Who Are You?

I Met You By Fate



Chapter 5


The next day I woke up around 10 and decided to take a shower and get ready for the day. I wore a Peter Pan collared shirt that was black and white polka dots and a maroon blazer over it. I put on a highwaisted white shorts and had shear tights under them. I wore a chunky infinity scarf and a beanie. I had nothing to do for the next 5 hours because then that’s when Ae-Sook would be moving in.  Hmm… what shall I do for the next 5 hours??? Maybe I’ll go shopping.


I head downstairs and I realize I don’t know where to go.


“Chogiyo? Where is a good place to go shopping?” I ask the front desk lady.

“You could go to Gangnam?” She replies.

“Ah, okay! Thanks!” I start to walk away but then realize I don’t know how to get there.

“Uh, how do I get there?” I turn back and ask her again.

“Agasshi, how about I just call your driver for you.”

“Okay, that’s fine. Oh and call me Kyung-Mi” I say to her and smiled at her.

“Neh, Kyung-Mi shi.” She nods her head and smiles at me. She starts to call my driver.

“Kyung-Mi shi, your driver will be here in 10 minutes.”

“Adaso, Thank you!” I stand there and wait by the door for my driver.


End Of Kyung-Mi P.O.V


Taecyeon P.O.V


The next day was a free day for us so I decided I’d go visit my noona who works at Seoul Hotel. I didn’t put on a disguise that covered my face entirely but just my sunglasses and hat. I called Noona while driving there. The phone was ringing and then I heard her pick up.


“Anyeonghasayo, Thank you for calling Seoul Hotel, this is Ok Mi-Sun how can I help you today?”


“Noona! What are you doing right now?”


“Oh Taecyeon! I’m just working like usual. Why?”


“Well, today is a free day so I wanted to stop by and say hi!”


“Mmm, adaso! Today is a slow day anyways. When are you coming?”


“Right now.” As I said that I was already about to the door. The doorman opened the door for me and I walked in. Mi-Sun saw me and started to laugh.


“Look at you trying to be all cool.” She says while smirking.


“Noona, I am cool!” I go behind the desk to hug her.


“Wow, Ok Taecyeon why all of a sudden to come visit me?”


“Well you’re my older sister! I can’t come by and say hi?”


“Mmm, Adaso, adaso!”


A customer walked in, so I let Mi-sun take care of them. I stood there waiting for Mi-Sun to finish talking to the customer. Man, did they take forever.


“Should I take you to see it then?” I heard Mi-Sun ask the customer.


“Neh, that’d be great.” I heard the customer say back.


“Yah, Taecyeon! I’ll be right back. Wait here.” Mi-Sun whispers to me while walking past me.


“Adaso!” I tell her back and watch her leave. I sit in her chair that she usually sits in and I start to look around. I never realized how nice this hotel looks. I mean I’ve only been here once or twice. My eyes wonder around the place when I spot someone familiar. Is that who I think it is? I get up and start to walk towards her.


“Kyung-Mi shi?” I say to the person in front of me.



“Neh?” She says while she turns around.


I knew it!


“Do I know you?” She says.


I start to get really sad that she doesn’t recognize me but then I realize I don’t have the same disguise as last time.


“I’m Ty from yesterday. You know, we performed together and you punched me in the face…” I told her trying to remind her.


“Yeah I remember, please don’t remind me.” She starts to get a worried face.


“Kwenchanayo! I am perfectly fine! Don’t worry!” I tell her.


“Ah, neh, but why are you here?” She asks me.


“My noona is the front desk lady and I was just visiting her.”


“Chencha!? The front desk lady is your sister?” She asks me surprised.


“Neh. But, Kyung-Mi shi why are you here?” I ask her because I’m really curious myself.


“I live in one of the penthouses that are in this Hotel.” She answers me.


“Wow, by yourself?”


“My roommate is supposed to move in today actually.”

“Oh I see.”


“What are you doing right here in the lobby then? Are you waiting for someone?”


“Yeah, I’m waiting for my driver to take me to Gangnam.”


“Why are you going to Gangnam?” I was curious.


“Um… I had nothing to do for the next few hours so I decided to go shopping.”


“I know where Gangnam is. I could take you instead, you know, we could hang out… something like that.” I was getting kind of nervous and rubbed the back of my neck. I gave her a nervous glance. I hadn’t really asked anyone to do anything with me except for the guys and Noona so it was kind of weird to be asking a girl.





Kyung-Mi P.O.V


I was waiting for my driver when I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see a guy standing in front of me. I wasn’t really sure who he was.


“Do I know you?” I asked him



“I’m Ty from yesterday. You know, we performed together and you punched me in the face…” He told me. I immediately remembered. He looked different than yesterday though. He wore different things to cover his face again. I wonder why he keeps covering his face…


I asked him why he was here and he told me that his sister was the front desk lady who always reminds me and tells me about things. I liked her so I was surprised that she was his sister. Now if only I could find out who he really is underneath all those layers.


He asked me why I was here and I told him that I lived here. He was really surprised.


“What are you doing right here in the lobby then? Are you waiting for someone?” He asked me.


“Yeah, I’m waiting for my driver to take me to Gangnam.”


“Why are you going to Gangnam?”


“Um… I had nothing to do for the next few hours so I decided to go shopping.”


“I know where Gangnam is. I could take you instead, you know, we could hang out… something like that.” What did he just say? He was basically asking me out right? No Kyung-Mi he was not! Stop assuming things! He just wants to show you around that’s all! I kept arguing with myself in my head and then I looked at him and he looked kind of cute with his hand rubbing his neck like he was nervous.


“Umm…” I couldn’t think of anything to say! I didn’t want to go somewhere with a stranger who doesn’t ever show his face. I know what I’m gonna say!


“Who are you?”


“I’m Ty---“


“No I mean underneath all that.” I point to his sunglasses and hat.


He just stares at me.


“I don’t know if I should go with someone who is always covering himself up. Let me see your face.” I tell him straight up.


He starts to look around and then goes to the front desk. He looks like he’s talking to his sister. A second later he came back, grabbed my wrist and took me somewhere. I was really surprised when he grabbed my wrist. I almost fell at first, but his grip was strong so it sort of helped balance myself. I followed him to a private hallway. He stopped.


“I’m sorry for grabbing you all of a sudden, but I couldn’t show you over there. We have to be in private.”


I was really starting to get worried. What if he was a murderer or a secret government worker or a spy!


“No it’s okay.” I try not to look scared.


“Are you nervous? You think I’m some kind of criminal or spy huh?” He says while laughing at me.


“Well, you never seem to let your face be seen! What else am I supposed to think!?” I tell him back. I don’t like that he is teasing me. -____-


“Well are you gonna take off your glasses or what?” I start to get a little impatient.


“Adaso! Adaso!” He says. “But, you have to promise to not freak out and make a big deal. Adaso?!”




He starts to take off his glasses.


~~~Authors Note-- Hey guys! He's finally gonna tell her, or maybe not! :) You didn't think the front desk lady was gonna be important huh???? :DD Tricked ya! :P But thanks for reading and please do comment! I kinda stopped on the bolding and stuff. Just know that this is all said in Korean and i'll tell you when they are speaking english. Love you all!

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I am so sorry to all my readers out there! i know i haven't been updating at all. I have just been so lazy! Forgive me! I am just stressing over school! School


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bloom12 #1
Chapter 8: update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
the poster is awesome!!!
Chapter 7: I love it!!! Thanks for updating this!!! It's incredibly DAEBAK!!! Thank you so much author-nim!!!! X)
sleepeatrepeat #4
Yo! HEre is the poster I made you.. You can use it if you want:)

sleepeatrepeat #5
Wah!!!! This seems really interesting!!! I cab make you a poster! Want me to?
Chapter 2: this is daebak! :> write mooaar~ Nan joha!
titanium8p #7
Chapter 2: love the plot so far :D