Paying piles

Letters above the Clouds



It's now 2013. Years after the freak accident that killed Jiyong's first and only love. It was a surprise to him and everyone around his circle of friends. Well...what he assumed were friends...
Jiyong's life did a complete turn around once the word got out that Seungri died. The supportive friends that Jiyong thought he had quickly changed. They wouldn't answer his calls. If they ran into him they wouldn't even acknowledge him. Jiyong quickly found out that they were not friend's with him...they were friend's with his power. 
At the funeral of course Seungri's family was there. They were outraged and embarrassed to see Jiyong dressed in black with the rest of the family. The Lee's never approved of their relationship so Seungri excommunicated his family. To this day Seungri's family blames Jiyong of their son/brother's death. They feel that Jiyong "tricked" the younger into being gay. 
Jiyong's first year was just rough. He not only had to deal with family issues he also had to tie in the money problems that quickly came. Seungri had lots of money in the bank and Jiyong still had access to it. The problem was that there was no more money coming in. Finances got tight and bills started to come in. The apartment that they shared was almost paid off but Jiyong couldn't manage the last payments. 
He tried seeing if there were any other funds he could get to save their home. He sold everything you could think of. He even sold most of his clothing. Still with all of the efforts and a almost empty apartment Jiyong was forced to vacate.
The Lee's took over Seungri trust fund and made sure that Jiyong received none of it. They were happy to know Jiyong was leaving their son's apartment for good. Jiyong's friends also started treating him like dirt because he was now considered poor. That day when Jiyong had to pack that one suit case and leave the building he never felt so beneath the ground as he received continuous stares. It made Jiyong sick to his bones because he was once one of those people who looked down on anyone who was not rich.
Jiyong was put out on the streets but thankfully Jiyong's friends from high school still lived in their old neighborhood. YoungBae and Daesung took Jiyong into their home with no question. The rich man could not thank them enough. Even though the apartment is smaller than a shoe there were still three bed rooms. He didn't care the size or the poor surroundings....he was grateful to have a roof over his head. This old feeling made him get more of a reality again it helped him to move forward in life. 
Jiyong has been living with his two roommates the past couple of years now and they still don't judge him. Jiyong still does slip every now and then into that snotty mood but his friends always keep him grounded. Still Jiyong misses his lover, the money, and the easy life. He kept the rings of him and his lover. It is now on a necklace that easily hides into his shirts he wears daily. He makes sure to keep to the rings hidden because one could buy three houses. 
The man could have sold those rings for a nice place for himself but he just can't bring himself to doing such a thing. Seungri is his heart and still his life. Jiyong has moved on a bit by getting out and interacting more. He hangs around Bae's coffee shop and lives off the little money that he has left. The coffee shop is really cozy with the eight tables and bulletin boards(cork boards you stick stuff on it with push pins) along the walls with original art and job listings. The boards really make the place have a urban feel and not the average super clean coffee shops with the stale tables. 
Jiyong does try to help out every now and then but  Bae and Dae have pretty much banned their friend from the coffee maker due to over using product and burning things that they never knew could burn. 
Jiyong lived a rich life a long time and also he is the baby of his family. There are a lot of things he just never learned and people ended up doing it for him. His family don't as much any more because Jiyong like Seungri didn't pay much attention to his family. They are still slowly coming back into his life.  He still regrets it to this day that he totally ignored his family for status. Still everyone forgives him. Jiyong thinks they forgive him a little more easily because of his first love's tragic death but Jiyong knows it bothers them at times. 
//////////////////Bae's Coffee////////////
Well it has been two years now. Jiyong is running out of money and he needs a job. He would work with his friend Bae but he would be of no use. Other places he just wouldn't qualify due to lack of experience...and just simply because he doesn't want to. Jiyong has been looking all over the bulletin boards for jobs. So far most of them don't even pay well. Most are jobs for teens or people still living at home. 
"Hey man what are you doing there?" 
Jiyong looks at the massive amounts of paper on the walls. "Trying to find a job." 
Bae almost drops his mug. "A Job? Like a real job?" 
Jiyong laughs. "Ne a job.. money is getting low" 
"Man you know you can still take your time...don't rush..." Bae has always been the caring type. 
"I appreciate you man...but you have done so much for me already...I need to get something going. I need to move on." Bae nods and Jiyong continues to look at the board. He then sees a paper with blue writing. The paper is pinned crooked  and there is terrible hand writing. Normally Jiyong would look past it but it's such a odd paper he can't help not reading it.
 "30 thousand!" /The pay is what caught the youngers attention. He rips the paper off the board. "I think I found one." 
"What is it?" says Bae coming over to his friend.
"A letter opener" Jiyong grins. 
Bae laughs. "That can't be right...just read it man...30 thou per hour for opening letters...nah." The older shakes his head again. Jiyong looks at the paper again. "I feel it's legit. I will find out. It's worth a try. This is the highest amount of pay I have seen on these walls." 
"Man and that's why someone would put a bogus post on here...I don't know Ji." 
Jiyong puts his bag over his shoulder "Well it doesn't hurt to find out."  Bae smiles. "Well I know that this will bug you. Go on friend." Jiyong chuckles. "I'm leaving now. Later." Jiyong walks out into the cold Seoul streets in what's left of his designer labels from two seasons ago. He hails a taxi and gets in. "Take me here" He points at the address and the man nods. 
The taxi ride was not too long. There were a couple of stop lights but nothing that would make anyone mad. The Taxi pulls up in front of Mimi's and Jiyong pays the man. He gets out of the car and looks the building over. He has never seen the place before but it looks really dated. He then walks into the cafe. The place is another cozy feeling but it's obviously owned by a woman with the frilly drapes and the feminine upholstered booths. Jiyong looks around and is greeted by a woman. "May I help you young man." The woman smiles warmly with her coffee pot in hand. 
Jiyong bows. "Hi I will just have a coffee." He woman nods and goes  to the back. Jiyong then turns around and looks the booths over. He sees a few couples as he walks back and then he finds the mystery man. How did he know...well the table is a mess. There are piles of letters and torn paper every where. The man at the booth is wearing a dark green fitted sweater and dark jeans. His skin is pale and his hair is dark. Jiyong goes over to the table. He is not sure what to expect. 
"Uummm" Jiyong clears his throat. The man from the table looks up with a letter in hand. "Are you here for the job?" Jiyong nods and shows the paper. "Ne I'm here for the job." Seunghyun nods to the other booth. "Well take a seat...what is your name?" 
Jiyong gets nervous . "Umm Jiyong...Kwon Jiyong" 
"Well JIyong Shi have a seat please" Seunghyun hands the younger a pile of letters. "Open these"
Jiyong thought that he was going for details and a interview...not working right now. "Umm sir..." 
"It's Seunghyun" He hands the younger a letter opener. Jiyong looks at the pile. "Seunghyun Shi..I didn't know that I would be working right away. I have some questions first." 
The older frowns. "What questions." 
Jiyong gets a little intimidated by the gaze. " the pay really 30 thousand and what do I do?" 
Seunghyun smirks. "It's on the paper...You think this is a joke?" Jiyong is a little taken back by how defensive the man is. "No Seunghyun Shi I just didn't think that I would be working today." 
"Well you came here for a job right? That pays right?" 
Jiyong nods. "Ne" 
"Well here it is.. Everything you need to know is in the paper. If you have a problem with things you can leave" He points to the door and then goes back to opening letters. Jiyong is speechless. He has never encountered such a rude person in his life. If he was rich he would fit right in with the snotty. 
The older puts another pile by the younger. "Since you are still sitting there I assume you might want to stay. If you wish to. Open these too." 
Jiyong has had it. He shoves the letters back at the man. "What the is wrong with you. What kind of work ethic is this..." 
Seunghyun looks up "What I do is serious work. I don't play around. I don't have the time to deal with punks like you who come here just to with me." 
Jiyong balls his fist. "I'm not some ing kid. I'm 24 years old and trying to make it in life. Neeee it's true I thought that this was a joke but I still came hoping it to be that I'm here I don't know if I want to do this job.." The younger starts to get up. "Don't go..." Jiyong turns around to a face that is completely different. "Please...sit." He says again in a calmer tone. 
The younger sits back down and has figured that this man is completely weird. "I'm back.." 
"I'm's just that I get people coming in here all the time looking for a laugh. In order to make sure that people are genuine I have to give them a hard time.." Jiyong turns his head. "Like a test?" 
" a test..sorry that I tricked you" Seunghyun actually looked apologetic and JIyong is now starting to see a more normal person. The lady of the cafe comes out with the coffee and places it on the table. "Don't mind Hyunnie he wouldn't hurt a fly" The younger blushes. "Stop noona" Jiyong looks at their interaction and sees that the person in front of him is not mean at all. Just a man trying to run a business...if this is really a business.
Jiyong takes the first pile of letters and picks up one. He takes the letter opener and slices one letter open. He takes the letter out and places it next to him. Seunghyun watches in fascination  of the man who quickly  forgave him. "So you will stay?" 
Jiyong nods. "Ne." as he opens another letter. 
Seunghyun sighs a breath of relief. "Well now I can tell you what the job entails. You of course will open these letters.." He points at the massive piles. "My job is to read them. Every Tuesday and Friday we have to go to the countryside to the mail box to get more letters. Of course you will be paid by the hour." 
Jiyong is a little confused. "So you are a postman?" 
Seunghyun chuckles. "Kinda" 
"Then why do people send letters to you?" 
"Well they are not sending them to me. They are sending these letters to other people." 
"Other people?" 
"Aiiigo look at the time. Please open these letters Jiyong shi." 
Jiyong let's the man change the subject but things are already kind of weird. They open letters to people who send letters to Seunghyun to read but they are for other people??? ...just complicated. Jiyong doesn't ask questions. He pretty much has the dream job of opening letters and handing it to the person across from him. 
The bizarre thing is that the man is actually reading every single letter. No matter how terrible the hand writing is he reads the whole thing top to bottom. The older is a stone face most of the time but every now and then Jiyong would catch a smile. He finds it fascinating how someone elses writings can make two dimples appear on the older. 
A couple hours pass and they are finally finished for the day. Jiyong sits as his watches his now boss read the last and final letter. Jiyong has been going through the same motion and never read one letter yet. The older finishes the letter and puts it to the side. He smiles "Good work Jiyong Shi." He then reaches to the side and pulls up a massive bag. He digs around and then pulls out a envelope. He then hands it to the younger. "Good work." Jiyong bows and takes the white envelope in his hand. "Thank you Seunghyun Shi....but are you not going to count it?" 
"I don't need to?" 
Jiyong gets confused. "You might over pay me." 
"I'm sure it's right." He smiles again as he takes his letters and puts them back in his bag. "Well you may leave. Please meet me here tomorrow at 7am. What we worked on today is nothing compared to regular days." Jiyongs eyes widen."There's more...?" 
Seunghyun gets out of the booth and stands. "Ne..." Jiyong stands up too and looks up at the man who is taller than him. "Well I guess see you tomorrow." 
"Thank you for your hard work." The older smiles again and Jiyong can't help but smile back. "See you later."  The younger leaves the cafe and hails a taxi for home.
/////////////////The apt.///////////////
"So you are telling me that this job is real?" 
Jiyong nods to his roommates. "Ne it's a real job that pays." He pulls out the envelope revealing 40,ooo won. The two roommates can't believe it. "So hyung you just open letters and hand them over? That's it?" 
"Yea that's it. Easy work...but he said tomorrow there's more work." 
"Where do the letters come from man?" Says Bae curious about his friends odd job. "Not to judge but this job seems a little sketchy....where does he get his money from...where do these letters come he in the mafia??" 
Jiyong laughs. "If pink glitter is the new accessory for letters then I guess he is in the mafia.." They all laugh. "No these letters are from real people. Based on letters that I have opened they range from kids to adults." 
"Have you read any of the letters hyung?" 
Jiyong crosses his legs on the sofa. "No I don't think I can do that...well I don't know...I just open letters..the job said that there is also traveling." 
"Travel?" says Bae. 
"Ne we have to go to a mailbox in the country side" 
Bae laughs again "Man this is just weird...." 
"I know it's complicated but this is a job that I can handle and it's nice to not worry about money. Seungri would want me to be happy." He plays with the ring on his necklace. The two roommates smile. "Well hyung we want you to be happy too." 
"The job is still weird." chuckles Bae. 
"You are just as weird." Jiyong laughs 
This job is not too bad so far. All he has to do is open letters...
How hard is that...
Hey all that you for reading the first chapter. Did it make you all curious? I hope you are. Anyways please sub comment and upvote this story if you love it. Thank you again for reading. Your feedback really helps me out btw. 
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Wysmom #1
Chapter 12: I loved this story. It was better than the movie.
Dayonyl #2
Chapter 12: Just so perfect, loved it
Chapter 12: good ending ... but i think , i need some sequel .... but i'm totally love the story
Chapter 3: Whaaaatt.....???? That's crazy ... what a mysterious story ♡♡♡
Chapter 12: yaaah so good i even cried while reading it.. i like it when these stories get into you and you can feel every thing and you imagine all the faces and scenes. you are a one hell of a writer i have to say. thank you for your great work <3 :$..
lucydod #6
Chapter 4: T_T this is so sad!!!! But also so good! I love everything you write!
Dragon63 #7
Chapter 12: omgggg
this was an amazing fanficcc
i cried like a bajillion times reading this........
it was very good i loved it :D :D :D
lina250390 #8
Chapter 12: This is beautiful..thank you very much for sharing
Chapter 5: I cried in this chapter it was beautiful but upsetting
ozwalkr #10
Chapter 12: WHY do I know this story...O wait! Heaven's Postman with Kim Jaejoong!