This Is The Way The World Ends

Drabble Drop

title: this is the way the world ends (not with a bang but a whimper)
pairing: chenlay minor!taoris minor!sekai
fandom: exo, kpop
genre: apocalypse!au
warnings: character deaths
rating: pg
length: 462w




this is the way the world ends

this is the way the world ends

this is the way the world ends

not with a bang, but a whimper.

"The Hollow Men" by T.S. Eliot



Jongdae always found the poem stupid, and silly. It seemed so over-the-top and dramatic. Why can’t poetry be simple and sweet?


Yixing always loved to read the poem over and over again, trying to find the hidden meanings behind the words.


Jongin and Sehun preferred to avoid the clash of the two always fighting about which was better, seeking refuge inside a room far away from the storm brewing. Usually there would be yelling, books thrown to the floor, and then silence. The silence would end as Jongdae voice sounds down the hall, accompanied by the strumming of Yixing’s guitar.


Sometimes the door opens late at night, and a low, rough voice murmurs about being kicked out again and a higher, softer voice comments “yeah..sorry…”. a shuffling of feet across the entryway and two bodies landing on the couch. the tv flicks on, but it’s mostly static these days so why bother. The tv flicks off, a cover is thrown onto the couch along with a couple pillows.


“Thanks Yixing.” the low voice says.

“Anytime…” Yixing voice floats in the air, comforting and safe.


Tonight is one of those nights.


Yixing bids them goodnight and totters of to his room, softly closing the door and climbing into the shared bed. There are strong arms that pull him close and a muffled voice asking if it’s Zitao and Yifan to which Yixing replies with a kiss on and a “mhm” before they fall asleep, legs tangled together and arms holding each other.


The world shudders that night, waking up the couple in the bed. The night lights up in a flash, before the darkness returns again. They turn to each other, confusion written all over their faces. They don’t say anything as the world shudders again and there’s another flash of light.


In a room down the hall, two lanky boys are saying their prayers. They’re holding each other close, so close.


On a couch two tall Chinese men are cuddled up on the couch, whispering sweet little nothings. A hand is rubbing the shorter’s arm, trying to comfort him.


The darkness grows, as the light loses its power. The stars and moon fall out of the sky.


The prayers whispered down the hall are hushed and rushed, For Thine is the Kingdom…


The two Chinese are now silent, unmoving, scared to death.


Jongdae’s voice quietly sings in Yixing’s ear, “Here we go round the prickly pear, here we go round the prickly pear, here we go round the prickly pear, at five o’clock in the morning…” he grabs Yixing’s hand, interlocking their fingers together. He peppers Yixing’s neck with kisses. Yixing whimpers. And then there’s nothing.


There isn’t any bang, crash, boom, bam. It’s just the small whimper when it all ends. 




A/N: I got inspired by T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men" especially the last line. Like let me explain, earlier today (now yesterday) I had thought about the final lines because I knew them from somewhere but not really, anyways, I saw a picture of Jongdae all bundled up for skiing and wow I was just devastated because it was the cutest thing ever holy moly. So I tweeted the link to the pic with "this is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper" and I was inspired by that so I wrote a fic based off of it...or at least I wanted to write a fic based off of it. Didn't get too long, so I was like, alright drabble!!! So that's how this came about, ta-dah! i encourage you all to read "The Hollow Men" by T.S. Eliot.

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