Chapter 5

Not Your Cure

Infinite’s comeback with The Chaser was a hit. All the negative press and feelings from Woohyun’s scandal had withered away and was replaced with positivity. The reaction to their newest song was amazing, Infinite won first place on music shows and topped charts. All in all, it seemed things were heading uphill again.

Of course, there will always be something to mar the happiness. There were still a few anti fans that sent hateful letters or comments, and although Woohyun knew that every idol had to deal with the same thing, the scandal made him more sensitive to the actions of the anti fans.

Everyone tried to make Woohyun focus on the fans Infinite and he had, on the success Infinite was achieving, anything positive to prevent him from lapsing into his depression of the past months. To them, Woohyun put up a front, forcing a smile on his face to reassure them that all was well, but with you it was a different story. He’d stay up late talking with you about the anti’s, about whatever cruel thing they had done that day and you’d sit there silently lending him the listening ear he desired, but inside you would wish the Woohyun of old would return, the one who would take everything in stride and focus on the positive.

The one thing that never changed was Woohyun’s behaviour toward you. His calls still continued to increase and he started to become obsessed with knowing where and what you were doing at every single second. You began to feel suffocated with his overbearing attention and resentful over his reliance on you. As much as you tried to reason that his behaviour was his way of dealing with what happened, you could not help but feel the way you felt. Whenever you talked to Woohyun about his behaviour, he promised to change, but he never did. In the end, you made a decision, one that was painful, but for you to have your life back, you knew you had to go through with it. There was no looking back.

Firstly, I want to apologize for the shortness of this chapter and how bad it is. I had said I was going to finish this story soon... A month and some ago. Originally, that was my plan, but things got changed and I had to leave on vacation sooner than I'd thought.

I'm really sorry for how bad this chapter is, really truly. I honestly have kind of forgotten where I was going with it and all my enthusiasm to finish has withered away leaving me hanging. You'll be glad to know that the next chapter will be the last and hopefully it won't be as bad as this one.

Please, feel free to leave any recriminations you have for me and my writing, bashing is what I deserve for this.

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Chapter 8: It's so sad. I like how you emphasized the reality between these two.
rion_01 #2
Chapter 8: I've been holding myself from saying something since these past few chapters and decided to wait for the ending. Well, it kinda didn't change much but the appearance of the letter.. But still, it's a good read even though I feel pity for both of them. Being in a relationship with an idol who has so many die hard fans can be hard and I can understand why she wanted to leave him. Kinda bittersweet ending for me and I hope both of them will meet much better person for each other in the future. ^^ Love is not always unicorns and rainbows, so don't feel so bad about the ending. :D Thanks for sharing the story. Keep it up and I wish you all the best for you and your other fanfics. ~<3
Chapter 8: *sense between more and than im so stupid x3
Chapter 8: Oh its fine this ending makes way more than what I wanted^^ I was just being selfish XP
Chapter 7: I just hope that in the end they'll end up together >_<
Chapter 6: NOOOOOOO!!!! Dont leave him he's just in the need of love and support :(
Chapter 4: pwahahaha!!!!i wish yall had seen her face when i edited the greasy parts...but shes so good at them im sure she secretly likes them...but what????it ends soon???? sad...why you no let me know these things...sigh...
rion_01 #8
Chapter 4: Yay, and update~^^ lol Love that greasy and cheesy Namu at the end. I hope he'll keep his words and promise to her.
Thanks for updating ~<3