Chapter 7

Not Your Cure

In a windowless room a lone figure sat hunched over his hands, the only illumination coming from a small lamp by the bed. In his hands he held a paper, one with deep creases where it had been folded and unfolded multiple times and the crinkles that formed from frequent handling.

The paper had multiple tearstains, from the original writer and its reader, and in some areas it had nearly blurred the words until they were practically illegible. Hands gently traced over the words, words that the reader knew by heart, but he still read them again.

Dearest Woohyun,

I’m so sorry. I am so, so, so sorry. By the time you get this letter I will be long gone and I can’t imagine what you must be feeling right now. I know my actions seem sudden, unreasonable even, but you have to understand that I couldn’t stay, I just couldn’t. If I had I know that we would have ended up unhappy.

Promise me that you won’t blame yourself. Promise me? It’s not your fault and it’s not mine, it’s just life. You’re going through a rough time and it’s affected you very deeply. I don’t know how long it will take you to heal and I don’t know how you will change as a result, but I cannot continue living like this. I’ve told you over and over how I feel about your change in behaviour, that I’m feeling suffocated. I’ve spent a long time thinking about my decision, trust me, it wasn’t easy for me to come to the conclusion of leaving you. But after weighing everything in my mind, this is the best solution. Your behaviour is your reaction to the scandal and it may change, but even if it does, your fame will have the same effect on me. I’ve seen how restricted your life is, how you have to tread carefully in every aspect of your life, public and private. What we are going through now is just a small taste of what our life may be like once our relationship goes public and I know I won’t be able to bear the strain it will put on me. I have to admit it… I’m weak. I’m not emotionally strong enough for it.

Woohyun… I don’t want to come to resent you. My love for you will never go away, but resentment will colour it and I don’t think I could bear it if that happens. I want my memories of you, of my time with you, to be happy, something I can look back on with fondness. So this is where we end.

I love you, Woohyun. I’ll forever love you. I’ll never forget you, but I will try to get over you, maybe not totally, but just enough to live my life to the fullest. Promise me you’ll do that as well? Move on with your life, with love. Go look for that person who is better suited for you, who will give you everything you need and deserve. Find someone worthier of your love.

Again, all I can say is that I’m sorry. I’m too weak to support you, to help you recover and get over the hurt you felt.

Loving you forever,


A lone tear rolled down Woohyun’s cheek and splashed onto the page, leaving yet another mark. He the ring on his right pinky, the one that had been enclosed with the letter. He remembered that day he woke up to find _____ missing vividly. The confusion and panic he had felt when he had been unable to reach her. The apprehension he’d felt when the letter had finally come in the mail, fearing to read the contents that would cement the reality of her leaving.

Woohyun flopped back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling and thinking of _____. Where was she now? What was she doing? Had she moved on already? Had she met someone else to love her? Was there another lucky man out there that got to say _____ loved him? There were so many questions and each day he tormented himself with the potential answers.

I’m sorry _____. I wish we could have ended up differently. Maybe in another life…

Finally I'm done... I'm glad I finished a story this time. Sorry again, bad chapter, bad writing. One thing I'm taking away from this though, do not procrastinate when writing because inspiration can abandon you just as suddenly as it struck. Also, I'm never writing another "you" story, OC yes, but never this style.

I tried incorporating the quote that started this entire story, but it didn't really work out.

Comments or thoughts? To cmgn13, you wanted them to end up together, but I hope you can understand why I didn't let them. See, I do read comments!

To anyone interested in reading more of my writing, although why would you since I'm terrible, you can check out His Bucket List.

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Chapter 8: It's so sad. I like how you emphasized the reality between these two.
rion_01 #2
Chapter 8: I've been holding myself from saying something since these past few chapters and decided to wait for the ending. Well, it kinda didn't change much but the appearance of the letter.. But still, it's a good read even though I feel pity for both of them. Being in a relationship with an idol who has so many die hard fans can be hard and I can understand why she wanted to leave him. Kinda bittersweet ending for me and I hope both of them will meet much better person for each other in the future. ^^ Love is not always unicorns and rainbows, so don't feel so bad about the ending. :D Thanks for sharing the story. Keep it up and I wish you all the best for you and your other fanfics. ~<3
Chapter 8: *sense between more and than im so stupid x3
Chapter 8: Oh its fine this ending makes way more than what I wanted^^ I was just being selfish XP
Chapter 7: I just hope that in the end they'll end up together >_<
Chapter 6: NOOOOOOO!!!! Dont leave him he's just in the need of love and support :(
Chapter 4: pwahahaha!!!!i wish yall had seen her face when i edited the greasy parts...but shes so good at them im sure she secretly likes them...but what????it ends soon???? sad...why you no let me know these things...sigh...
rion_01 #8
Chapter 4: Yay, and update~^^ lol Love that greasy and cheesy Namu at the end. I hope he'll keep his words and promise to her.
Thanks for updating ~<3