together...or if you wish to stay with can go with him too...." Seungri puts his hands on Jiyong's shoulders and stares into his eyes. "I don't want to pressure you baby. I want you to make the right choice. No matter what you choose....I will always be with you and love you dearly." 
Jiyong totally forgot about Seunghyun for a second. The longer he is standing with Seungri memories of him and Seunghyun together are starting to pile in. "You remember him now huh?" Jiyong looks at his past lover. "I don't know what to do....I love him....but I still love you...I wear our rings everyday...." Jiyong pulls out the rings from around his neck. Seungri smiles as he traces the rings on his fingers. 
"I love you so much Jiyong...the times we shared were amazing." He takes his lover's hand. "But have someone who loves you...someone who is better than me...." Jiyong shakes his head. "How could you say that Ri....are you telling me to go back...I thought that this is my choice...." 
Seungri chuckles a bit. "Baby you know that you are the most indecisive person I know...I always had to help you make your decisions." Jiyong hugs his lover again. "But you are my first love...I don't know if I could leave you twice...." 
Seungri rubs the small of Jiyong's back. "Jiyong ah. I love you...and I love you so much...I'm willing to let you deserve happiness and to live a full life. Giving up everything...I couldn't do that.....what about BAE hyung and Dae. What about your family. What about Seunghyun? You love him right?" 
JIyong then starts to cry. "Yes....I do love him..." Seungri pulls Jiyong into a hug again and kisses the top of his head. "Then go to him." He releases the hug. "Like I said....I will always be with you my love" He puts his hand under Jiyong's chin. Jiyong closes his eyes as Seungri leans in to place one last kiss on the plump lips. The kiss is sweet with a tinge of sadness because Jiyong knows that this might be their last kiss. This kiss is's the closure that makes Jiyong feel he can move on...
Seungri then starts to glow. "I guess it's time to go." Jiyong hugs the man tighter. "No! Not yet....stay a little longer." Seungri places his hand on Jiyong's heart. "I'm always here pabo. I love you" He leans in to kiss Jiyong again. "Go to him and love again. I like this guy Choi Seunghyun. He treats you well and makes you happy. Live long my love"  Seungri steps back and the light gets brighter again. Jiyong sheds tears as the man who was his first love descends into the heavens once again. 
The room becomes plain white again making Jiyong look around at the still mirrored surroundings. His eyes become heavy and Jiyong starts to fall to the floor. He tries to fight it but this sleep is heavy. His eyes close and he is sleep once again. 
The sounds of beeps and a mixture of pain is running through Jiyongs body. He has no idea where he is but he knows that he is laying down. He slowly opens his eyes only to see nothing but blurs. It takes a couple of minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dim room. Jiyong wants to lift his body but there is a breathing tube down his throat and wires  every where. "Nnnnn" The younger moans. 
The turning of wheels quickly comes over to the bed. Jiyong can't turn his head but he can feel that someone is on his bed side. "Jiyong.." says a man with a deep voice. Instantly JIyong starts to shed tears. He knows that voice. It's the man that he loves and was searching for. "Jiyong!!" The man wheels closer and puts his warm hands over the other. 
Jiyong tries to sit up but the older keeps him down. The younger makes a groan out of frustration. "Just lay still Jiyong ah. You need to be careful. You have been sleep for two weeks." 
Two weeks. Two weeks JIyong was in a coma. The headache that knocked him out was something that the doctors have never seen. Because Jiyong was such a unknown they immediately put him in intensive care. Seunghyun who had to watch Jiyong go through so much pain hated to be separated from the younger. 
The hospital almost had to restrain the man because he refused to stay in bed. The nurses finally gave in because they felt sorry for the man. The doctors told him that they were not sure if Jiyong was ever going to wake up. They gave Seunghyun a wheel chair and they put Jiyong in a suite to where there are two beds. 
Seunghyun was grateful but he hated that he was unable to save Jiyong. He knows that those figures were testing him. Jiyong did find him but why did he have to go through so much pain just to get to him. Why is he in a coma....well now he is awake....but still....this is not fair....
A nurse comes into the room and checks the youngers vitals. "This is a miracle. I have never seen anything like this...." Seunghyun looks at the nurse. "Will he be okay?" 
The nurse shakes her head. "Well the doctor will have to run some test to make sure everything is okay....but I can't guarantee anything...for now I will take out his breathing tube" Jiyong is more than happy to get the tube out of his throat. The tube is taken out with little pain. The nurse leaves the room and Jiyong finally turns his head to the side. "Hyu...hyu..." Jiyong whispers. His voice is still not strong. 
Seunghyun takes the smaller hand in his and kisses it. "I'm here baby. I'm here...."  The door to Jiyong's suite flings open and YoungBae and Daesung come flying in. Seunghyun smiles at the two. "He just woke up" 
Jiyong looks to the side with wide eyes. Seunghyun chuckles. "We all had the chance to meet and we are friends now." 
Youngbae comes on the other side of the bed and rubs his friend's shoulder. "We have been so worried about you. Seunghyun hyung has been taking care of you" Jiyong continues to look at his friends as they talk. He can't really do much with his body right now because it was in such a state for two weeks. Daesung wipes away some tears. "I have been praying hyung....I'm so happy that you are okay. Also to hear that you found love again I really hoped that you two would be reunited once again." 
Seunghyun rubs Jiyong's hand again and smiles at the others. "I knew that he was going to wake up. He loves me too much" Seunghyun kisses the top of Jiyong's hand making the other blush. Youngbae and Daesung chuckle. "Yaaaaah he even makes you blush when you are in a hospital bed." says youngbae to his friend. 
/////////////////////////////////Later that night////////////////////////
Jiyong has been taking naps and awaking up at random hours all day. He is not use to being confined to a bed so he is getting a little bored of the situation already. Seunghyun of course the whole time was by his lover's side. Jiyong looks over at his lover. "Hyu" Seunghyun smiles and brings over a drink with a straw. He puts the straw in Jiyong's mouth and the younger down the meal in a cup. Jiyong has had people do many things for him when he was with seungri but never this much treatment. 
Seunghyun pulls the straw out of Jiyong's mouth. "Is that enough baby?" 
Jiyong looks at his lover. "Ne..." whispers the other. "What....happ...happen...." Seunghyun smiles and leans over to wipe his lover's mouth. "Don't worry about that need your strength so you can move around again...." 
Jiyong obeys the older as his pillow is readjusted again. The blanket is tucked into the bed side and Jiyong is comfy again. The younger then falls to sleep again. Seunghyun is not afraid of the younger sleeping anymore because he knows that he will wake up. They are finally free. Seunghyun has been doing therapy and his improvements have been great. He has been working on walking this past week and the older is starting to feel more strength in his muscles everyday. The doctors feel that Seunghyun will be walking on his own in a months time and Jiyong will be a quickly recovery because his muscles have not been neglected for too long. 
Jiyong loves that he is next to his lover once again and most importantly he remembers him. He remembers when they first kissed to when they first made love. He remembers everything and he still doesn't know why he all of a sudden forgot the man. Just having the man beside him makes him happy. Little words are exchanged but he know the older understands him. 
"Hyu....hyunnie....hyunnie..." The older wakes up to his name being called. Seunghyun notices the improvement in Jiyong as his name is being called in a desperate tone. The older gets out his bed and into his wheelchair. He moves over to Jiyong's bed and takes his lover's hand. "What is it love?" 
Jiyong looks over with tears in his eyes. "Hyunnie....." 
Seunghyun wipes away the tears and moves closer to the bed. "It's okay. I love you" Those words resonate in Jiyong's bones. He loves him. He is taking care of him. Jiyong squeezes the larger hand. "Hyunnie..." Jiyong looks at him with pleading eyes. "Need...need...." Seunghyun feels a slight tug from the younger. Jiyong wants the older near. "Love you" Jiyong whispers. 
Seunghyun then slowly wheels his chair closer. He pulls back the covers of Jiyong's bed and moves the tiny frame over with some help from Jiyong. The older uses his strength and gets into the bed one leg at a time. He wraps his arms around his lover. "I'm here" Jiyong feels joy going through his veins as that familiar presence is near him. "I love you....I love you Choi Seunghyun." Jiyong whispers. 
Seunghyun rubs his lover's back. "I know you do baby. I love you too. Don't use all of your strength. Try to sleep. Hmm?" Jiyong's eyes close yet again as he goes into a peaceful slumber. The smaller man clings with the strength he has now on to the older. Seunghyun doesn't fall sleep immediately but he does soon as he feels Jiyong is okay. 
Jiyong is his everything. 

*Heeeeeeey all! Long time Ne? Well I hope that you all are having a great summer. I'm currently going some graduate studies so it's a little hard keeping up. Thank you all who read all of my stories. I will continue to keep adding chapters. Tell me what you think. Do you still enjoy this. Please leave a upvote to support. Love you all. Later!

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Wysmom #1
Chapter 12: I loved this story. It was better than the movie.
Dayonyl #2
Chapter 12: Just so perfect, loved it
Chapter 12: good ending ... but i think , i need some sequel .... but i'm totally love the story
Chapter 3: Whaaaatt.....???? That's crazy ... what a mysterious story ♡♡♡
Chapter 12: yaaah so good i even cried while reading it.. i like it when these stories get into you and you can feel every thing and you imagine all the faces and scenes. you are a one hell of a writer i have to say. thank you for your great work <3 :$..
lucydod #6
Chapter 4: T_T this is so sad!!!! But also so good! I love everything you write!
Dragon63 #7
Chapter 12: omgggg
this was an amazing fanficcc
i cried like a bajillion times reading this........
it was very good i loved it :D :D :D
lina250390 #8
Chapter 12: This is beautiful..thank you very much for sharing
Chapter 5: I cried in this chapter it was beautiful but upsetting
ozwalkr #10
Chapter 12: WHY do I know this story...O wait! Heaven's Postman with Kim Jaejoong!