

Changmin sat opposite where Seohyun lay, watching her intently. His eyes didn’t waver as he ensured that she was still alive, still clinging onto existence.

It had been almost three days since Yunho and Kyuhyun had gone, she hadn’t woken.


“Hyung, Kyuhyun what do I do?” He murmured to no one in particular. “She’s still so weak.” Getting up he decided that he would go and check around the house for any signs of any enemies.

The skies were cloudy with no sign of any dangerous vampires. Going to the front of the garden he peered down both sides of the road in case. It had just ordinary people, doing ordinary tasks unlike him and his company who were the opposite of ordinary.


Going inside he carefully stepped inside. He’d swept up the glass two days ago, the carpet discoloured from the mess. There was the noise of a blanket being rustled. Walking over to her he knelt beside the bed.

“Seohyun, Seohyun,” he said in a soft voice. Turning her eyes opened. She breathed out, slowly glancing over at him. “C-Chan… Oppa is that you?”

Changmin assured her it was with a rather stiff smile. “Yes, how are you feeling?” Seohyun tried to sit up in her bed. She almost failed and Changmin was there to help with a hand but in the end it wasn’t needed.

Sitting up Changmin kneeled at the couch. Stretching her arms he saw her bandaged hand. It would have to be checked and cleaned soon. Seohyun glanced at her injury. “O-Oppa what did I do?”

“You hurt yourself on your sliding door so we bandaged it.” He held out his own hand. “Can I take a look?”

Seohyun nodded putting it before him. Holding it Changmin carefully un-wound the bandage to check. The blood had dried leaving it in a deep red line. He was almost afraid that he would get the urge to sink his teeth into the spot.


“Looks a lot better than before, wait here and I will change it for you,” he said. Standing he took the bandage into the kitchen chucking it in the bin. Coming back Changmin was able to sit next to Seohyun since she had moved herself into an upright position.

“Feel any different?  Do you feel weird, weak or even hungry?”

Seohyun thought for a moment. Changmin carefully wrapped her hand up again. “Hungry,” she said. “Sweet potatoes…”

Changmin looked at her funny. “Do you want sweet potatoes?”

“Yes it’s my favourite food.” She answered positively certain.

“Wow, I had no idea. I don’t think Kyuhyun did either.”

Seohyun glanced at him, her hand starting to squeeze his. “Where is he? Where is Kyuhyun oppa?”

Changmin ignored the sudden rise in heart palpitations from her touching him. “He… He has gone with Yunho hyung to Athens.”

She raised her eyebrows. “Athens? Do you mean the city in Greece; that Athens?”

“Yes, they’ve gone to bring back one of the muses, one of your kind. It’s to bring you back to normal.”

“Do I look different oppa?” She pressed down on her legs to rise but then fell back down with a gentle thump.


“Seohyun are you—“

“I guess I haven’t got my strength yet.” Seohyun admitted breathing out.

Changmin thought back to what she had said before. “You said you like sweet potatoes right?” He went into the kitchen. “Ok I can do some where would I find them?”

“In the bottom of the fridge,” Seohyun said. Opening the door Changmin took out the crisper drawer peering through them. He took one out, still covered in dirt.

“Is this it?”

“That’s a normal potato oppa.”

“Is it?” He stared at it. “So do I need to sprinkle sugar on it or something?”

Seohyun covered as she laughed a little. “It’s the orange ones. Take another look.”


Peering through the drawer again Changmin saw them. He took out about three, oddly shaped, orange sweet potatoes.
“Ok I’ve got them, now what?”

“You need to cook them.”

“What do I use to cook them with?”

Seohyun pointed at one of the overhead cupboards. “You will find a pot in there. Take one out.” Changmin closed the fridge with the drawer back in place and had a look. He took one out, showing it to her.

“Yes that one now place the sweet potatoes in it and then fill it with water but not all the way.”

Changmin did as she said and then followed the rest of her instructions which was to put it on to boil. Time it for about eight minutes and then drain the water if they were soft.


“Here,” Changmin began as he walked back with the sweet potatoes in a bowl. Steam rose from the softened orange flesh. Seohyun drew a smile and thanked Changmin as he gave it to her with a fork.

“I will eat well thank you.”

He sat on a stool as she ate, using the fork to clumsily cut small pieces for herself and then to eat. She picked up one with her other, good hand and then quickly dropped it. Changmin hurried over.

“Seohyun are you ok?”

“Ouch, a little hot.” She complained, blowing on it. Changmin quickly went back into the kitchen to grab a knife. Coming back he took the bowl from her for a moment. Wordlessly he started meticulously cutting the skin away.

“Thank you,” Seohyun told him when she received it back. Changmin allowed her gratitude to travel to his inside as he let her continue dining.

When she was finished Changmin gladly took the bowl and cutlery back into the kitchen. “So did Kyuhyun oppa say when they would be back?”

“He said they would be gone for about a week.” Changmin answered, with his back to her. He bent down, searching in the lower cupboards and drawers for stuff to wash her dishes with. Eventually he just ran heaps of warm water over them and lightly scrubbed with a brush left beside the sink.

Changmin had stopped focusing on Seohyun for that time and when he turned around to check she was gone. Placing the kitchenware on the drying rack he went back to the couch.

“Seohyun, Seohyun where are you?”

“I’m here.” The reply came from the stairs. Letting his eyes follow with his head Changmin saw her coming down, dressed in pale blue jeans, a dark blue blouse and a pair of white sneakers in her hand. Seeing the small brown bag on her shoulder was a cause of alarm.

“What are you—“

She went past him to the front door. “Seohyun you can’t go out!”

“I have to.” She answered, bending down uneasily to put her shoes on. “Minyoung needs me.”

“You have to stay here! You aren’t completely well.”

“I’m not sick oppa. I’ll be fine oppa I need fresh air.” She had one sneaker on and was about to slip the other on. Changmin was beginning to worry. He didn’t know how or if he could stop her.

“Kyuhyun will kill me if you just go.”

Seohyun turned to him, stopping from doing the laces. “Then come with me.”

“I cannot do that.”

Shrugging she resumed her task. “Fine you can wait here until I come back. That suits me.” He only just made it behind her before she opened the broken door. Forcing all his weight onto it, he tried to keep it closed.

“Oppa let me go this isn’t helping!”

“I cannot let you go.” Changmin replied, gritting his teeth. Seohyun let go of the door. For a moment the vampire was off guard until she moved around hurrying to the other side of the house.

“You didn’t know we had a back door did you?” Letting out a huff Changmin turned and followed after her. She was going to reach it before he would. Now he really needed to think.

“Seohyun please don’t do this!” He hated having to beg. He felt like a fool.

Shaking her head she opened the door into her laundry stepping closer to the other exit. “You don’t understand. You don’t know what it’s like to lose—“

Changmin came behind. He gave himself no chance to regret his actions he moved. Both hands came in front of him to Seohyun. They wrapped themselves around her waist causing her to release a sudden breath. The force pulled Seohyun backwards into him with a light bump.


Stunned, Seohyun didn’t speak as she found herself enveloped in a back hug. Changmin felt all the blood that was circulating in his body to sudden pick up speed.

“Before Kyuhyun left, he made me promise to watch you. I swore I would but not for the reason he thinks. He believes that as his friend that for me to protect you seems natural.”

Seohyun stayed still, Changmin was struggling to find the words. “But he doesn’t know… He doesn’t know that I’m protecting you for myself.” He laughed bitterly, leaning his chin against her head.

“I’m selfish Seohyun, I can lie and I’ve pushed others away from me for a long time… I’m selfish; I don’t want Kyuhyun to return soon. I want him to stay where he is for longer. Because when he comes back I’ll have to hide it. Hide how I feel; hide what it is that I want. Hide all the longing for it for he would hate me if I took it from him like that.”

Seohyun put her hands against his arms, letting her fingers grip onto him. “What is it? Can’t you share it?”

Changmin shook his head, his voice trembling due to his emotions. “I can’t share it. He won’t let it go—he won’t let you go!”


That was it. Changmin froze. He lifted his head, trying to steady his breathing. But Seohyun, she hadn’t removed her hands. Instead she was holding on a little tighter than before.


“Then… I must confess something too.” She swallowed, wetting her lips. “Kyuhyun oppa…  I don't like him.”

Changmin had to step back now, lowering his hands. She turned around to face him. “I knew he liked me, I could sort of tell. But I feel bad for not being able to return to him what he wishes.”

“Is there someone that you wish would take your feelings?”

“Isn’t it obvious oppa?” Seohyun looked up at him, her gaze longing. “It’s you. I’m shy, careful but I’m selfish too. I don’t want Kyuhyun’s affections. I want yours.”


Changmin suddenly hugged her again but from the front. She let herself go as close to him as she could, her hands grabbing the back of his jersey while he his hand lightly touched her hair and her back.

“Seohyun, thank you, thank you.”

He was grateful for knowing her, for meeting her and for her wanting to be with him. And now he knew he could allow for more to happen without the guilt of Kyuhyun holding him back.



Do you like do you like? I didn’t edit so if you find mistakes then I will try again later XD

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Ok I fixed the problem it should be alright now. Thanks guys


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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
xinli_ang #2
Chapter 27: 36 years? I thought it was 40. I must have gotten it mixed up with something with the number 40. XD

waaah. It was a nice ending. I'm not crying, unfortunately, but that's because I'm happy for the ending.^^ Changseo! <3 hehehe LOL random thought: I wonder if they'd have kids. xD
kimi_jae #3
Fue una muy bella historia. Me encanta Changseo.
Chapter 27: I wonder why it's 36 books and not 40 XP
Nonetheless, a beautiful ending to a great story!! They are finally tgt!!
I wonder what a 40 something Minyoung would think of her immortal unnie and funny Oppa :P
What more has Changmin have in store for Seohyun? I guess it's up to our imagination right?
Chapter 26: OMG!! 40 years of practical imprisonment?! I have faith that Seohyun and Changmin's love for each other will be as unchanging as ever !! I await your update soon!!
xinli_ang #6
Chapter 26: *gore-loving side is activated*
Well, at least Kyuhyun won't have to suffer now that he's dead.
;~; TT.TT
But at least the council didn't kill him or anything, which is always good. ^^b
xinli_ang #7
Chapter 25: "Then it was still, eyes glazed over already." --> does it sound a little weird to you?

akdgshlkafsahgalkgjd Kyuhyuuuuun ;A;

"Grabbing the door he pulled hard." --> I think it's missing something. A comma or a pronoun perhaps?

"There was a tearing as the door's hinges broke, splintering at the point of impact." --> It might have been better if you'd used a differend sound than "tearing" because that sounds off. Tearing seems to be more of for objects like paper or sheets of metal, things that are more flat and thin. :) But then again, they don't have mundane strength, so maybe they CAN tear wooden doors. o.O

Hmm... I suggest mind your commas? But other than these, it was a great chapter. Sad, but good. :) Kyuhyun's choice was a sad one. :'( But good job. :D
Chapter 25: poor poor kyuhyun!! Sacrificing himself for Changmin and minyoung D,X He truly is an hero!!
Chapter 23: hopefully, the vampires will find min young!! However, will Changmin and Seohyun be able to stay together without the causing dangers to either of them?
Chapter 22: i have no idea why i subscribed to this just now and not like 100000000 years ago when i first saw this wonderful fic... so changmin is in love with seohyun! *gives applause* i love changseo, but i'm feeling sorry for kyu...