The Safest Place: Chapter 2

The Safest Place

Now that the driver was holding the door open, there was no time to stand and gaze around, we had to go. One after the other, we made our way on the coach and I made sure I positioned myself directly behind Tiffany, not only to get that amazing view as she moved up the steps, but to greaten my chance to sit beside her. I was so determined for that seat next to her, it made me seem so competitive but I needed it. I needed to be near my Tiffany. Before I had chance to think, the gorgeous red-haired girl in front of me turned around and held out her hand to me.

"Come on Taetae, you're sitting with me today." The cheerfulness in her face made my heart do somersaults. She actually wants to sit with me too. This opened up limitless opportunities for me to interact with her. No way was I going to let this go to waste. Not today. 

"Of course Tiffany, I'd love to." I tried to hide the desperate tone to my voice, I think it worked with ease.

"Great, thanks Tae." Her smile beaming from ear to ear. The only thing was, this is Tiffany's friendly side, there's no telling what her flirtatious side may be. They could be the same, but it's not exactly like I'll encounter that side of Tiffany. For a start I'm a girl, and secondly, I don't think Tiffany would even dream of me in that way, no matter how much I wish to believe it. Anyway, I need to get back to reality.

"Do you mind if I have the window seat Taeyeon? I prefer being near the window, I enjoy looking at the outside flash past me." Does she even need to ask? She should know by now whatever she wants she'll get from me, I'm pretty sure I've made it obvious to her. Not once have I said no to her and I never will either.

"Of course you can, you don't need to ask you know, just sit down wherever you want," I give a quick smirk to her as I sit myself down next to her.

"Thanks." As soon as she says that, she leans across to me and puts her hands on my left shoulder and faces me, staring me straight in the eye. I freeze, I feel my entire body stiffen. What is she doing? Please say something remotely to what I want to hear, please Tiffany, please. "I really am sorry for spilling all that water on you, you know." Is that it? Is that what she wanted to say? Well, even so, I could never be angry at her, she's still caring and apologising to me after all. I like the affection she shows towards me.

"Ah, don't worry about it, it's nearly dry now anyway. Besides, it's not the first time you've made me wet." As soon as I said it I realised what I'd just told her. I bite on my right cheek making sure she doesn't see any reaction. I had to restrain myself on raising my eyebrows or opening my eyes wider than they should be. Well, at least I'm honest.

"Haha, yeah, I know, I can remember when I tripped you into that puddle by accident, I'm so clumsy, but it's cute right?" Phew, she didn't take it the wrong way. Who knows what she'd have said if she did. I'd have had to have lied through my teeth with that, I couldn't tell her that, no way, even if I do consider myself honest. But oh yes, you are certainly cute, even more so.

"Awww, of course you're cute, you're my little mushroom." I chuckle and ruffle her hair.

"Oh, so you've claimed me now Kim Taeyeon? 'My' mushroom?" She proclaims with her mischievous wink soon following her sorting her hair back out. She should go for the messy look one time, makes her look, adventurous. Oh how I wish, oh how I very wish that I could claim you. Do you actually have any idea how much I want to answer with 'no but can I?' to that question? 

"Yes, you are my mushroom." I answer with a sarcastic tone in my voice, I can hardly sound convincing, but then again, what if that had good results?

"Good, I knew I was." Did she not hear the sarcastic tone? Oh well, it made me smile anyway with what she responded with.

"Hmmm, is that dry now?" Completely out of the blue, taking me by an utter surprise, she reached forward and started to pat my crotch fairly firm seeking for any sign of a damp residue. What was she doing? Has she caught on that I like her and she's doing this fo a tease? Yet, is it that reason but for sheer mockery?

"What are you doing?!" I could've kicked myself for screaming that. The one time she touches me like that and I screw it up. I just rip it into pieces and flush it down the toilet.

Seven heads turn around, one being more infuriated than puzzled unlike the others, and make straight notice of what's happening. Tiffany with her hand patting on my lap looking straight down. She arises, cheeks matching her hair and looks out of the window. She's probably mad at me now, it's my fault she's embarrassed right now, but wow she looks adorable. 

"What WAS you doing?" Asked Yuri skeptically. I had to redeem myself here, I couldn't let Tiffany get mocked.

"I spilt some water on me before we left and I asked Tiffany if it still looked wet, she just gave it a quick pat and took me by surprise, it was my fault, I overreacted, sorry." Without further ado, all the heads turned back to where they were facing and continued to chat amongst themselves. However, there was one head in particular that didn't face forwards, more to the floor if anything. The infuriated face.

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