Chapter 2.2 - Edited

Not Your Cure

You walked into class and stopped in surprise in the doorway when you saw Woohyun in his seat. He’s early? That’s unheard of! You make your way to your seat and plop down unceremoniously. “Hey Hyun, what’s the occasion? Or are all your clocks set ahead?” you teased.

He turned and gave you his trademark grin, “I figured since it was the last day I might as well act like the responsible student.” However, at his mention of the day, his grin slowly faded and a heavy air replaced the teasing atmosphere.

It was the last day you’d have a way to constantly see Woohyun. Of course, your meetings were still sporadic because of his schedule, but now you would see less and less of each other. You didn’t want that to happen, but could think of no solution. Summer vacation was coming up, but Infinite would be promoting during the season. Your schedules just clashed too much.

Sighing, you palm your head and look at Woohyun sadly. “Promise that we won’t lose touch? Even if we can’t see each other often we have to call or text, okay?” You asked, holding out your pinky. “You better not forget me and lump me in with all your fans!”

Smiling slightly, Woohyun hooked his pinky with yours. “Promise. Even though it’ll be hard since you’re so unremarkable,” he joked, laughing when you slapped him on the back.

Time passed and your promise to keep in touch lasted the first month. Every night in bed you would be on the phone with Woohyun talking about anything and everything. Some days you would be texting one another incessantly when you both happened to be free. However those texting days slowly disappeared, but the night time calls remained unchanged. Two months passed and even those calls became few and far between as Infinite’s schedule became more demanding.

You felt horribly sad knowing that you friendship was slipping away before your very eyes. You knew he was an idol, you know how challenging their lives are and yet you went and allowed yourself to become dependent on the one person who could never be your constant. That night you went to sleep crying over the distancing relationship.

Waking up the next day, you stare at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were so puffy they were almost swollen shut and your face was splotchy. Sighing, you bent down to wash your face and later applied a cold compress to help bring down the puffiness. I hate crying, especially to bed. I look like a monster… Or someone in anaphylactic shock. Haha… I’m allergic to tears. Okay, bad joke. Ummm _____, why are you talking to yourself? A knock resounded through your tiny apartment and startled you from your internal monologue. Rolling off your bed you walked to the door thinking it was your landlord coming for the monthly rent. Grabbing the money off the table by the door you open it and the envelope towards the person. “Here it is, every dollar accounted for,” you say, going to shut the door once again. However, the person stuck their foot in the doorjamb and impeded your motion.

“_____?” a familiar voice said. “What’s wrong? Why do you look like that?”

Startled, you look up into Woohyun’s all too familiar face. A thousand thoughts ran through your mind before his presence finally registered… And then your physical state registered. Gasping in shock and embarrassment, you quickly slam the door shut ignoring Woohyun’s cries of pain. You rushed into your bedroom and quickly changed out of your ratty pajamas into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt you scooped from the floor. Running into the bathroom you stare at your face in distress. The swelling had gone down a little, but it was still obvious you’d been crying. Makeup was no use and with reluctance, you leave to open the door once again.

On the other side Woohyun stood with a bewildered expression. “What is going on? Why’d you do that?” he demanded, pushing his way inside your apartment. He out the envelope of money, “Here, take this.”

Blushing, you return the envelope to its place and follow Woohyun to your living room. Internally you give a sigh of relief. Your habit of keeping things organized had kept your apartment neat, except for the disaster zone that was your bedroom which was thankfully hidden behind the shut door. You stand nervously in front of Woohyun as he dropped himself on your sofa. Twiddling your fingers, you softly ask, “What are you doing here Woohyun? Aren’t you busy?”

Woohyun stared at you in concern since this was the first time he’d heard you sounding so meek. “What? You don’t want me here? I can just go if you want me to,” he said in a teasing manner, trying to dispel the uncomfortable atmosphere.

You shook your head vigorously, “No! I didn’t mean that… I just… Well… It’s been a while.”

“I missed you. So much! I just had to come and see you today,” Woohyun groaned. “But I’m worried about you. Why did you look so terrible first? In fact, you look kind of sick… Your face looks funny.” He got up and walked to where you were. “Are you feeling okay?” he asked, placing his hand flat to your forehead.

All those long restless nights of missing him crashed down on you at once and you hurled yourself into Woohyun’s arms sobbing. “I missed you! A lot! I didn’t know it would be this bad. It felt like a part of my heart was missing and I felt so lonely. I hate you, you know that? I hate you for doing this to me.”

Woohyun just held you close and soothed you while you let your pent up feelings out. He just constantly murmured, “I know, I know.” When your sobs quieted down, he led you to the sofa and sat down beside you. “You don’t hate me. You know you don’t. In fact, I know just what you feel,” he said softly.

Hiccupping, you stare up at him. “What I’m feeling? What is that?” you asked, slightly afraid to hear his answer.

“You love me,” he whispered slightly, and in your heart of hearts, you knew he was right. “As I love you.” After his confession, he just hugged you close and you sat in silence for who knows how long.

Later, you moved around setting the table and placed a steaming bowl of ramyun - unfortunately that was all your measly kitchen had to offer - in front of Woohyun and you ate in silence. It was a rather fragile silence, neither of you knowing what to say or how to proceed from the earlier conversation.

Finishing, you grab the bowls and chopsticks and head to the kitchen, Woohyun trailing after you. As you did the washing, he leaned against the counter and stared up at the ceiling. Eventually his voice broke the silence. “So, what do you want to do now?” he asked, not meaning at that moment, but referring to the confession.

Glancing at him, you evade the question and deflect it back at him. “Hmmm… To me it seems like the next step is natural,” he replied vaguely.

“And that next step would be…?” you questioned.

“Dating,” he answered simply. “Well, at least one date. Then we can see how compatible we are or if we’re better off as friends.” He grabbed your shoulders and stared intensely at you. “I really think we can be more. I want us to be more.”

Mute, you just nod your assent. Letting you go, Woohyun headed towards the foyer.  “Check your phone for messages okay? I’ll send you the details as soon as I have them figured out.” At the threshold, he turned around and grabbed you. “I missed you a lot you know,” he whispered. Then, before you realized what was happening, he swiftly leaned down and gave you a light kiss on the lips before swinging around to head toward the stairs. All you could do was touch your lips and listen to his melodious laughter disappearing behind him.

So how was that? Make up for the horribly short filler chapter I posted before this? I hope so!

It's true when they say inspiration strikes at the most inopportune times... I'm writing this at 2am. But that's only possible because I'm skipping school tomorrow. (I feel so guilty and wretched, but I really, really need the time to study for a really big and important Chemistry test.)

Things are starting to pick up! I'm surprisingly keeping up with the plotline in my head, which is a relief.

This was such a hard chapter to write... I don't like writing romance. I'm the kind of girl that would say "They confessed, fell in love, started dating, got married, the end." but I can't because you guys deserve better. I hope it was somewhat satisfactory.

Did you guys see Infinite's comeback teaser? I'm so excited and I can't wait! I just hope Woollim isn't going to be like they were last year, releasing a teaser 2 months before the comeback. (I don't want their comeback to be in May... I have stupid exams.) What did you guys think of the teaser?

Umm... I kind of have a favour to ask you guys. Would you mind checking out this blog, Even In My Dreams? It's my sister's new scenario/oneshot/story blog (you'll know her as singaporetwins). She's honestly a good writer and I'm not being biased! Seriously, I do laugh at her bad ideas and heavily critique her. Pretty please with a greasy Woohyun on top?

I'm sorry for the long author's note guys m(._.)m Please share some comments or thoughts. Please? I really want to know what you guys think and the lack of comments is somewhat disheartening.

P.S. Do you guys think it's weird I used the phrase 'in your heart of hearts"? My sister finds it hilarious and it's one of the many things she's making jokes on from this chapter.

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Chapter 8: It's so sad. I like how you emphasized the reality between these two.
rion_01 #2
Chapter 8: I've been holding myself from saying something since these past few chapters and decided to wait for the ending. Well, it kinda didn't change much but the appearance of the letter.. But still, it's a good read even though I feel pity for both of them. Being in a relationship with an idol who has so many die hard fans can be hard and I can understand why she wanted to leave him. Kinda bittersweet ending for me and I hope both of them will meet much better person for each other in the future. ^^ Love is not always unicorns and rainbows, so don't feel so bad about the ending. :D Thanks for sharing the story. Keep it up and I wish you all the best for you and your other fanfics. ~<3
Chapter 8: *sense between more and than im so stupid x3
Chapter 8: Oh its fine this ending makes way more than what I wanted^^ I was just being selfish XP
Chapter 7: I just hope that in the end they'll end up together >_<
Chapter 6: NOOOOOOO!!!! Dont leave him he's just in the need of love and support :(
Chapter 4: pwahahaha!!!!i wish yall had seen her face when i edited the greasy parts...but shes so good at them im sure she secretly likes them...but what????it ends soon???? sad...why you no let me know these things...sigh...
rion_01 #8
Chapter 4: Yay, and update~^^ lol Love that greasy and cheesy Namu at the end. I hope he'll keep his words and promise to her.
Thanks for updating ~<3