

“What are you playing at?” Changmin a fist into the tree sending cracks through the bark. It remained standing but the mark where he’d hit it would remain for the rest of its life. “You’re ignoring the rules set in place by our leader himself.”

“Relax there’s no harm done, I’ve managed to keep calm and not react. Even when a child fell over and cut his knee I did not pounce or dig my fangs into his soft, chubby leg. Remember that I used to be a hunter.” Kyuhyun slyly smiled at his friend. “I’m surprised you’re here; have you had any cravings yet?”

“Unfortunately,” Changmin replied grumpily. “Can we get out of this place? It smells weird, I’m feeling hungry. No wonder we weren’t meant to be here. We could kill every living thing and still crave more!”


Kyuhyun chuckled, irking Changmin who was itching to go. He turned and started to walk. “Come and meet her.”

“Meet who?”

“Meet the wondrous, delightful woman I was talking with just before.” The way he described her at that moment made Changmin want to vomit. “Don’t look at me like that, come on she’s invited me for a cup of tea.”

“Do you even hear yourself?” Changmin asked him annoyed. “You’re hanging around a female human when there are about a hundred female vampires who would suit you just as fine.”


“I like this human.” Kyuhyun defended himself. “I like her more than any of the other humans we’ve eaten.” Changmin rolled his eyes. His friend continued the monologue. "I saw her just in the park. She was a vision, a star, a fallen star." He sighed, a smile brightening his pale skin. "I knew there was this magic about her when our eyes met. Trust me my friend; she's the warmest human you will ever meet. Maybe if you get to know her she can melt that icy heart of yours."


“Thanks but no thanks,” Changmin turned to go back to the park. “I’ll leave you and blood type A to get comfortable.” Kyuhyun’s face changed, he frowned at Changmin.

“Maybe it’s not that your heart is icy. Maybe it’s that you don’t have one.” Changmin gave a one syllable laugh not caring. Kyuhyun had meant to wound him however it went through one ear and out the other, he just kept walking.


“Do you even know how to get back?” Changmin stopped and then wanted to kick himself. Usually he would have covered every basis for any investigation or enquiry. How could he have been so stupid and let himself forget to ask that. Their leader Kangta wouldn’t be much help right now.

His frustrated sigh brought victory to Kyuhyun. “I’ll make a deal with you. Come and meet Joohyun and then I’ll tell you how to get home.”

“Is that her name?”


“Why does that surprise you?” Kyuhyun came to Changmin leaning his chin on his shoulder. “She isn’t a normal human Changmin. Please or I will tell one of the council members you broke a tree.”

“I didn’t break it! It’s still standing!” Changmin pointed to it.

“So just follow me,” Kyuhyun insisted and with that Changmin gave in. His friend was stubborn when it came to what he wanted. The other older vampires had faced this at times.




Changmin walked with Kyuhyun into the town. Despite being friends the two reacted different to the other while they were in a crowd. Changmin avoided passing people as much as he could while Kyuhyun didn’t have a care in the world. What humans wore surprised Changmin; most of their clothing was an array of colours unlike the dreary garments they wore, they also smelled different.


“Is it meant to be so bright here?” Changmin complained, the sun beating down on him.
“Usually hunters leave around when it would be sunset for them here. It’s the only way to avoid the blaze.” Kyuhyun seemed uncomfortable as well. He tugged at the collar of his sweater. Changmin heard the people around them murmuring as they passed. They showed to not be a threat at that moment but they had to be careful.

“Just where does this ‘Joohyun’ live?”

“We’re almost there.” They came past the shops and walked down a street where the houses were all one storey. Most of the houses had walls hiding the gardens but one didn’t. There was still a fence but it stood at around two feet. Looking over it there was a very lovely garden. It had a small pond with lily pads and flowers growing in patches all grouped by colour. A path forked it’s way through the little patch of beauty while a couple of stone gnomes, rabbits, squirrels and birds were scattered in places.

Changmin cringed when he saw one of the large nosed statues. “Ugh, gnomes she couldn’t have used something else?”

“That’s what I thought,” Kyuhyun said stopping to wait for Changmin. “Nasty things aren’t they? They have the manners of a pig.” Changmin noticed something which caught his eye. There were small sign posts in the middle of each flower bed. Peering closely he could see that there was writing on them.

“Starting is half the—“

“Unnie Kyunnie oppa’s here,” the same girl from before ran out to them. Changmin froze while Kyuhyun got his legs hugged. Kyuhyun bent down and patted her on the head.

“Miyoung-ah you found me. Looks like I can’t surprise you.”

“I don’t like surprises,” Miyoung confessed causing Kyuhyun to laugh. “I’d rather just have you come live with us.” Changmin eyed the girl warily only to get caught watching her. “Who is that oppa?”

“Oh him,” Kyuhyun gently released Miyoung from the hug. “This is Changmin; he’s a friend of mine.” Changmin bowed to her. “Nice to meet you,” he felt disgusted. Kyuhyun glared at him with a warning but Miyoung just giggled. “This oppa’s a funny one.”

“Call me oppa-nim not—“

“Oh Miyoung is this where you were?” A gate at the side of the house opened revealing the tall woman from before.  Changmin hadn’t looked at her properly the first time he’d seen her but now here she was coming towards them. He couldn’t put his finger on it but somehow he could see that something was different with her than with the other female humans he’d sunken his teeth into.


“Hello Kyuhyun,” she said greeting him, “thank you for coming by.”

“It’s a pleasure though I do admit I had to bring something extra.” At this Changmin found himself scowling. No way was he extra!


“Unnie he brought a funny oppa with him.” The woman tried to look so Kyuhyun went back to stand beside Changmin.

“Changmin meet Joohyun. Changmin’s a close friend of mine.” Joohyun nodded before giving a bow.

“Nice to meet you Changmin,” she said to him formally. Changmin returned the bow something about her greeting feeling peculiar.
“Do you always speak politely?” Kyuhyun drew breath, pinching his friend hard on the back where Joohyun or Miyoung wouldn’t be able to see. But Joohyun took no offense to it.

“Yes, it’s part of my upbringing.” Kyuhyun released his breath and his pinch. “Please come inside. I bought some cookies on the way.”

“Thank you,” his friend hissed in his ear to watch what he said which amused Changmin. He was just being his normal but somewhat antisocial self. He didn’t understand Kyuhyun’s interest in her yet but so far he was beginning to realise that Kyuhyun had been right about one thing.


For a human she sure was different.

Yeah I know it's her LOL so much for suspense. Haha Changmin's going to be a jerk and I don't even feel sorry. At least appreciate Kyuhyun's attempts to cover up his friends behaviour. I put a soundtrack in, this time more subtly than before so enjoy listening to that it's a favourite.

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Ok I fixed the problem it should be alright now. Thanks guys


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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
xinli_ang #2
Chapter 27: 36 years? I thought it was 40. I must have gotten it mixed up with something with the number 40. XD

waaah. It was a nice ending. I'm not crying, unfortunately, but that's because I'm happy for the ending.^^ Changseo! <3 hehehe LOL random thought: I wonder if they'd have kids. xD
kimi_jae #3
Fue una muy bella historia. Me encanta Changseo.
Chapter 27: I wonder why it's 36 books and not 40 XP
Nonetheless, a beautiful ending to a great story!! They are finally tgt!!
I wonder what a 40 something Minyoung would think of her immortal unnie and funny Oppa :P
What more has Changmin have in store for Seohyun? I guess it's up to our imagination right?
Chapter 26: OMG!! 40 years of practical imprisonment?! I have faith that Seohyun and Changmin's love for each other will be as unchanging as ever !! I await your update soon!!
xinli_ang #6
Chapter 26: *gore-loving side is activated*
Well, at least Kyuhyun won't have to suffer now that he's dead.
;~; TT.TT
But at least the council didn't kill him or anything, which is always good. ^^b
xinli_ang #7
Chapter 25: "Then it was still, eyes glazed over already." --> does it sound a little weird to you?

akdgshlkafsahgalkgjd Kyuhyuuuuun ;A;

"Grabbing the door he pulled hard." --> I think it's missing something. A comma or a pronoun perhaps?

"There was a tearing as the door's hinges broke, splintering at the point of impact." --> It might have been better if you'd used a differend sound than "tearing" because that sounds off. Tearing seems to be more of for objects like paper or sheets of metal, things that are more flat and thin. :) But then again, they don't have mundane strength, so maybe they CAN tear wooden doors. o.O

Hmm... I suggest mind your commas? But other than these, it was a great chapter. Sad, but good. :) Kyuhyun's choice was a sad one. :'( But good job. :D
Chapter 25: poor poor kyuhyun!! Sacrificing himself for Changmin and minyoung D,X He truly is an hero!!
Chapter 23: hopefully, the vampires will find min young!! However, will Changmin and Seohyun be able to stay together without the causing dangers to either of them?
Chapter 22: i have no idea why i subscribed to this just now and not like 100000000 years ago when i first saw this wonderful fic... so changmin is in love with seohyun! *gives applause* i love changseo, but i'm feeling sorry for kyu...