Meet My Best Friend! :)

I Met You By Fate



Chapter 4


When we got done eating we headed back to the company.


“You guys were gone for a long time. Did you bring me back anything?” Wooyoung asked.


“Yeah, we put it in the kitchen downstairs.” Khun told him.


“Daebak! I was so hungry! What took you guys so long?” Minjun hyung asked us.


“Taec met a girl.” Junho told him.


“Bwoh? Who? Is she cute?”


“No! I mean yeah she’s cute, really cute actually, BUT that’s not the point.”


“So you did meet a girl!” Wooyoung said. “She probably only went to you because you are the famous Ok Taecyeon of 2PM!”


“Aniyo! That’s not the case! He totally fell for her though.” Junho said.


I shot him a death glare. “It was nothing like that! We just ended up performing together! That’s all!”


“What? PERFORMED TOGETHER?!?!?” Minjun hyung and Wooyoung said in unison.


“It’s okay. It’s no big news! No one knew who we were gosh!” I started to get annoyed by them so I went to the practice room and started to dance to “When I Was Your Man” By Bruno Mars. I saw this guy on YouTube do choreography to that song and I thought it was awesome so I wanted to try it! (   As I was dancing I couldn't get Kyung-Mi off my mind. The way that we danced together was just unforgettable. Maybe Junho was right, maybe I really did fall for her. But that can't be possible! I just met her and besides she doesn't really know who I am anyways. I don't really believe in that love at first sight stuff. I think it's just a lane way to be in "love" with someone when you don't even know them. I stopped dancing and went to find Khun because I wanted to see that Video of us performing together. 


I found him just sitting around relaxing with the others.


"Khun! Can I see the video of me and Kyung-Mi's performance?" 


"Oh, so now you’re calling her by her name?" 


"What else am I gonna call her?" I gave him an "are you stupid" look. 


"Alright, alright... Here." He hands me his phone and I take it to the studio to look at it from a bigger screen. 


I watch the video and I see what everyone kept talking about. We really did have chemistry. We had that connection. Maybe I’m just thinking too much about her.

“Yah, Who is she?” JYP Hyung asks me.


“Huh? Bwoh? Oh… Hey hyung! I didn’t even realize you were here.” I told him.


“You never answered my question, who is she? And is that you?”


“Oh yeah, that’s me and a girl named Kyung-Mi.”


“She’s good! She’s really good actually. Is this her first time doing this song?”


“I don’t know, I think so. She looked like she only knew a little bit at first but when we got more into it, she danced like a pro!”


“And she sings beautifully too.”


“Yeah she does! Wait hyung?! What are you thinking?”


He leaves the studio and I follow him. “Hyung!”


“Could you find someone named uh… Taec what’s her full name?”


“Park Kyung-Mi.”


“Oh yeah! Could you find me a Park Kyung-Mi please?” He says to his secretary.


“Neh.” The secretary says back.


“Hyung! Are you planning on calling her to audition?!”


“Yah! Stop bothering me and go back to fantasizing about her! Goodness!”


“I was not fantasizing about her!” I yell to him as he walks away from me.


He was right though. She has all the capabilities of being a star. She’s a really good dancer, she sings beautifully and she’s beautiful! How could she not be a star yet?


I go back to the studio to get Khun’s phone and then I head back to the others.


“I think Jinyoung Hyung is going to recruit Kyung-Mi.” I tell them.


“What are you talking about, Taec?" Khun says.


“Jinyoung Hyung was in the room with me when I was watching both of us perform and he really seemed to like her.”


“Too bad we really don’t know who she is.” Junho said


“Jinyoung Hyung asked Secretary Lee to look her up and we all know how good she is to find ANYONE.” I told them all.


“Wow! She must be really good then!” Minjun Hyung said.


End of Taecyeon’s P.O.V


Kyung-Mi’s P.O.V


I decided to go back to my penthouse and order room service instead.  I really didn’t feel like going to a restaurant by myself. While I was driving back I couldn’t get that guy off of my mind. The rapping, the dancing, and the smile? He acted so much like Taecyeon! Weird…


I parked my car and went inside. I was about to head upstairs but the lady at the front desk called me.


“Kyung-Min shi, There is someone here to see you.”


I was a bit confused. Who is here to see me?


“Ah, neh. Who?” I asked her.


The lady points to a girl sitting on the lobby couches.

I nod my head and start walking towards her. Who is she? When I get closer to her she turns around and spots me.

“KYUNG-MI! Park Kyung-Mi! Is that you?” She says!


“Ae-sooki?! Lee Ae-Sook! Of course it’s me! You crazy girl!” I tell her back.


She runs over to me and we hug each other very tightly. Ae-sook and I are best friends. We’ve been best friends since we were little. A couple years after I moved to America, Ae-Sook and her family moved to America too. We saw each other often but 3 years later Ae-Sook’s dad got a better job in Korea so they moved back here to Seoul. I haven’t seen her since.


“When did you get back?” She asks me.


“Just this morning!” I tell her.


“Why didn’t you call me so we could immediately hang out?! It’s been a long time, Kyung-Mi!”


“I know, I’m sorry! I forgot! Wait? How did you know that I came today? And that I live in this hotel?


“I stalk you! Hahah! No, your mom called me and told me, so I thought I had to come right away but when I got here the lady said you left so I thought I would wait for you. Aren’t I a good friend?!”


“Yes, Yes you are! Come on let’s go to my room.”


I start walking and she follows me.


When we get to my penthouse Ae-Sook is amazed at how big my place is.


“Yah, Isn’t this too big for it just being you? I mean you are just living by yourself, right?”


“Yeah, I’ve only been in here for not even a day and I’m already lonely…” I give her a sad face.


“Really? Wow! When do your parents get here?”


“Next week. And even if they were here, I’d still be living here all by myself.”


“I see. Hmm… I have an idea! Why don’t I live here with you?!”


“Yeah! Then we could hang out every day! Hahah!”

We look at each other and start laughing.

“What about your parents? What are they gonna say?” I ask her.

“They don’t care anymore. Once I’m 20 then they want me to live on my own! Haha! What will your parents think?”


“hmm… I’m sure they won’t mind! My mom would probably like it better that you’ll live with me then me living here by myself!”


“she would!”


“Mhmm! So how was your day?” I ask her


“Well, I went to school at the University of Music and performing arts of Seoul and then I came here!”


“Wait! You’re going to that school?! I’m gonna go to that school too!”


“Yeah! I’m trying to become a professional dancer!”


“Really?! I’m gonna major in singing and dancing too!”


“Your parents are actually letting you? I thought they would make you become the heir of the company for that or something.”


“No, they know that I will never be good in that kind of field. Haha!”


“Same with my parents! So, how was your day? Hmm…”

“My day so far has been really… interesting.” I told her. I was thinking about that guy again.


“Why are you smiling like an idiot?” Ae-Sook says to me. I didn’t even realize I was smiling.




“Liar! I’ve seen that smile only once and that was when you had that huge crush on Daniel in 9th grade back in the states! You met someone didn’t you?!” She gasps really dramatically. “Park Kyung-Mi! You’ve only been in the Seoul for a day and someone has already captivated your heart?! Aigoo!


“It’s nothing like that! I don’t even know him! Stop assuming Ae-sook!” I told her. She isn’t my best friend for nothing. She knows so well that it’s scary.


“Well aren’t you gonna tell me then?!”


“Adaso…Adaso… Well I got bored being here in the hotel so I went sightseeing and I stopped at a market place. While I was there I was selected to perform along with this other guy who I have no idea who. So when we performed he was amazing! He really sounded like Taecyeon from 2PM!”


“Haha! Then maybe he was Taecyeon from 2PM! Just kidding!” Ae-sook said.


“Aniyo! But anyways after the performance  I left because I was really embarrassed so i—“


“You were embarrassed? Kyung-Mi, why would you be embarrassed?! You can sing girl! And dance! Theres nothing to be embarrassed about!” Ae-Sook said again interrupting me.


“Yah! Do you wan’t to hear the story or not?!” I told her in a playful angry way.


“Adaso! Continue!”


“So I left and then when I was going to the car someone grabbed my wrist and my reflexes took over so I accidentally punched whoever grabbed my wrist. Guess who the guy was?”


“That one guy who you performed with?” Ae-Sook answered.




“So you punched him in the face?!”




Ae-Sook started to laugh out loud. She couldn’t stop.


“Yah! It’s not funny”


“Yes, it is.”


I gave her a “I don’t like you” look.


“Do you know his name?”


“He said his name was Ty but I feel like that’s not his real name. He also said he came from the states. Isn’t that weird?”

“Chencha!? Then maybe you guys are fated to be together!?”

She starts to laugh again.


“Yah!!!” I grab a pillow and start hitting her with it. She grabs one and then starts to hit me too. We are laughing and having a really fun time.


*Ring Ring* Ae-sook stops and grabs her phone and answers it.


A few seconds later…


“I have to go. I’ll go talk to my parents tonight and have my driver bring my stuff over tomorrow!”


“Okie dokie!”


I walk her to the lobby and watch her drive off.


I didn’t realize how much I missed her until now! Oh the wonders of having a best friend! 






Hey y'all! You guys finally get to meet Ae-Sook! yay! Thanks again for taking the time to read my story! :) I love you guys! Please leave comments and suscribe! I like constructive critisism so please say something! :) As you guys can tell, I am a HUGE Taec lover! He is my Ultimate bias. LOL! But yep! I hope you guys enjoy and continue to read! :)))


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I am so sorry to all my readers out there! i know i haven't been updating at all. I have just been so lazy! Forgive me! I am just stressing over school! School


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bloom12 #1
Chapter 8: update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
the poster is awesome!!!
Chapter 7: I love it!!! Thanks for updating this!!! It's incredibly DAEBAK!!! Thank you so much author-nim!!!! X)
sleepeatrepeat #4
Yo! HEre is the poster I made you.. You can use it if you want:)
sleepeatrepeat #5
Wah!!!! This seems really interesting!!! I cab make you a poster! Want me to?
Chapter 2: this is daebak! :> write mooaar~ Nan joha!
titanium8p #7
Chapter 2: love the plot so far :D