I'm leaving,

My Fiance is a Prosecutor


No one’s pov


The two families are having their dinner in a restaurant and they seem happy to spend their time together. The adults are talking to each other while Yoseob is nowhere to found, after he excused himself to the washroom.


Feeling uneasy, Dujun went to get his fiancé in the washroom. He called for the boy but no one answered him. It seemed like the washroom is empty.


Yoon Dujun immediately went back to his families and asked either the boy has returned. Sighing, Dujun rubs his temple.


“He told he wanted to take a walk,” Yoseob’s umma said and Dujun just nodded.




Yoseob’s pov


I am bad, don’t I? I’m indeed a selfish, too.

Dujun left his dream because of me and now…I was going to leave him.


I put my hands in the pockets and walk along the pavement. I look to the sky and smile. If I can be as sparkle and shining as the stars…


I walked while staring to the sky at a slow pace and then, I unconsciously bumped onto someone else. The man groans and I bow down. I look at him and he seems pissed off.



I asked his apologize sincerely and the man stared me. he gets up with his friend’s help. He leaned closer and he leveled his eyes to mine.


“Are you lost kitty?”

His friends laugh and I glare him. Ah, not now. I don’t have any mood to fight now.

“I’m off,” I say and walk passing him. I sigh but then he grabs my wrist, pulling me backward. The man makes some stupid faces and I swear, I will beat him up.


“How old are you? where’s your mommy~” he said again and that really pissed me off.

“Shut up your ing mouth, idiots. Don’t you go to school?” I glare him and he smirks.

“Tst..tst..Kiddo should not curse, ya know? Don’t you think we need to give you some ‘lessons’?” he grabs my collar and I scoffed.



I guessed I don’t have any option besides ‘accept’ it.






Dujun’s pov


I call his number but that kid doesn’t pick it up. Sighing, I dial him for nth times.

Just then, I saw that alien, and it seemed did not good. Haish, that kid. Is he picking a random fight?! I rushed to his place, tried to break it off.



Yoseob saw me but he does not seem to care. He grabs my wrist seconds later and walks away.

“This rascal-“ the man pulled Yoseob to the back and the boy hissed. I turn back and saw Yoseob’s wrist has little blood on it.

Okay ajushhi…seemed liked you wanted to play rough, huh?

I pull Yoseob to my back and stare the men. Thanks to you, now I can surpass my frustration and problems.






Since he is soon to become a doctor, that kiddo wipes his own cut and later, put some medicine on it. He sighed and went to my place.

“Thanks for earlier,”

I just nodded and he took the seat next to me on the couch. He watches the television and keeps silent.

Dongwoon is staying with Dad and Mom at the hotel as that kid always whining missing them these days. And earlier.. I have told them about Yoseob’s scholarship. Of course, I did not tell mine. It would turn into something else if I did.


And…reluctantly, they let Yoseob go to the university. His parents are totally disagree but after I convinced them, they just nodded and let their son goes.





Yoseob’s pov


I groan and open my heavy eyes. I stare around and found myself sleeping on the couch. I tilt my head and saw Dujun.


Yoon Dujun…I’m sorry..

I bite my lips and lean closer to him on the couch. The couch is big so that it fitted us two.

“I’m really sorry,” I lean down my head on his lap and tug on his shirt. I inhaled the scent, try to close my eyes while smelling on him.


I …I owed you Yoon Dujun.






I stare the clock and sigh. I’m going to leave now.

I have met the rest yesterday and they told me to take care of myself. I hugged them tight and spent some time with them.


I waited for five minutes more but he did not come back. Reluctantly, I get my bags and leave the apartment. I went to his room first and scrutinized around the place.

Just then, the memories of us fighting, laughing and studying keep rewind in my mind. I do not want to cry anymore but it’s hurt too much.


I do not know either I have the same feeling as his. I’m not sure either if I am a gay. I have no interest to be in a relationship before so I do not know my preference.




I went to the cafe, before the departure calling for the passengers. I’m still hoping he will come here and meet me. I’m praying I could meet him before I leave.






Dujun’s pov


I got home and saw the empty house. I bite my lips and go to his room.


His room was empty and did my heart…


I stare the clock and my heart squeezes.


I need to meet him. Yes, I need too. Yoon Dujun, you must tell him to stay! Do not lose him…



So that I get out from the apartment and run to the airport. The airport is not too far from our university so that I think I am able to reach there before the time.





I run over the airport place, like a crazy man. I search for him or anything…anything that related to him. I cannot lose him. I just can’t!


I went to the entire place but I did not find him at all. My legs feel weak and tremble. I squat on the floor.




“You’re here. You late, idiot.” A voice greets me from my right side and immediately, I stand up and face the boy.


“Thanks for coming,” he said and pulled me into his hug.





Yoseob’s pov



I smile brightly when I saw the boy. I knew he would come to send me. he will never disappointed me.


“I’m going,” I say, as the flight will take off in next half hour. I need to be in the departure room by this time.


“Do you really need to go?”

I smile and nod.



“I will miss you, Yoon Dujun.”

He swallowed his saliva, hard. The boy did not smile or cry.

“I-I will back after a year, well if my..”

“Don’t you love me? not only a bit?”


I felt a big lump in my throat.

No pabo!

It’s because I have the same feelings inside of me and I do not want this love to block our dream. Yours and mine.

The path is still long and hard for both of us.


“I’m going,” instead of answering him, I shove my hand to have a handshake with him. Dujun stares it for a while before he takes it.

“Thanks for everything,” he just nodded. I muster all of my strength and pull my hand from his. I thought I was going to cry but I am not. I guessed I have enough of crying.


“Goodbye,” I said and when I was going to leave, Dujun grabbed my hand back and he pulled me into his embrace.


I stunned.


“I love you, Yang Yoseob.” He whispers.


“I will always love and wait for you. I will never give up on having you,” he added and he caressed my back.


“Please come back sooner. I will miss you, alien.” He says and I giggle. Yeah, do not worry. I will miss you more.


I broke the hug and smiled to him.


“Take care,” I said and bowed down. I get my bags and slowly and steadily, I walked to the departure area. I was backing him so that I will never see his sad face anymore.


“Goodbye, Yoon Dujun-sshi.”

I said and left the place.






















Okay! I'm promise this will be the last sad chapters! I won't write anymore in this story~

okay?! Now do not sad or cry..

they will be together, that my promise.


you -ah, do not worry. Please believe on me that they will soon be together, arasso?!!

*pat your head*

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The ending is complete! I will post it before the end of march ^^


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Yunsiuyeji #1
Chapter 4: So far so good
Chapter 33: I'm confused. The ending of the last chapter was about yoseob told doojoon that he will be on call for 4 days straight and will stay at the hospital. But on the next chapter, which means the one I read and commenting-chapter 30, they were on a shooting contest then yoseob is getting shot by a gun??? Like, I thought I opened wrong tab on my phone but apparently no, it's the correct tab.

Although this is an already finished fic, but I hope you could fix the grammar and try not to confuse the reader with the storyline. It doesn't matter if you're not fluent in English, but a fic with a well written storyline will become a much greater fic than it was before!

Keep up your spirit on writing!
Lera222 #3
Chapter 8: Oh my god wath did i give too doodoo *○*
alejandra1 #4
Chapter 8: Jajaa great chapter
Chapter 9: HAHA. i'm priceless! I thinks that was true. tch! Lee Sonia, you're so bad. . HEHE.
KiwiPrincess #6
Chapter 46: finish it, now going to read the sequel.. see you~
oh.,btw, this is an awesome fic.. ^_^
KiwiPrincess #7
Chapter 46: finish it, now going to read the sequel.. see you~
oh.,btw, this is an awesome fic.. ^_^
LoveUAll #8
LoveUAll #9
Chapter 8: Why did you write my name in the story??
Now Yoseob oppa will hate me!!!
LoveUAll #10
Love you too <3 !!!