

Changmin felt a pillow hit his face. Sitting up on the couch he saw Kyuhyun watching him, arms folded. “Morning we have to go.”

“Go where?” Changmin settled down again. “I already did my watch. It’s your turn.”

“Nope today’s different. Joohyun has invited both of us out with her and Miyoung.”

“And why would we go out in the middle of the day?”

“Because it’s her birthday,” that triggered a stirring. Changmin sat up, eyes bigger. When was the last time he’d had his birthday? Vampires didn’t age so the ceremony of growing older was not relevant in their culture.
“It’s her birthday?”

“Yes so I said yes to her invitation on our behalf.” Kyuhyun paused as Changmin rolled his eyes. “You could do with meeting other humans! It will help you control the urges.”

“Hey I’ve been in this God awful world for around two to three months and I still get hungry. I can’t go and hunt the pigeons that sit on the roof so what do I do when I really cannot take it?”

“You know the reason why you can’t do that anymore is because you were caught by an animal activist.” Kyuhyun sighed. “I had to come up with the weird idea that you wanted one as a pet.”

“Yeah thanks for making me look crazy.” Changmin’s sarcasm caused a scowl on Kyuhyun’s face.

Without a word Kyuhyun lifted the couch and Changmin slipped onto the floor. “You have ten minutes to get dressed and be out the door or else I’m getting rid of all the B plus blood bags.”

Changmin glared at him. “You wouldn’t,” he sneered. “I’m the only one that drinks them!”

“Oh I have my ways,” if that was a threat then it wasn’t a strong one. But Changmin saw that arguing further could give his friend more reason to take action. “Fine,” he gave in. “I’ll be there soon.”


Changmin washed himself because he knew the smell of blood was clinging to him since he hadn’t been had a shower for a few days. He put on a white shirt, a grey jersey and dark blue jeans before coming out of the bathroom with his shoes in one hand, socks on his feet.

“I said ten you took twenty.” Kyuhyun closed the door behind them, locking it in a hurry. Changmin put his shoes on in the hallway.

“It’s not going to make a big difference. We can get there if we jump or use our abilities—“

“—No it’s too risky! We could be seen.”

“It will cut the time in half Kyuhyun.”

“We’re walking to Joohyun’s house and that’s final.”


All Changmin could do was groan. The sun was out so he would be in unbearable conditions until it set. To try and protect himself he did buttons up on the collar and wore sunglasses. If he was going to burn then he would burn in style.


“So what is today?” Kyuhyun turned to death stare him. “I mean what is the date?” Changmin quickly added, understanding the nature of Kyuhyun’s glare.

“It’s June 28,” it took a moment before Kyuhyun said. “Yes I do have a present for her.”

“Wow; so what did my rich friend here buy her?”

“I’m not rich; I just manage my money better than before.” Changmin couldn’t help but laugh. Kyuhyun frowned at him in annoyance. “Hey I gave up my old ways. It’s not like I could even continue to play that game in our realm anyway. There’s no internet connection.”

“You never know.”

“Oh will you shut up?”

“Unnie they’re here!” The two stopped talking. Miyoung was waving to them at the front gate. Joohyun soon appeared in a yellow dress embellished with small orange and pink flowers. Her hair was braided and she wore brown sandals with straps going around her ankles.

Kyuhyun greeted her with a smile. “Good morning Joohyun, happy birthday.” He then walked straight up to her wrapping his arms around her. Changmin stood to the side, awkwardly watching his friend push the boundaries. Miyoung came to them, nudging her head between their legs.

“Oppa can I have a hug?” She opened her arms eagerly. Kyuhyun stepped away from a surprised Joohyun.  He bent down and reached for the little girl. “Not from you,” Miyoung pointed to Changmin. “I want one from funny oppa.”

 Changmin watched Kyuhyun. “Well aren’t you going to oblige? It’d be rude to keep the lady waiting.” He knew his friend really did not want to; however he’d been put on the spot.

At the side Joohyun smiled as Miyoung went closer to Changmin. He crouched down low as she came closer. Hugging him firmly she almost bowled him over. Fortunately Changmin managed to regain balance and then he stood up, holding onto her with one hand her arms around his neck.


The smell of her blood penetrated through her pores. He heard it pulsating up and down her limbs. The veins and arteries in her neck smelt the strongest. With her long hair out he imagined brushing it away and place his fangs against her soft, skin. He knew he could consume maybe half a litre of her clean blood and not cause any serious harm.

“Hey Miyoung I think Changmin may want you to get down,” Joohyun said seeing his face. Changmin blinked. He slowly put her down; she went to Kyuhyun without a care.

“Oppa, can we go for a ride?”

“Sure get on,” he bent down and let Miyoung climb onto his back. Changmin glanced at the ground, a weird feeling in his gut. He didn’t know what was wrong, why he suddenly felt so, so…

A hand touched his shoulder and he jumped. Joohyun was watching him with concern. “Are you alright Changmin-sshi? You seem bothered.”

Changmin paused. In the end he did he covered up his feelings. “I’m fine,” he said shaking his head. “Don’t worry about me.” The last part he meant. In his mind he didn’t see why others would be concerned.

“Ok shall we head off?” Kyuhyun asked, still holding Miyoung on his back. Joohyun nodded.

“Ok then let’s go.” They started to walk, Changmin placed himself next to Kyuhyun but put a foot’s distance between them. He couldn’t risk getting tempted again. Miyoung’s blood was creating a yearning within and for Kyuhyun’s sake he didn’t want to give in.  



They came to a bus stop where Joohyun checked the map and the timetable before sitting next to Kyuhyun and Miyoung. Changmin stood away from them, using the wall of the shelter to shield the drifting scent of others waiting for their lifts.

Kyuhyun noticed Changmin. “What are you doing?”

“I can’t move,” his friend hissed. “The smell… It’s burning my insides I’m starving.”

“You can bear it,” Kyuhyun argued. “You need to stay close to us.”

“I said I can’t move.” Changmin put his hands in his pockets, refusing to budge, “when is this damn bus coming anyway?”

“In ten minutes, we missed the last one because someone was late getting dressed.” Changmin said nothing and did so for the rest of the wait. Kyuhyun figured it was his way of showing his irritation in a more civil manner.


Eventually the bus arrived and Kyuhyun acted chivalrous and paid for all the fares. “It’s your birthday,” he said to Joohyun who had gone to do so herself. “Changmin and I will treat you.”

“We will?!” Someone cleared their throat, two people turned towards Changmin. Somewhat embarrassed by his outburst he quickly took a seat, shuffling over as Miyoung joined him.

“It should be fine,” Kyuhyun assured Joohyun calmly and they sat behind them. Changmin wasn’t sure how to pay for anything. It looked as if he would have to use an ability. It was one he hadn’t done in a while.

When no one was paying attention Changmin put a hand in his pocket. Closing his eyes he concentrated. A minute later he felt the space fill. Upon first glance he saw a fair few notes. He would count it later.


“So where’s the first place we are going?” Kyuhyun asked as the bus pulled in.

“You’ll see,” she said happily as Miyoung went in front of her. Changmin dragged himself after them off the bus.


They went down a street at the end Joohyun entered into a shop. A bell rung as the door opened. Kyuhyun had to almost drag Changmin behind him. Inside guitars hung on a wall with a small collection of woodwind instruments. In the middle of the shop floor were an arrangement of pianos and one large harpsichord that sat in the window.  A guy stood at the counter, he was doing something on his phone.

“Welcome,” he looked and them. Suddenly his face lifted. “Joohyun, it’s been a while how are you?”

“Hello oppa,” she smiled at him. Kyuhyun glanced at Changmin. He looked confused by the informal greeting. “How is business doing? Oh excuse me I should never forget my manners. This is Kyuhyun and Changmin-sshi. They’re friends of mine.”

“Hi I’m Jung Yonghwa,” the guy said bowing. Based on his clothes, a shirt and jeans as well as his long bangs and the pick necklace one could tell he was a musician.  

Changmin noticed Kyuhyun was a bit stiff. He was standing to the side as Joohyun and Yonghwa chatted instead of participating. Miyoung had found a small keyboard with a stool her size and was happily tapping the keys. She played a short tune.

“Ah well done Miyoung-ah,” Joohyun said, Yonghwa clapped. “You played Twinkle, twinkle little star very well.”

“Can you two play something?” Miyoung asked them. Yonghwa looked at Joohyun who then nodded. Kyuhyun swallowed, his face darkening.

“I guess we can, I’ll just grab my guitar.” Yonghwa went to the back of the shop. Joohyun seated in front of a piano. In a few minutes Yonghwa appeared carrying a beige six string strapped over his shoulder. He stood near the piano strumming down, pausing to fiddle with the knobs at the end and then strum again.


“Shall we do the one from before?” Joohyun agreed with him. Yonghwa counted them in. “Ok, one two three.” Kyuhyun clutched his hands together looking as if he would rip someone to shreds. But he maintained composure as the two started playing.

To make it worse for him the two started singing. Yonghwa's deep voice along with Joohyun’s high sweet one blended well together. Changmin was frozen in place as the music sent shivers up his spine and tingles in his head. Now he was here in this moment hearing her voice, the sensation from before was stronger.

Miyoung nodded her head, her eyelids drooping. Kyuhyun barely moved but it was then that he smiled, the first time he’d done that since they came into the shop. Joohyun’s voice was reaching him as well as Yonghwa who plucked the strings enjoying the moment.

It came to an end and the audience clapped. “That was beautiful,” Kyuhyun said.
“Unnie your voice is magic,” Miyoung said gleefully. Changmin found his voice was gone. It took a lot of to speak. “That was really good.”

“Thanks though don’t let us steal the spot light. Do any of you sing?”

“I do,” Kyuhyun said with a very ambiguous grin on his face. Changmin wondered whether he was becoming cocky. His friend had confidence in singing voice. “Changmin can too.”

“Hey what are you--?”

“—But I’ll go first,” Joohyun moved to let Kyuhyun sit down. He placed his hands on the ivories and began to play. The tune was more upbeat than the first song.

“Before I start I would like to dedicate this song to a very special lady, happy Birthday Seo Joohyun.”

Changmin covered his mouth to stop himself laughing. Yonghwa leaned over, to Joohyun and whispered something. Kyuhyun played another bar before starting the song.

“Isn’t she lovely?”

Changmin bit his lip, smirking. Kyuhyun kept on singing. It was in English and Miyoung struggled to follow along. Yonghwa and Joohyun listened, bobbing along or humming.

Kyuhyun finished and the audience applauded him. The shop now had a few customers who were browsing the woodwind. Yonghwa went to see if they needed any assistance.
“You were brilliant oppa,” Joohyun said to Kyuhyun.

Feeling pleased by the compliment Kyuhyun decided to give Changmin a shock. “The surprises don’t end there. Changmin it’s your turn.”

“Hold on,” Changmin started to back away. “I’m not going to sing.”

“I strongly insist that you sing otherwise you may find yourself penniless.” Kyuhyun’s threat was made clear. Changmin sensed pairs of eyes on him, the pressure building.

“Fine, but I’m only going to do one song.”

“Ok I’ll play and you sing. So tell me which one you’ll do,” Changmin whispered to Kyuhyun.

“You want to sing that?” Kyuhyun asked, confused.

“Yes,” at first he thought his friend would disagree but because Joohyun was waiting Kyuhyun started playing regardless. Changmin cleared his throat, stood awkwardly as the song got underway. Finally he opened his mouth.



It’s a long chapter and you’ll have to for the next chapter to see what song Changmin sings ^^ if you’re wondering what Kyuhyun and Joohyun sang with Yonghwa  then click on the link hidden in the chapter and guess what's significant about one of the songs (think long and hard XD)

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Ok I fixed the problem it should be alright now. Thanks guys


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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
xinli_ang #2
Chapter 27: 36 years? I thought it was 40. I must have gotten it mixed up with something with the number 40. XD

waaah. It was a nice ending. I'm not crying, unfortunately, but that's because I'm happy for the ending.^^ Changseo! <3 hehehe LOL random thought: I wonder if they'd have kids. xD
kimi_jae #3
Fue una muy bella historia. Me encanta Changseo.
Chapter 27: I wonder why it's 36 books and not 40 XP
Nonetheless, a beautiful ending to a great story!! They are finally tgt!!
I wonder what a 40 something Minyoung would think of her immortal unnie and funny Oppa :P
What more has Changmin have in store for Seohyun? I guess it's up to our imagination right?
Chapter 26: OMG!! 40 years of practical imprisonment?! I have faith that Seohyun and Changmin's love for each other will be as unchanging as ever !! I await your update soon!!
xinli_ang #6
Chapter 26: *gore-loving side is activated*
Well, at least Kyuhyun won't have to suffer now that he's dead.
;~; TT.TT
But at least the council didn't kill him or anything, which is always good. ^^b
xinli_ang #7
Chapter 25: "Then it was still, eyes glazed over already." --> does it sound a little weird to you?

akdgshlkafsahgalkgjd Kyuhyuuuuun ;A;

"Grabbing the door he pulled hard." --> I think it's missing something. A comma or a pronoun perhaps?

"There was a tearing as the door's hinges broke, splintering at the point of impact." --> It might have been better if you'd used a differend sound than "tearing" because that sounds off. Tearing seems to be more of for objects like paper or sheets of metal, things that are more flat and thin. :) But then again, they don't have mundane strength, so maybe they CAN tear wooden doors. o.O

Hmm... I suggest mind your commas? But other than these, it was a great chapter. Sad, but good. :) Kyuhyun's choice was a sad one. :'( But good job. :D
Chapter 25: poor poor kyuhyun!! Sacrificing himself for Changmin and minyoung D,X He truly is an hero!!
Chapter 23: hopefully, the vampires will find min young!! However, will Changmin and Seohyun be able to stay together without the causing dangers to either of them?
Chapter 22: i have no idea why i subscribed to this just now and not like 100000000 years ago when i first saw this wonderful fic... so changmin is in love with seohyun! *gives applause* i love changseo, but i'm feeling sorry for kyu...