
Drabble Drop

A/N I wrote this back in October, and I'm too lazy to edit it now and fix some awkwardness.

Rating: PG
Genre: Slight!Fluff, Descriptive, Fall~
Pairing: Baekyeol
Length: ~470w

Inspiration: Walking home from school on a crisp and chilly fall afternoon

The leaves crunched, a funny noise that reminded him that winter was going to be here soon. The leaves crinkled and cracked under his feet as he walked down the street, jumping on stray ones sitting out in the open that were just asking for it.  All sorts of colours: red, orange brown, yellow and some green ones that had fallen prematurely. 


He gazed down at the shattered leaves under his feet and glanced back at the ones behind him. 


‘This is fun,’ he thought before picking up a green leaf and twirling it around in his fingers, pondering something to himself. He walked on, crossing a street, the green star dangling in his grasp. 


He climbed the stairs, their pale blue bodies gasping for air as he walked up them to the porch. He heard the groans the stairs evinced as he walked on top of their legs before stopping in front of the front door of his house.


He dug around in his coat pocket, looking for his lanyard that held his keys. The leaf he had found slipped out of his hand and flew with the wind, along with thousands of other leaves drifting in the bluster. His ears picked up the sound of metal against more metal, signaling that he had found what he had been looking for.


He grabbed the set of keys, and victoriously pulled them out of his coat pocket, before searching through the numerous differently shaped pieces for the one he needed. He studied each shape before finding the one he used most often, his lover’s house key. 


Quickly, he jabbed the key into the lock, turning it left before trying to turn it right. He fumbled with the lock for at least five minutes before he finally heard the hollow click of the lock sliding open. He pulled the shiny key out of the lock and dropped the key ring back into his pocket before his hand reached for the doorknob. Turning the cold metal knob, the door cracked open and a flurry of warmth wrapped itself around him, pulling him into the room behind the door, the room he had been so eager to come home to.


“Channie! You’re home!” a slightly overzealous voice sang from the kitchen. Footsteps echoed through the nearly empty house and the voice’s owner, a petite man with gorgeous features, was now standing in front of the shivering man.


“Yes I am,” he mumbled before leaning down to greet his love with a soft kiss; the feeling of their lips against each other warmed up the taller man, he body previously chilled by the nippy air. “Miss me, huh?” he asked, holding the puppy-faced man in his arms, absorbing the warmth he had to offer.


“Always.” he said standing up on his toes, pecking the taller’s lips.


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