
Letters above the Clouds

**Hey all sorry for the long wait. I'm a graduate student getting my masters at the moment...which means tons of work. The good news is that my midterms are over! Yay!! So enjoy and thank you all for reading!! Also please leave feedback it really helps me to write these chapters because your views also are a big part of the writing process. Thanks again. Love^^



The two are back in their usual spots. Jiyong is opening and reading letters and Seunghyun is slowly sipping his third cup of coffee reading as well. Jiyong is happy that they are together and they finally faced their feelings. Still Jiyong has that fear in the back of his mind of whether his boyfriend is going to be there in the next hour, minutes, or seconds. 
Jiyong every now and then would just look up. He can't help but be paranoid, because them being together is already a risk. Seunghyun has warned him and he is willing to take the task, but if his lover really did disappear...that strong will might break him once again. Jiyong loves that he can love again but he hates that he can't control things. Every now and then he wishes that he could be God and with a wave of a hand things would be great again. 
Still it is not that simple. Seunghyun is a medium. He is not dead...or alive...he is simply a spirit. Only the ones who are broken can see him. The average who has no loss in their life will never see him. They will see Jiyong but they will never know who Seunghyun is. Jiyong is confused how hours ago he walked into the same cafe and the owner had know idea who Seunghyun was...how she looked at Jiyong like he was a new costumer. Isn't she at a loss too?
Jiyong puts down another letter and routinely looks up to make sure his lover is still there. Seunghyun knows that Jiyong is trying to be discrete, but that is currently not working with the way his eyes look all over. The older reaches a hand across the table and takes the smaller hand in his. Jiyong takes the hand and smiles warmly at his lover. "Am I that obvious?" 
Seunghyun nods and runs his thumb across the smaller hand. "I'm not going any where. Stop worrying" 
Jiyong sighs and grabs the hand tighter. "Sorry...I just don't want to lose you again...we are finally together now..." 
"You won't lose me" says the older looking directly into the younger ones eyes. Jiyong smiles gently at the words. He finds it funny that now he is the worried one getting hurt and Seunghyun is telling him that it will work out. The role change is something he doesn't mind because he is the one who need the encouragement in his life at the moment. Seunghyun keeps his sanity....that's why he loves him. 
Jiyong pulls out another letter. "Seunghyun?" The older looks up with a smile and damn it makes Jiyong melt into the fake leather seat. "What is it baby?" Jiyong blushes. "Wow pet names already?" 
"I tend to like them" The older smiles. "So what was your question?" 
"Well...how did you know where I was...how did you know I was at the hospital?" 
Seunghyun takes a sip of his coffee and smiles. "I felt you there?" 
"You felt me?" Jiyong is royally confused "You can feel my presence too?" 
The older shakes his head. "No" The older chuckles. "I'm not that cool...I felt you because I'm still apart of my body. I can feel everything that they do to my living body. Every touch, poke, or squeeze I can feel. I felt your massage when I was at the toy shop. I felt every tear fall on my skin. I felt everything...and that is what pained me. I couldn't stay away from you..." 
Jiyong's eyes widen. He knew that Seunghyun is connected in many ways but it is bizarre how he is connected still to his own body. "I didn't know" 
Seunghyun smiles. "How could you know pabo?" Jiyong pouts and Seunghyun takes the smaller hand and kisses the top of it earning a blush from the both of them. "Aigo you are trouble..." Jiyong smirks. Seunghyun shrugs his shoulders. "I had a pretty good life before this." 
Jiyong then rest his hands on his chin and leans on the table. "What was life like before....well before..." The question is kind of awkward to ask but Seunghyun takes the hint. "Before I ended up in a coma and like this?" Jiyong nods. "Ne...what did you do for a living, how was day to day life?" Jiyong is still careful of his words but the older still is very comfortable with the subject. 
The older sits back in his seat and plays with Jiyong's feet a bit. "Hmmm well I worked at a shop with my father. I never really had the desire to go to college, so I stuck with the family business. I had a couple of friends that I knew since childhood that would stop by all the time....my mom passed away when I was three so it's been me and my Appa always. I didn't really go out much so most of the time...I hung out with my dad at the shop...He is my best bud" The older smiles and continues to play with his lovers feet. Jiyong plays back and loves to hear how normal his lover's life was. 
"What was your shop called? Your father seems like a kind man" Jiyong curiously asked. It's funny how he never mentioned it. 
Seunghyun sits up a bit and smiles. "You have met him before." 
Jiyong turns his head to the side. "I have met him...I don't think I...oooooh...the toy shop?" 
Seunghyun nods. "Ne that is my father's store...where I worked." 
Jiyong all of a sudden gets sad. "Why does he not remember you...he is also grieving since he can see you right?" 
"Well that's the problem...anyone blood related...can't  see me... to them I will be a different person. My name, face...everything is different." Jiyong gets up from his side of the booth and goes over to sit next to his lover. Seunghyun welcomes the younger and they join hands. Jiyong looks into his lover's eyes "I'm so sorry...it must be hard for you?" 
Seunghyun slowly nods. "Some days it's easy...and some days it's hard. Just to be able to see him I'm grateful for, but I miss calling him Appa. When I first became medium I didn't understand and it was frustrating. How he didn't remember me, and every time I would reveal who I was it was as if everything would get reset the next day. The Gods don't like our identies being revealed to our bloodlines." He looks into Jiyong's eyes. "When you talked with my dad about my picture it made me so happy. Just hearing him talk about me for those couple of minutes made me fall for you...Jiyong...you are a light to my darkened world..." 
Jiyong smiles. "I didn't do anything special..." 
Seunghyun puts his arm around the younger and squeezes his shoulder. "No Jiyong...you make me feel alive...and for once...normal. Things are not so bad with you around." Jiyong leans his head on the older man's shoulder. The two obviously don't care about their public display of affection. Their relationship is not normal. Every minute has to count. 
Jiyong sighs while resting his head on the cold shoulder. "I wish that you could meet my friend." 
Seunghyun rubs the smaller shoulder. "I have met them...just not in person...they seem like nice people" Jiyong chuckles. "How long did you follow me?" says the younger lifting his head a bit to look into his lover's eyes. "I just followed you home. Your friends look kind." 
Jiyong puts his head back down. "Ne...they are..." Seunghyun leans down and places a kiss on the top of Jiyong's head. "I like this. Us.." 
Jiyong snuggles closer. "I do too" 
/////////////////////CLOSING TIME AT MIMI'S/////////////////////////////
The two get up from the booth. They finished reading for the day and Seunghyun and Jiyong together put the now old letters back in to their bags. Jiyong puts on his winter coat and gloves and slips on his bag. Seunghyun finishes as well and the two walk out of the Cafe with a wave to the owner. 
They walk out of the Cafe on to that familiar street where there was a lot of confusion and anger. That street  has now turned into a calm spot for the two. Normally the two would go their separate ways, but Jiyong doesn't want to leave his lover's side. Seunghyun smiles down at the younger. "You should go and rest" Jiyong shakes his head. "I don't want to leave you...where do you live...I want to hang out." says Jiyong lightly rocking their clasped hands back and forth. Seunghyun chuckles. "I don't have a home..." 
Jiyong looks up "What do you mean? Where did you go when we parted ways in the past?" 
"Around" Seunghyun looks up at the night sky. Jiyong looks up at the sky too. "You mean you go to heaven?" 
Seunghyun looks down and chuckles. "No. I hang around the streets of Seoul. Mediums don't have homes...our homes are when our living bodies are." 
Jiyong shakes his head. "I don't want you wandering around Seoul...come home with me" Seunghyun's grip tenses a bit and Jiyong feels the tension. "Hyunnie..." The younger says in a baby voice that catches the older's attention. "Come home with me...I will walk straight to my room...it won't be awkward...I promise..." 
Seunghyun sighs and looks around a bit. "I'm not sure if it's a good idea...I'm going into the house of the living...they won't see me..." 
Jiyong grins "I'm living...and You only need to see me" 
Seunghyun nods. "True..." 
////////////////////////JIYONG'S ROOM///////////////////
Seunghyun doesn't know how he did it but he managed to slip into Jiyong's pajamas. They are a little short but a least the waist line is not suffering...that much. 
When the two got the the apartment. Daesung and YoungBae were out for the night. A mutual friend is having a grand opening of their bar. Jiyong loves his roommates but them not being there works in his favor. He practically had to persuade Seunghyun into coming into the apartment. Now they are both in mismatched designer pajamas. 
Jiyong comes from the bathroom and closes the door to his room. He turns around and tries not to laugh at his boyfriend's hairy legs and short pajamas. Seunghyun chuckles. "I think that these will be a new fad." He props his leg up on the bed and does a silly pose. Jiyong laughs and gets into his bed. He pulls back the covers on the other side and looks at his lover. 
"Come hither my love" Jiyong pats the bed gently and the older slowly climbs into bed. He adjust himself a bit and turns over to his lover's side. "It's been a while since I have been in bed with someone else." Jiyong rest his hand on his chin and softly smiles. "Same for me...I feel like a teen again..like we are doing something naughty" says the younger raising an eyebrow. 
Seunghyun blushes. "Aigo...my mind..." 
Jiyong grins. "What is this mind telling you?" says the younger getting closer. Seunghyun likes this game. "My mind is wondering whether I should kiss you or not." 
Jiyong puts a finger on his pouty lips and lightly taps. "Hmmm I think that you should kiss me....does your mind agree?" 
Seunghyun leans in close to the lips. "I think that we agree." The older closes the gap and kisses Jiyong's lips making this their second kiss and it is already becoming better than the first. 
The two explore each other's caverns and run hands and fingers up and down each others bodies. Everything feels new, thrilling...exciting. What they are doing almost feels taboo...but it's perfectly normal for lovers to kiss and start to explore each other. 
Seunghyun deepens the kiss and slips in his tongue and Jiyong welcomes the organ and gently as he devours his lovers lips. They move their lips with hunger and passion earning soft moans from each other. 
*Knock knock*  "Jiyong?" says Bae on the other side. The two separate and look into each other eyes and grin. Jiyong then hears a knock again. "Ne?" 
"Just letting you know we are back" 
Jiyong smiles into his lover's eyes. "Okay...well I'm sleeping now see you in the morning.."
Feet slowly start to go away from his door and Seunghyun rolls back over to his side of the bed. Jiyong catches his breath and runs his hand up and down his lover's arm. "Well that was fun..." 
Seunghyun nods. "Oh my mind works so well eh?" 
Jiyong chuckles. "You are a pretty good kisser..." 
"Oh I had some practice." Seunghyun grins. 
"Some?...I'd say a lot" 
The older blushes in the dark. "I think that you have had some experience too...you tend to pull hair a lot." Jiyong chuckles as his lover stretches his arm out to bring the younger closer to his body. Jiyong snuggles and chuckles. "You are cold." 
Seunghyun nods. "Ne...not so effective in the winder." 
Jiyong chuckles. "Thank you for being here...I love you." 
Seunghyun rest his chin on the top of the youngers' head. "I love you too...now sleep..." 

Fluffy fluffy fluff fluff ^^ Thank you for reading!!


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Wysmom #1
Chapter 12: I loved this story. It was better than the movie.
Dayonyl #2
Chapter 12: Just so perfect, loved it
Chapter 12: good ending ... but i think , i need some sequel .... but i'm totally love the story
Chapter 3: Whaaaatt.....???? That's crazy ... what a mysterious story ♡♡♡
Chapter 12: yaaah so good i even cried while reading it.. i like it when these stories get into you and you can feel every thing and you imagine all the faces and scenes. you are a one hell of a writer i have to say. thank you for your great work <3 :$..
lucydod #6
Chapter 4: T_T this is so sad!!!! But also so good! I love everything you write!
Dragon63 #7
Chapter 12: omgggg
this was an amazing fanficcc
i cried like a bajillion times reading this........
it was very good i loved it :D :D :D
lina250390 #8
Chapter 12: This is beautiful..thank you very much for sharing
Chapter 5: I cried in this chapter it was beautiful but upsetting
ozwalkr #10
Chapter 12: WHY do I know this story...O wait! Heaven's Postman with Kim Jaejoong!