Chapter 2.1 - Edited

Not Your Cure

Just want to say that everything from this point onwards will be a memory unless stated otherwise.

Your friendship with Woohyun was different from all your previous ones. It was fun, interesting and complicated… Made more so by his fans.

In the beginning it had been fine, Woohyun could still walk the streets in broad daylight. It was only sometimes a fan would recognize him and come up to him. Most would just look at you curiously, but left you alone, while there were a few extreme ones who warned you to stay away from him. It hadn’t been too much to handle and you just accepted it as a normal occurrence that came as a consequence of being friends with an idol.

Hanging out with Woohyun definitely made all those unpleasant aspects worth it. He was fun, bright and always cheerful, which bothered you sometimes. The only thing about him you found really annoying was his aegyo and “greasiness”. That boy knew so many pick up lines, most cringe worthy, and he wouldn’t stop flinging his hearts around.

As annoying as it was, you understood why Woohyun acted that way. He was a person that needed love, a true love that came from knowing who he truly was. In a way, Woohyun depended on you because you were his first real friend, outside of s, since he became a trainee.

However, as time passed and Infinite promoted more and more, it became difficult to meet Woohyun. Infinite had started gather more fans that by the time they finished promoting Nothing’s Over, Woohyun was always being recognized. Fans would mob him, oftentimes pushing you away. In university, some would harass you about your friendship or try to get close to you to get close to Woohyun.

You tried to meet him whenever you could, but most of your interactions were limited to the days he was able to make it to class. Unfortunately for both of you, the semester was ending and so was the class.

I'm sorry for the long wait, but thank you for sticking by this story!

This is really just a filler chapter because right now I don't really know how to progress to the next part (I might end up rewriting the whole thing), but I just wanted to update for you guys. As the chapter title says, it's 2.1, so there will be another part to this chapter once I get around to writing it. If you remember the "prologue" from the previous chapter, you should know what's going to happen.

I'm really sorry once again, but school is really hectic and I'm already a lazy person.

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Chapter 8: It's so sad. I like how you emphasized the reality between these two.
rion_01 #2
Chapter 8: I've been holding myself from saying something since these past few chapters and decided to wait for the ending. Well, it kinda didn't change much but the appearance of the letter.. But still, it's a good read even though I feel pity for both of them. Being in a relationship with an idol who has so many die hard fans can be hard and I can understand why she wanted to leave him. Kinda bittersweet ending for me and I hope both of them will meet much better person for each other in the future. ^^ Love is not always unicorns and rainbows, so don't feel so bad about the ending. :D Thanks for sharing the story. Keep it up and I wish you all the best for you and your other fanfics. ~<3
Chapter 8: *sense between more and than im so stupid x3
Chapter 8: Oh its fine this ending makes way more than what I wanted^^ I was just being selfish XP
Chapter 7: I just hope that in the end they'll end up together >_<
Chapter 6: NOOOOOOO!!!! Dont leave him he's just in the need of love and support :(
Chapter 4: pwahahaha!!!!i wish yall had seen her face when i edited the greasy parts...but shes so good at them im sure she secretly likes them...but what????it ends soon???? sad...why you no let me know these things...sigh...
rion_01 #8
Chapter 4: Yay, and update~^^ lol Love that greasy and cheesy Namu at the end. I hope he'll keep his words and promise to her.
Thanks for updating ~<3