
I Met You By Fate



Bold means They are talking in Korean.

Kyung-Mi’s P.O.V

Chapter One:

            “Ok, Omma! I just arrived. I’ll be fine. Look I see a guy holding my name on a sign up. I’ll be on my way to the hotel soon, ok?” I told my mom as I just got off the plane. She called me a second after I got off the plane. I had my suitcase in one hand while I was holding my phone and purse with my other hand. The rest of my stuff was already here waiting for me at the penthouse. I saw a man holding a sign with my name on it so he was probably my chauffeur.

“Ok. But don’t go anywhere else but straight to the hotel. I don’t want you to get lost. Just stay in the penthouse until we get there, adaso?” My mom said back on the phone.

“Omma, how am I supposed to make friends if I don’t go anywhere? Besides I start college in 5 days so no matter what I’m not gonna stay in this Hotel for a whole week doing nothing. And I even have a driver so I’ll definitely never get lost. Trust me, Omma?

“Ok, fine I trust you, but if anything goes wrong just call me, adaso?” Omma says back.


“I love you!”

“I love you too! Tell Appa I love him too! I have to go now! Bye!”

“Ok Kyung-mi. Be safe!”

“Adaso!” I hang up the phone before she keeps on talking. I go to the guy and that is holding up the sign with my name on it and tells him that, that’s me. He nods, takes my suitcase and leads me to the car.

Once we arrive to the hotel, he opens the car door for me and leads me inside.

When I get inside the place is Gorgeous. The ceiling is beautiful. There is a beautiful chandelier and the place is very modernized. The hotel is huge.  (AN- Not very good at describing how things look like. Lol Sorry!) I see the main desk so I go and check in. The lady gives me my key and I head on up to my penthouse. It’s on the 23rd floor, room number 2302. My parents are room number 2304.

When I open my door to the penthouse the place looks huge for just me living in it, My parents said that I was old enough to love on my own so that’s why I live on my own. I like the colors going on in the room. It’s totally me. The interior is really nice and I like the way the room is made. My driver leaves my bag in the living room and leaves. I go on and continue to look at the rest of the penthouse.

My bedroom is a purple-based room. It has a gigantic bed with cute pillows and a comforter. The bedroom gives me a really good view of the city. I love my room! I throw myself onto the bed and I immediately fall asleep.

I wake up 2 hours later and it’s about to be 3 o’clock in the afternoon so I decide to go sight seeing. I don’t start school until Thursday, its only Tuesday. When I get to the lobby the lady tells me to go outside and wait for my driver. I walk outside to look for my driver but instead he pulls up in a brand new sports car.

He gets out of the car and hands me the key.

“Is this mine?!” I ask.

The driver nods.

“OHMYGOSH!!!!” I’m freakin out!

The driver hands me a note and I take it from him and read it.

I know you probably don’t want

 to be stuck with a driver all week so…


 Love, Appa <3

Appa is always full of surprises! That’s why I love him! I do have to admit I am kind of spoiled but I don’t ask for this stuff it’s just given to me. I’m not one of those rich snobs. I’m very thankful for what I am given. Anyways, I decide to call Appa.





“You got it?”

“Of course I did! And I love it!”

“Okay, good! I have to go to a meeting so I have to go, Bye! I love you!”

“Okay, Bye! I love you too!”

I hang up the phone and get in the car.

I arrive at a market place and start to explore. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in Korea so everything’s different. I walk around the market place and see some people with guitars and other instruments just jamming out. People are surrounding them and watching them perform. I go over to listen to them because I love music. Any kind of music. Music is my passion and I love to hear others. The guy with the microphone starts to come around and is going to select someone in the crowd to sing. I turn my back, about to walk away when someone taps my shoulder.

(End of Kyung-Min’s P.O.V)

Taecyeon’s P.O.V

At the JYP Building

Put Your Hands Up!

Put your Hands up!


Your Hands Up!


 We just got done practicing for the day. We are sweating up like crazy. We were practicing for our last Hands Up concert in Seoul which was gonna be in 2 weeks but we’ve practiced and performed this song so much that we don’t need to practice as much anymore. We went out of the practice room and went to go clean up. Jun K. hyung went to go work on more stuff in the studio and Wooyoung went with him too. Chansung went to go to talk to the other JYP artists. Junho, Khun and I decided that we were gonna go to the Namdaemyeong market place to go chill. There’s always something good going on there. And we’re hungry so minus well stop at a food vendor’s station and gets some food. We put on our sunglasses, hats and some other things to disguise ourselves.

When we get to the market place, there are a lot of people there. I use my red scarf to cover my face a little more. Khun, Junho and I walk around to see if there is a good deokbukkie stand anywhere. As we walk further down the market place there are people surrounding street performers. We walk over and check it out. When we walk over there i see a girl standing in the middle of the crowd holding the microphone. She was beautiful and I couldn’t get my eyes off of her. She had long dark brown hair with blonde tips at the bottom. She looked nervous.

“Now, we need a male! Anyone want to volunteer to sing with this beautiful young lady?” said the guy with the microphone.

No one stepped forward.

“Okay, I guess I’ll have to choose myself! Hmm, who looks like they’d be a good performer?”

The guy starts to walk around to choose a male. He goes back to the middle and says, “That Man with the red scarf, leather jacket and sunglasses please step forward!”

I look around waiting to see who the guy picked.

“Hyung! That’s you!” Junho says to me.

“Bwoh?! No it’s not!” I said

“Yeah it is! You’re the only one here with a red scarf, leather jacket and sunglasses.” Khun says.

I grab my scarf to see what color it is and I realize it is red and that I am wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses. I don’t want to go up there and get swarmed by fans!

“Just keep your disguise on. No one knows who you actually are.” Khun says like he’s reading my thoughts.

I nod and walk up to the guy with the microphone.

End of Taecyeon P.O.V

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I am so sorry to all my readers out there! i know i haven't been updating at all. I have just been so lazy! Forgive me! I am just stressing over school! School


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bloom12 #1
Chapter 8: update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
the poster is awesome!!!
Chapter 7: I love it!!! Thanks for updating this!!! It's incredibly DAEBAK!!! Thank you so much author-nim!!!! X)
sleepeatrepeat #4
Yo! HEre is the poster I made you.. You can use it if you want:)
sleepeatrepeat #5
Wah!!!! This seems really interesting!!! I cab make you a poster! Want me to?
Chapter 2: this is daebak! :> write mooaar~ Nan joha!
titanium8p #7
Chapter 2: love the plot so far :D